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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. From the article below;

    Police in Germany are keeping quiet about a spate of rapes targeting children committed by Muslim migrants in and around refugee camps so as not to “legitimize” critics of mass migration, according to local media reports. Schools in Germany situated near migrant camps are also warning girls not to wear shorts or skirts so as not to offend migrants and provoke “attacks”. “Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings,” wrote school administrators, asking that students respect the migrants’ “culture”.


    infowars, home for anti-gun control nuts, gold bugs, anti-semites, neo-fascist and the usual world conspiracy crowd.

    I guess Gatestone isn`t much better then ?


  2. 1.2 grammes of marijuana!!!!!!!!

    Move over Pablo Escobar.

    hahaha!!! You beat me to the punch with your comment - I'm watching a series called "Narcos" which is about Escobar and the DEA and was going to post almost identical comments!! What a joke - 1.2 gramms of marijuana, which in a lot of countries (Holand & Portugal for example) is perfectly legal! Say goodbye to your friends and family Mr Blackwood, you're about to embark on a journey that will be at best, no fun.

    It sounds like he will be locked away for life? Will not happen, some time in lock up a hefty fine and on a plane back home.

  3. Falling back to crusade attitudes is certainly no progress at all.

    Making Europe a fortress against Islam is more archaic than anything else. Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

    Europeans cried for cheap labour in the 1960's, and many Muslims came to work there. Right now, some European countries are dying (no children) - and Slovakia is trying to make Europe a fortress again. Who do they think they are?

    Can you give us more examples of the things Muslims have introduced that have benefited our European culture,except from the numeric system? The first Muslims who came here to work was hardworking and didn`t demand special rights and handouts compared to the ones that have arrived over the last decades that demands handouts,are super sensitive over their religion and have no intention of blending in or give something back to our society.

  4. simple 1 wrote :

    "You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues"

    I access lots of content,but the problem is that the mainstream media doesn`t and unfortunately the mainstream media is the ones that the average citicen reads and trust.

    Got a few examples?

    Got many,but one is that the mainstream media in my country is deliberately referring to everyone crossing the Med nowadays as refugees,when clearly most of them are economical migrants come from politically stable West or North African countries.When the average citizen get bombarded with false information like this dailly it`s unforunate and gives a wrong picture of the situation.

  5. simple 1 wrote :

    "You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues"

    I access lots of content,but the problem is that the mainstream media doesn`t and unfortunately the mainstream media is the ones that the average citicen reads and trust.

  6. Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

    I'm sure you and others of a similar mindset are hoping no more news will leak out for weeks, if at all because a terror attack in the progressive humanitarian capital of Europe would be very inconvenient, not to say embarrassing.

    P.s the old tired 'far right' canard is looking dafter with each passing atrocity. I can but state that supposedly right wing sources are the only ones I tend to trust. Why? Well as George Orwell once wrote - In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

    Your allegation is based upon the usual conspiracy theories trotted out by the sites you & others obviously follow. I believe that so far Swedish security agencies have not made the link to Islamic extremism; I suggest to you they have more facts to hand than you. If the killers are identified as being motivated by Islamic extremism then it needs to be made public.

    I have made clear that in my view far right political parties are just as much a threat to Western democracy as the Islamist. Beyond me why so many of this forum subscribe to the far right and support their agenda.

    Maybe because the far right (who is still legal politically BTW) is the only source of information about the rapidly growing threat from radical Islam nowadays,since all other sources keep quiet because of political correctness ?

  7. I think Thailand should start to differentiate between "ladyboys" and "cross dressers". I believe there are many ladyboys out there who live the ladyboy life because they truly feel, think and behave like a female, but I can see that the ugly, masculine ones are on the rise... They simply dress up as girls and put on make up, trying to cheat, rob and eventually just cause trouble, sheddling a bad light onto all the genuine ones. I met many kind hearted, honest, and attractive ladyboys who never commited a crime, had own businesses, studied arts, etc...

    Good post.The persons arrested in this and most other cases here are not LB`s,but what most will refer to as "c..ks in a froc" !!

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