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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. There are still loads of bars with hookers where they don't act like that. Loads.

    And it's still fun as they value customers. These are the bars that will survive.

    Bars that p1ss off customers, won't. Simple innit?

    Ever heard the saying it's easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar?

    Most of the smarter hookers (they are in the "service" industry) know that.

    Loads ?? IMO there USED to be loads of nice bars where they didn`t push for drinks the moment you entered,but many of the most popular bars are not worth a visit anymore because of their constant drink pestering.An example is when you order a beer,after a few minutes(and sips) a bar girl usually arrives pulls the beer out of the condom and asks "One more?" followed by the question "Buy one drink for me?"

    When this is repeated every 5 minutes it just get annoying and ruins what used to be a good and relaxing drinking athmosphere.I`ve been living the last 2,5 years in Pattaya and I have NEVER experienced the same there in the dozens of bars I`ve visited.

  2. Nice picture of the black sludge city run off thats filtering into the swimming area though....... .

    Sludge blink.png ?? Well,with a bit of ingenuity they can always promote it as a school of fish ........................

  3. i will leave whether it was right or wrong to kill 120,000 civilians along with the many injured and the future generations with birth defects to others

    however I do not believe the propaganda that dropping this bomb was about saving US lives in the event of an invasion

    the reasons were

    The US had to justify the billions [in todays money} that were spent on the research and development

    The US wanted to see the effect of dropping a nuclear weapon on a city

    There was also an element of revenge in this act

    The US wanted to send a message to the Soviets to show its political strength at the end of the war

    The US bombed Hiroshima on 6th August 1945 and Nagasaki on 9th....the USSR declared war on Japan on the same day

    The fact that the Soviets had declared war would have been enough to cause the surrender of Japan due to overwhelming odds

    This action was a war crime but the victors never pay the price for their crimes only the losers

    The Emperor and the military didn`t want to unconditionally surrender,even after the Hiroshima bomb and the Soviet declaration of war.After the second bomb over Nagasaki the Emperor wanted to surrender,but the military still insisted to continue the fight.

  4. If the gulf of Thailand is only 50 m deep, then there is no sub needed. Purchase patrol boats. thumbsup.gif

    The sea around Singapore is average 40 meters deep but they got 6 subs and 2 more on order they will have 8 subs and Indonesia is aiming for 18 subs

    And these countries and countries with shallow waters around the North Sea has submarines also. But they are used in a pro active way out in the deep seas(as intelligence collectors etc.) , many times in waters far away from their own shorelines.They mission is not to sit stuck in the mud in shallow waters protecting harbours.

  5. Through out history every military seem to be able to find ways to improve their tactics to make gains against guerilla forces or terrorists, but that doesn't seem to be implented in the Deep South. Military, police and village volunters still using tactics and equipment that makes them very vunerable out in the field.The sheer incompetence from the top down is not only mindboggling, but tragic !!

  6. Do they still Execute them here for Drugs??

    Hope so, we don't need this sort of creature in our midst. Of course, the Bleeding Heart mob in Australia will be screaming for "mercy."

    They'll reckon it was his First time, he's a loving husband/son whatever and should be spared.

    Yes spared, just like the kids he has sold his filth to in the past.

    Congratulations to the COPS on some excellent work!

    For 1 g of Coke and 22 grams of weed, no way.

    Probably a short time in jail and a hefty fine.

  7. I keep saying the same thing :- the solution, is to give them 4 of the provenances but on the understanding that Thailand will provide nothing from the date of exchange.

    Let the separatists have their state but warn them if there are ANY acts of terrorism it will to treated as an act of war.

    It must be far cheaper in lives and money to police a border between the sea and Malaya, than it is to keep walking among the enemy.

    No,no,no.................the World is full of failed nations and we don`t need another one:Even if Thailand doesn`t provide any aid if these provinces gain independence,you can bet that our Western goverments would be more than happy to fork out billions of the taxpayers money.

  8. Why waste tax payers money to keep scum like this alive, and lethal injections are not the solution. Make a show by having the guy executed in public by slow shooting. There is no need to show humaness or kindness to low life forms like these. Make a public stance by letting them suffer in public , let them weep and cry in pain before dying slowly. If possible, the parents (or rather animals) that bore these scum should also be executed along with them.

    There are hundreds of miscarriages of justice involving murder around the world, incl the USA. That's why the death penalty is not only morally wrong, it is ineffective and it often results in the execution of the wrong person.

    Can you point out to us how many wrong persons that has "often" been executed ??

  9. and btw, its totally stupid to work on it in HIGH tide... you fix things when its low tide and wait for the tide to rise...sounds logic? it is!!!

    in Italy they made the COSTA CONCORDIA swim again...and here in an area where they live from watersports on the beach wich hosts the Kings Cup since many years

    they are unable to help some sailors...

    Boats doesn`t swim................they float thumbsup.gif .

    right mr. wisenheimer, thx for the lesson....

    ...do smart a55es swim or float?

    no info about topic but too much time wink.png ....

    Only glad to help thumbsup.gif .

  10. I see: TV's finest humanitarians are out in force again.

    Ask yourself (in the comfort of an airconditioned living room, with a beer besides your keyboard, enjoying the freedoms and luxuries of a Western lifestyle, often "accomplished" on the back of the so called "developing nations"): how desperate would YOU have to be, to give some shady figure your last hard earned money, to get on a boat, that is hopelessly overloaded -not with food or water, mind you- and sail out into the night, into bad weather, with marginal equipment!

    If you are so desperate, that you are willing to pi$$ into the Devils face, on the off-chance, he might let you live!

    Yeah...I guess, it is just not your problem, since it is only "the Muslims"...some "economic immigrants"...some numbers, that have to be dealt with.

    Mind you: they are living, breathing persons. Someones son, brother, sister...

    I hope, no one of you will EVER get into a similar situation!

    The world is a cruel place for most people,but please tell us how many we should let in to Europe.........100.000,5 million or maybe 50 million ? The realistic of us knows that the best solution is to help people where they live.The naive on the other hand believes by importing poor migrants to the West is the best solution,but fail to realize that it will ruin our welfare system and in the future destroy our nations.Call me an egoist,but Im not willing to be poorer in the future because I helped people in to my country who in the future most likely will contribute nothing ,except to drain the welfare system.

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