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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

    TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


    Animals are the thieves and murderers.Jews hungry for blood stabbing each other in frenzy.There plenty of material so zionist propaganda is useless.16 year old girl executed by cops is available in different camera angles etc.You have a dog in this fight so understand...I can pm some interesting videos where settler zionists teach their kids how to "handle" rightful owners. World is waking up...and it is going to hurt someones walletbiggrin.png

    There was a 16 year old girl INJURED by the cops in an shopping mall after she stabbed a cop last week coffee1.gif .

  2. Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

    TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


    I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

    Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

    You didn`t even read the story so let me try to explain this for you(as others have done) : The text was translated to english before the Israeli UN ambassador had a press conference for the international press to see.The originial poster was of course written in jibberish or whatever they speak in Gaza or the West Bank.

    Here is the poster with the original text


  3. Still love some parts of Phuket,but at the moment Im having a break from it.The aggresive behaviour from the above mentioned things Im used to,but what I discovered during my last visits there was an increasingly greedy behaviour from almost every part of the service industry shops,resturants,bars and yes,transport.Combined with the massive influx of mass tourism it became an major for me to take a break.

    "massive influx of mass tourism"

    Really ?



    Doh-doh-doh...........................english is not my native language......dude tongue.png

  4. Still love some parts of Phuket,but at the moment Im having a break from it.The aggresive behaviour from the above mentioned things Im used to,but what I discovered during my last visits there was an increasingly greedy behaviour from almost every part of the service industry shops,resturants,bars and yes,transport.Combined with the massive influx of mass tourism it became an major for me to take a break.

  5. "....after the attacker was killed Israeli security forces were unprepared to take any more risks, and opened fire on other people wearing press identification...."

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??? This is the main story!!!

    One knifeman dressed like a reporter prompts no questions, no orders to show ID or stand with hands up....just shoot at what are ostensibly neutral press people.

    It just shows what a trigger-happy bunch of killers some of the IDF are.

    And again you jumped to the wrong conclusion.....................

  6. Truly doubt that their economy will crumble, they are Japanese they will make out just fine. I always wondered why the Japanese put up with this base for so long. They don't need it and don't want and it is their country. They can get along without the US nonsense there just fine. I wish them God speed on moving the base out. Now if we can just work on removing the other 999 US bases worldwide that would be great. The poor US taxpayer needs a break and could use the money on a lot more really useful stuff.

    The bases in Japan(like the numerous bases the US and other NATO countries once had in Germany) was also an deterrent to those two countries.They wasn`t asked,righfully enough they had to accept it.

    The existence of the bases on foreign territory is by mutual agreements. If one side wishes to change that agreement, the bases will be removed. They do not fall under the same regulations as an embassy. The land belongs to Japan and they can ask that they be removed, moved, reduced etc..

    With those changes will go changes to the agreement for protection. In the case of Japan it is the locals who are a dominant force in not wanting the bases. The Japanese gov't seems a lot less likely to want them removed.

    Japan has some unfriendly neighbors, including Japan and Russia, but hey, if they don't mind being under the control of either or both, it will have only a minor affect on the US.

    That "agreement" didn`t have any possibility for the host land to terminate the contract until after the Cold War ended and the US and NATO didn`t have that much need for them.

  7. Truly doubt that their economy will crumble, they are Japanese they will make out just fine. I always wondered why the Japanese put up with this base for so long. They don't need it and don't want and it is their country. They can get along without the US nonsense there just fine. I wish them God speed on moving the base out. Now if we can just work on removing the other 999 US bases worldwide that would be great. The poor US taxpayer needs a break and could use the money on a lot more really useful stuff.

    The bases in Japan(like the numerous bases the US and other NATO countries once had in Germany) was also an deterrent to those two countries.They wasn`t asked,righfully enough they had to accept it.

  8. Rented a condo in Central Pattaya for 2 years.The first year I didn`t notice anything,but the last year I got rashes after 1 week every time I showered and I didn`t never feel properly clean.I was led to believe that the condo had water from pipes,but noticed that in dry season the water trucks would come there uptil 3 times a day.

    Filled up the sink with water one day,left it until the next day and the amount of sand and dirt that had accumalated at the bottom was just amazing bah.gif !

  9. As I get older and crankier I cannot, for the life of me, see any purpose in a customer required dress code instituted by a bunch of minor bureaucrats, except to prove that they have the power and the ability to hassle the Falangs. I am also amazed at how many in this forum are so willing to justify, rationalize and generalize about how this is right and correct and fair and why we should be thoroughly happy and willing to jump when those bureaucrats, who often seem to enjoy making up rules and costs on the spot, tell us to hop.

    So whats your solution? Should we take strike action or a have a massive demonstration outside every immigration office ?

  10. Nothing "NEW" !

    Phuket have had these signs since at least last February.

    I think it's unreasonable to ban sandals and short pants in beach resort areas like Phuket and Pattaya.

    I think it is unreasonable anywhere in a country with a tropical climate. More so considering the vast majority of the locals wear shorts and flip flops every day.

    But the locals don`t turn up for an important appointment in an goverment office wearing shorts and flip flops.I agree with some standard when visiting a goverment office............many farang slobs obviously doesn`t.

    • Like 2
  11. Yeah its too easy to call some one else a coward.. Maybe the west should be training these guys, so they can go back and fight for their own country, with the wests help??

    What have we been doing for the last 10 + years in Iraq ? Pouring billions in to make their military stand up and fight.With the sightings of a few thousands Daesh soldiers 20.000+ modern equipped Iraqi soldiers lay down their high -tech arms and let themselves be slaughtered.Useless !!

  12. Yes, such is life...

    For some trash openly provoking many people by their terrorist mentality shooting innocent bystanders or children is freedom fighting.

    On the other hand the killing of terrorists launching rockets especially when there are innocent bystanders or children across the border is collective punishment.

    Collective punishment as an education measure did work wonders in the past. I would recommend at least to go after all family members of terrorists and jihadists.

    The BS stories about family not knowing "NUSING" about their offspring activity can only work in a PC climate of deaf, blind and dumb politicians. Or in "Hogan's Heroes".

    Fears of reprisals for all family members would keep many hot heads in check. If not - it would help to alleviate the problem through reduction of potential grounds for breeding terrorism.

    Imams known to teach extremist views to their flock should also be made responsible. In a very harsh way. Didn't see many cases against these "wholesalers of opium for people".

    The real problem is too many people are afraid to be called "racist", Islamophobes", "Politically Incorrect" and as a result are not capable to fight against the maladies of present times.

    Many of us are being exploited through these fears. Count me out.

    Perhaps you overlooked the fact collective punishment is illegal.

    True.But when you are facing an opponent that are driven by an collective hate to you,should you sit back and do nothing ?

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