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Everything posted by djayz

  1. A bit of background info first: I grew a mango, variety "nam dok mai" (มะม่วงน้ำดอกไม้), from seed some 7-8 years ago. Then, approximately 6 years ago I planted it out on our land and it has been growing pretty well since then and has grown to a height of about 2.5-3m. Here is my problem: About 8 years later and still no fruit and no blossoms. I know that it takes longer for trees to bear fruit when grown from seed (that's why I now only plant trees which have been grafted), but from what I can gather, mango trees do not need this long to bear fruit. I was wondering (1) when is a good time to graft scions from the same variety onto the mother tree. I have asked Mrs Djayz to help me locate scions, but she's annoyed with me because I "grew tree from seed" and didn't listen to her advice.... 🙄
  2. Call it what you want, justify it anyway you want, but at the end of the day, it's just "take take take".
  3. Call it what you want, justify it anyway you want, but at the end of the day, it's just "take take take".
  4. Call it what you want, justify it anyway you want, but at the end of the day, it's just "take take take".
  5. Thank you for the feedback. I thought about the lack of watering too, but the BIL, who planted grafted durian trees years ago and definitely waters them regularly, is having the exact same problem. Fruit just falling off, despite having had some fruit last year. Missus says it's "too hot". While it is hotter than usual, I fail to see how the extra degree or two can cause the trees so much stress.
  6. Principles.
  7. Get yourself a grill. I love me some BBQ chicken!
  8. Why should he? He/they have already put up fencing. Chicken owner doesn't give a toss. Why should he/they go to the trouble of surrounding their trees on their property? How is that not obvious?
  9. Don't you know who I am? All joking aside, why didn't the passenger simply notify a member of the cabin crew of this immediately?
  10. We bought a bit more land just over a year ago and on this land the owner had planted about 20 durian trees (plus mangosteens and rambutans). All from seed. Anyways, this year was the first year that one of the durian trees actually starting bearing fruit (see photo) about 1 month ago. I checked the tree again a few days ago and all the newly forming fruit is gone! Same on the brother-in-law's land (adjacent to ours, also planted by the same man and also from seed as ours). All his durian fruit has also fallen off the trees. Nobody seems to know why and the closest I got to a plausible explanation was "perhaps too hot". Any durian growers/experts out there who can proffer an explanation? Just for info, the trees in question haven't been fertilized or watered (the water table is quite high where we are, so I assume that they are getting adequate water).
  11. Yes, that's exactly what Thailand has needed over the past "15-20 years"; more sex tourists. That'll improve their image and reputation. Good one (sarcasm warning).
  12. And more times than not, with a smile.
  13. Scum, the whole lot of 'em!
  14. Deserves them right for going to an Ed Sheeran concert... 😂
  15. They [Thais] ain't seen nothin' yet. 35 THB pants is just the beginning.
  16. Surprised they haven't sued the Thai Enquirer for this condemning article. 😂
  17. This statement alone should have been enough to explain their decision and actions and counter any criticism. Taking legal action is over the top IMHO. Just how immature are these people?
  18. djayz


    Not once in my many years of travelling have I experienced this.
  19. What cultivar / kind are they? I had the same issue years ago and was told that that particular sort of papaya was ripe when big and green (similar to the ones in your photo). They are ideal for making papaya salad. If, on the other hand, it's the sweet fruit you're after, you might have the wrong sort. No papaya expert, just passing on my experience for what it's worth.
  20. Too true mate. What a sad state of affairs.
  21. 😂 Good luck keeping cats out 😂
  22. Whatever you do, it will have to be very, very discreet...
  23. Great news! I too love tomatoes! It's a great feeling to eat the produce you have grown yourself. I collect the seeds from my toms to sow the following season. If interested, drop me a PM and I'll email you a list of what I'm currently growing/collecting. The only thing I would ask for in return is some of your seeds. The same goes to anybody here who would like to swap tomato seeds.
  24. How do I say in Thai "what time does the last bus/train/boat leave at?"
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