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Everything posted by djayz

  1. The sector should have been modernized years ago. Yes, many people will lose their jobs, but they need to be retrained and shown how to be more valuable to the economy/earn more for themselves and their families.
  2. It's no wonder considering the way food is handled in a lot of places.
  3. Last time there was an election here, it fell exactly on my 50th birthday. I honestly and truly didn't even think about the election (let's be honest, if you're turning 50, who would be thinking about elections?). Anyways, minutes before 6 o'clock I sail into my favourite pub up on Sukhumvit with a big smile on my face and a wad of money in my wallet. I order a pint of the black stuff only to be told "Sorry sir, we're closing at 6. No can sell alcohol today". That was the driest birthday of my entire adult life! Never again! Now I is a gonna stock up real good this time round!
  4. Geography isn't their forte.
  5. So an officer sees a person in need of a bit of help, instinctively lends a hand and this is what you think he's after: a tip!?!? Would you think the same of me when I hold the door open/hold the lift/stop at a zebra crossing/help a parent carry their children's buggy up/down the steps?
  6. This is their biggest concern? Sooooo relieved that there are absolutely no other problems in this country for them to investigate.
  7. What's that saying again? ???? You've made your bed, now lie in it.
  8. I pruned them back a lot in December gone and the new growth since then is simply amazing! Lovely, lush green plants. All the trees are connected to my irrigation system, so they have been getting plenty of water as well and some fertilizer.
  9. When is the best time of the year to air-layer citrus trees here in Thailand/Isaan? Thank you.
  10. "WTF" is the first thing that comes to mind.
  11. If only I could bring myself to make videos about absolutely nothing of any real value and talk s**t, I too could be a millionaire.
  12. Great news!
  13. Look for a different place to eat. ???? All kidding aside, probably one of the more useful apps.
  14. Yes, let's discuss the problem. Jolly good idea chaps.
  15. How are they different from the non-Thaksin voters? I have yet to meet a voter - in any country - who thinks beyond "what's in it for me?"
  16. That's brilliant! Thank you.
  17. It suited my needs perfectly. Mind sharing some of your sites/recommendations?
  18. Me too.
  19. Coz they abide by all the other rules, laws and bans I don't see any problems with this. Cops can chill, no need to set up check points.
  20. Have I not read similar reports every year/few years about "helping poor farmers"? The whole topic sounds very familiar...
  21. If I had a Baht ever time I've read this, not only would I be a millionaire by now, but Thailand would also be perfect. Unfortunately, neither is the case, so what does this tell us about his "orders"?
  22. Looks like it's back to my original pipe then... Thank you both.
  23. I have found out, the hard way, to keep a backup of all important documents on either an external hard drive or in a Cloud. That way, when these devices fail, which they inevitably do with time, you don't lose your documents, photos, etc. Simply replace the old laptop with a new one and you're good to go. Sometimes it is less expensive, less time consuming and less frustrating to simply accept that gadgets break and when they do, just get a new one.
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