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Everything posted by djayz

  1. How much worse could it get under the new guys?
  2. Didn't his predecessor say the same when taking office?
  3. The card they all fall back on when in a corner.
  4. Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul has never been a good idea.
  5. If it means less of "them", then I sincerely hope a few more scandals hit the headlines soon...
  6. Feels more like a step backwards than forwards.
  7. You appear to have me mixed up with somebody else. Have never set foot on Phuket Island.
  8. Sounds logical. I felt a bit daft asking for a new well when we already had one. 1k/m really sounds very reasonable.
  9. Bought a piece of land off a neighbour recently, which has a hole/well dug on it. Approximately 4m deep and about 1.5 m in diameter. This is fed from the water table, by the way. Thing is, there's no pipe/wall - just a hole. I plan on hooking a solar powered pump up to this well to water new durian trees on the new parcel of land. Question: should I have some kind of pipes (e.g. those big cement rings) lowered into the well or will it be fine just the way it is? I definitely have to do something at the ground level as this soil is not stable and tends to crumble easily. I can't take care of the ground level issue until I know what I should do with the well.
  10. Good bye and good riddance.
  11. It's difficult to believe that in this day and age, such people still exist. What the f*** was wrong with the mother that she allowed this to happen to her own flesh and blood?!
  12. If the vendor didn't know what these are, he/she is ignorant. If he/she knew what they are and sold them anyway, he/she is a piece of scum!
  13. Why don't they just release him, that's what they're angling for anyways .. getting him further and further away from the bars (the prison ones). Stop treating everyone like fools.
  14. What a witty retort that was. Did it take you long to come up with it? That's a good boy.
  15. Really? Type Karen into YT and see what you get. It goes across cultures, nations, continents.
  16. Sure it was, one that coincidentally worked in your favour. Pull the other one! It's got bells! Cheap skate. It really is dog eat dog here.
  17. A tranny dies and this is news? What next? My cat can fart the alphabet? One questionable bloke less hanging around women's changing rooms then.
  18. Will not be staying in this place for the next few years.
  19. Sometimes you need things in writing... Just sayin'
  20. When I was going to university all those moons ago, I didn't have 10k for gambling and I most certainly didn't have 350k for "police". So, either I was incredibly poor by Thai standards, or this student isn't your average Thai Student but one from a more affluent background. If that is infact the case, then it's probably just his monthly pocket money that he has lost, so no big deal.
  21. 2 - 3 weeks ago was at an avocado farm/plantation in Korat province. The owner is growing lovely avocados which he sells mainly at the gate or online. He uses a hybrid (correct word when talking about a plant which is a mix of two plants?). So, I think yes, it's possible, however, cultivars like Hass don't seem to like it here in our neck of the woods, so you're going to have to find a tree that can grow in this climate. From what I can tell, avocados don't seem to be too fussy when it comes to soil type, but they don't like having wet feet.
  22. "welfare state"??? I must get them our dictionary. One place is too generous with the welfare they hand out, other places aren't doing enough to help.
  23. It'll take more than uniforms to boost "performance". A good boot up the ar$e is what most of 'em need.
  24. I do, yes. Thanks Carlyai.
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