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Everything posted by djayz

  1. Reap what you sow... Certain nationalities have "reputations" - rightly or wrongly.
  2. The answer has to be yes.
  3. Scum doesn't even come close to describing this mother!
  4. So, basically two blokes who have nothing better to do with their lives.
  5. I can understand and accept when adults commit suicide, but find it very sad when young people are so tormented that they end their own lives. They are way too young to die. RIP in Dom.
  6. The student should focus on one particular type of test e.g IELTS. Too many students prep for too many tests and end up suffering from burn out. If he wants to study abroad, IELTS is the test he should focus on as this is widely accepted world wide. There are plenty of good tutoring centres in Bangkok which offer both onsite and online courses specifically designed to help students improve their scores.
  7. Is this 250 word essay for task 2 writing in IELTS? If so, then I can help you further. I am an IELTS instructor and examiner.
  8. Have you found a course in the meantime?
  9. I think the same can be said about every educational institute here.
  10. I think we see (hear?) that on a daily basis, don't we?
  11. It is a form of compensation. The children here generally take care of their ageing parents. Now that the daughter is dead, that is one less source of financial support for the old mother. It's perfectly inline with how they do things here. In many other countries, she'd have to sue to get compensation, no? I can only assume that he recognizes that his family has wronged her and must now try to alleviate the financial burden.
  12. ???? I actually had to double check that. Yes, you're right. It has been so long since I watched that movie, I had forgotten who the main actor was! ???? my memory is not as good as it once was. Thank you.
  13. Not everything like this is because of a "mental health issue". From my observations here, I believe it's poor upbringing. Teaching children to clean up after themselves doesn't seem to be taught here. The "princes/princesses" are too protected and pampered.
  14. 1. The English Patient (watched it 18 times in the cinema and again 18 times on DVD). Beautiful movie! Ralph Fiennes is a brilliant actor! Also liked him in Salmon Fishing In Yemen. 2. The Lord Of The Rings 3. A toss between The Quiet Man starring John Wayne and The Green Mile. Both are great movies, great cast and great plots.
  15. Every religion is evil. Look at the Catholics, for example (I was Catholic untill I was about 16 years old). The atrocities they have carried out against innocent children is sickening. Not just Islam.
  16. Send them to the south. It's beautiful there this time of the year, or so I hear.
  17. When I see / hear the words "Thai" and "assure" in the same sentence, I know something's not kosher.
  18. Like a person with an agenda, you conveniently ignored my question and replied with something I hadn't asked about. Let me repeat the question you overlooked: all Israelis are squeaky clean, are they? I know it's pointless posing this question to you as you simply cannot bring yourself to admit that, no, they (the Israelis) are not without fault. How the Jews, after all they have been through, can treat other human beings the way they treat the Palestinians, is beyond me.
  19. Read the same on numerous other sites. Are they too pumping out propaganda? The only one I see here with an agenda is you.
  20. So, only the Palestinians are committing crimes over there then? All the Israelis are squeaky clean are they? Nuff said Proton.
  21. What does he think of the Israeli occupation of Palestine or the abuse of Palestinians? Does he care to comment on that?
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