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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. I`ve been working in Nigeria previously and been chatting to a few Nigerians(who comes from the area around Lagos) about the madness that goes one in the North.The little knowledge(or interest) they have about whats going on in their own country is mindblowing.When I refer to their president as No good Jonathan because of the his failure to talk about or his lack of will to solve the problem in the North,despite of a big military they get angry and will of course vote for him in the february election.

    The North-South divide is a giant problem in Nigeria.

  2. The U.S. State department worked overtime to create a 'crisis' in Ukraine that now is used to justify continued US occupation throughout Europe. Since when is the military concerned about money? Having squandered one and a half TRILLION dollars on the F-35 which cannot fly in bad weather, is years behind deployment and has been denounced as an obsolete and ineffective boondoggle by most of the air defense establishment including the designer of both the A10 and the F-15 it cannot fulfill the mission assigned to it.

    "continued US occupation throughout Europe." Please enlighten us which countries in Europe that are currently occupied by the USA laugh.png ?!?!

    • Like 2
  3. Some years ago when I first arrived there was a case in Phuket where British and American men, both Moi Thai students had a fight. The American won but the Brit went followed him home with a knife and killed the America, or at least that was the story in the paper. The Brit ran for the border. There were several reports on efforts to extradite the British man back to Thailand for trial. I would love to see BKK Post and/or ThaiVisa do follow up stories on this kind of well known case in the pattern of "Where are they now?" I'd like to know the bad guys are sitting in a jail somewhere. I would be comforted by knowing that. I often feel greater fear of hopped up farangs I see at times than I do Thais.

    Lee Aldhouse was extradited to Thailand,had his day in court and is now serving 25 years in Thai jail http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/685019-phuket-court-gives-pitbull-lee-aldhouse-25-years/

  4. When is Europe going to wake up God is getting even they killed the Jews now their Muslims are killing them

    Europe wake up

    It is already to late to wake up.This social experiment was bound to fail from the start and there is no way to reverse it,unfortunately.

    It`s already a war among us and the only way we can contain is to go after these extremist and their supporters SS-style !!

    Really? Concentration camps and all that? coffee1.gif

    Don`t be silly tongue.png .

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailand is a common destination for oil field workers. Immigration hasn't figured that out?

    Now here we have a legitimate, high spending tourist. He even spends money in Thailand when he is not even here!!... paying for an apartment and supporting his lady.
    What's wrong with Immigration, hassling these people? Especially when there is a crisis in the tourism sector.
    Dumber than dirt.

    Unfortunately, all the years of illegitimate tourists, and now illegitimate "students," have made life difficult for some foreigners. One can't fault the Thais for trying to enforce their own visa laws and regulations.

    True,but in this case Phuket immigration enforces it own laws and regulations as it suits them.

  6. Thailand is a common destination for oil field workers. Immigration hasn't figured that out?

    Now here we have a legitimate, high spending tourist. He even spends money in Thailand when he is not even here!!... paying for an apartment and supporting his lady.

    What's wrong with Immigration, hassling these people? Especially when there is a crisis in the tourism sector.

    Dumber than dirt.

    By definition he is not a tourist.

    So how would you define a tourist,a person who comes here once a year on a visa excempt or a tourist visa ? As long there is no limit on visa excempts and no restrictions of the amount of days you can stay here who defines who`s a tourist or not........except from Phuket immigration and other Southern immigration offices who suddenly has decided to interpret the law as it suits them,unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  7. "In a gun battle that last 10 minutes later, the militants fled."

    This happens every single time. Do the Thai Army actually have any tactics, or do they all just dismount from the pickup and head for the front gate ?.

    Agree.It`s sooo frustrating that after a decade of fighting the terrorists in the South the Thai military doesn`t seem to learn from previous mistakes when it comes to the tactics they deploy.How many times have they "encircled" a terorist camp or a house,only for most of the suspect to flee ??

    • Like 1
  8. When the dek serves in bars give me an attitude because I only leave a ten baht tip on the tray, I take it back and say "ok, you no want John keep." Reminds me when I was a boy and didn't stoop to pick up a penny and my mother said: "Today you laugh at a penny...one day you'll cry for a penny." I guess that's why I retired at forty...thanks mom! Seems like some Thais need to listen better to mom.

    Seems that some farang should be less condescending.
    Leave NOTHING on the tray.

    Inquire if diligent and attentive dek serves are permitted to keep all "tips in the hand".

    If the answer is yes, TIP in the hand

    At the same time telling them that you TIP only for SERVICE.

    Ask 'em how they like "thai style" tipping. Or Chinese or Russian style. Or low rent Japanese for that matter.

    Add to this comment (if your Thai or their English is good enough) that ANYTHING they have heard to the contrary from their stoopid "aunties" about farangs and tipping is bullshit racism.

    The younger ones get it.

    You will have done your bit.

    The waitress is not a 'beer dek' She is 'service'staff. If you want to tip her give her the money direct not on the tray. Tray money goes to the bar not the staff. Many of these girls are really poor, trying to help their families,and DO NOT GET A SALARY. They rely on our generosity

    and tips. The mean minded, mean spirited, scrooges here make me ashamed. If you can't afford to tip 10 Baht then do not go out for a drink. Do not come to Thailand.

    In the bars I`ve regularly frequented over the years,the tray money has been divided between the staff.I hope it`s not any different in Pattaya.

  9. Pattaya needs a real tough person in charge and not to wait for gangs to do something, go after them with a vengeance. Wont happen I agree but it does nothing for Thailand's reputation in the eyes of the world.

    I tell people don't under any circumstances visit Pattaya it is a cesspit of humanity and only suitable for the depraved

    The problems with youth gangs is a growing problem EVERYWHERE in Thailand nowadays,even in the cities out in the sticks where so many TV posters seems to reside coffee1.gif ..........

  10. These new type of Chinese tourist are the worst when it comes to sneak in front of you.As others here mention it`s just to practice sharp elbows and the word "No" in a hard voice more in the years to come.The folks on TV who enjoy the numbers of Russians here dropping will regret it as more of these annoying knuckleheads from mainland China will swamp Thailand like a locust plague in the future.

    They are the worst group of tourists coming here,ever IMO.

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  11. Last year, in Detroit alone, there were over 200 black on black deaths, where is the march for those who died?

    every year, dozens of police officers die in the line of duty, where are the protesters for those guys?

    the day the African American will learn the world owe them nothing, that when the killing

    on both side will stop..

    This fact seems to lost to the press because of PC,as Chief Flynn of the Milwaukee Police states in of the best statements ever : http://conservativetribune.com/police-black-crime/

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