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Everything posted by djayz

  1. Every time I start to lose faith, I read your posts and know that there must be light at the end of the tunnel again. Thank you Don.
  2. I was/am/was/am striving to grow organically, but sometimes (rightly or wrongly) I feel it's futile here. Despite using organic methods, sprays, etc. once or twice a year I get these infestations and it seems like the organic approach isn't harsh enough to solve the problem. That's why, once or twice a year, I feel like I have no other choice but to turn to the stronger chemical pesticides. The time and effort I have put into, and am still putting into, growing fruit and vegetables simply can't be in vain. Perhaps it is taking me longer to build up a beneficial growing environment, soil fertility, etc. than I had expected. As always, thank you for your feedback. It's very helpful.
  3. So they too can profit from those "special stickers"?
  4. AFFS! Now I've heard it all!
  5. I'm glad she cleared that up! I couldn't sleep worrying about how much she is really worth. 😉
  6. Internet citizens wouldn't be infatuated with other people's business, wealth, etc. if [other] people didn't constantly feel the need to keep their fans up-to-date with absolutely every aspect of their lives.
  7. I'm so glad I live in a country that has absolutely no other issues which need solving.
  8. CCTV was not designed to "prevent" crimes from happening, just to record them as they happened. If your gf's family want to prevent them from stealing, then perhaps a wall/fence around the property may be the solution, considerably more costly, I know. People here don't seem to be into naming and shaming. There seems to be a tendency to solve these issues in a calm manner. If her family have lived with this for years, then why are you getting involved in their way of life (not trying to provoke you, it is a genuine suggestion). I wouldn't get involved unless the criminals were stealing from me.
  9. Wasn't there an issue a few years ago when Deutschland confiscated a certain person's private plane until Thailand paid certain debts? Would love to be a fly on the wall if that nugget came up over dinner. 😂
  10. Am away for a few days but my missus has just sent me these photos. The fruit was taken from my Spanish Lisbon lemon tree, which I sprayed with abamectin 2 weeks ago and again last week with wood vinegar. What are these little red fellas called? Anybody know?
  11. Was there not talk of a canal only a year or two ago? What happened to that idea?
  12. So we have to read the Pattaya "News" to get the dates? Why can't AseanNow print the dates here in the story?
  13. And this coming from a country that doesn't even have bins on it's streets?
  14. People should be paid what they are worth... Hence the low wages here. A never ending problem. Empty heads, empty pockets.
  15. Stop talking about it and get the job done!
  16. Well, that comes as a surprise! Honestly, I don't blame the students - if the teachers have empty heads, what can they possibly teach/pass on? A never ending cycle.
  17. Names and addresses of all sickos should be made public. That might deter them from ruining young, innocent lives.
  18. I can think of no reason why it wouldn't be possible. From my own experience, don't water the plants or their leaves as they don't like wet leaves. This causes problems. Instead, just water the base of the plant. I grow mine in the soil, not pots, and I give them a really good, long watering about every 4 - 5 days. They seem to prefer this to watering a little every day. Re pollination; temperatures need to drop more before they are ready to pollinate. Up here in Korat, I have the best results from Dec. to Feb. when nighttime temperatures drop to 10, 11 degrees when the sun sets. Lastly, I only feed mine a balanced fertilizer, preferring organic, such as cow manure before planting out and compost or "green tea" after planting them in the soil. Check out "jadam fertilizer" by Huw Richards on YT for another organic way to fertilize plants.
  19. The beginning of the end.... Next thing is, they'll want to be prime ministers.
  20. 😂 😆 😂 😆 And so it begins... Soon at the airports, we'll see signs saying "Welcome to China".
  21. The large committee can't resolve the problems, so they set up another committee to handle them?! Could this be the problem?
  22. I'm afraid you forgot rent, utilities, staff and, eventually, brown envelopes.
  23. "proposes" and not "strictly enforces"?
  24. 😂 😆 😂 😆 LMAO
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