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Everything posted by RubbaJohnny

  1. Behind all such "schemes" here are schemers , you can be sure philanthropy comes way down the list , so many troughs so many snouts , Welcome to the Land of Lies
  2. Is the auto cull of so many worth a few days festival. Sure give workers a well earned break and time to visit families, but surely this is too early for public celebrations? Easy to advise against water splashing, young drunk males are hard enough to herd in normal situations. I suppose the regime hope the 100s who'll die needlessly in crammed pick ups dicing with drunken motor cyclists with no crash helmet will be higher than Covid. I have witnessed people spraying water and foam from pick ups , blinding riders vision. Darwinism in practice, just give a thought to the already stretched hospital and rescue staff who'll have to deal with the consequences.
  3. Ok red bs boy we're looking this time, but as you are so rich we'll close our eyes and count up to 100 million slowly until the statute of limitations for killing one of our colleagues passes. In the meantime please note you may only kill poor unimportant policemen if seriously rich , shameless and connected, the comfort and face of the high so is more important than justice and a warning to others.
  4. I shall warn my ladies to avoid a load of Borax or Borat. I think the popularity of fishballs (who knew they had them ) is they are cheap and require little effort always popular. With sufficient Chillis , Soy, Sugar, Prik Bon and Nam Plaa the somewhat fishy testicle flavour is disguised no doubt.
  5. Meanwhile red bs boy who killed one of their colleagues, no action at all. All they are good for is accepting bribes, elephant tickets and protecting dictators against those struggling for democracy.
  6. So 5 satang per head from realm of millionaires and the seepy empire, I imagine the red bs boy's bungs alone would have been more
  7. Having tried even "Slackrope" walking , barely 2 feet off friend's garden I can assure it is no mean feat. Tightrope walking aka Funabalaisme as personified by the great Blondin and others requires some qualities notably absent. He crossed Niagara Falls many times, with a lion on his back,sat on a chair and read a paper mid stream etc 1 Handling a Pole , a few ladies have mastered this Other qualities may need a rub a dub down the hub 2 Equal balance between left and right 3 Steady footwork 4 Limited wobble 5 Ability to act calmly 6 Don't look down on the public 7 Oh and no safety net, Elephant tickets or golden parachutes
  8. I was told must wait months from last shot. Mixed messages again.
  9. This is where fiddling with elastic band proficiency comes in, eely , I eely think these people should know about bungs.
  10. Time for a tug? Or throw a fistful of dollars and few squid at it.......... When all else fails it could be used to hide non performing hubs, politicians and seals, I'm sure anchored vertically at "Victory Monument" the con will be visible to all.
  11. Who will insure for costs not covered by such policy Such as asymptomatic Extra hotel Cost of tests and forced Hospitle without symptom Change of travel , loss of tickets
  12. Sure way to scotch such demands ask for a refund clause for non performing bones. I thought I was lucky my mother -in-law expected no money upfront, much cannier to play the long game, however both she and my wife far exceeded expectations, I'm not sure they would agree about me as I am to them a work in progress......They thought in addition to an ATM , they'd acquired a chauffeur. builder, gardener , handyman, kitchen boy. It was a pleasure to relieve them of all such misapprehensions! I regretfully explained from my lazy boy recliner in my most "Sincerely folks voice' I regret your Immigration Office has reserved all such tasks to falangs so as not to deprive willing Thais of honest toil and much as I'd like to hang out the washing ,mow the lawn, trim your bush, clean the dogs and bitches , car, yard and garage there could be talk....
  13. I'm sure the more enterprising gamblers will devise a Snotto Lotto ???? Hotty totty here we come
  14. There are Wise debit card I am unaware thy issue credit cards? I have use SCB, TMB. visa cards with Kasikorn ANZ, NAB, NW and Citibank over the years and now find Wise does all I need faster easier to track and cheaper, I chose a Wise Mastercard to have max choice as I recall having all Visa cards rejected in Indonesia one visit despite of course having sufficient funds. I am not sure they will send a card to Thailand and you cannot transfer baht out, use Dee money I appreciate your frustration with so many variables and schlonky service by Easyjet. Thank you for the warning. What I don't understand is if your Easyjet booking payment taken you would have received with flight ref email, a receipt? and proof of purchase or option to request the invoice, or have they changed since pandemic?
  15. Oddly there is one skill they all need competence in foreign languages esp English , Chinese , Japanese, even Russian, German, Hindi for tourist area but retired teachers are not allowed to work. I know of several highly qualified ex EFL teachers forced to retire at 60 , its not even easy to volunteer legally requiring paperwork and visa hassle etc. The first step could be to retrain/fire local EngRISHHH teachers and remove corruption from the exam system, have English exams online moderated by an external agent like the British Council, of course Mickey Mouse degree/certs would still be sold as is the tradition of rich queue, it makes you realize thy do not want the praa to be able to read International media or question their masters. Very tank ewe much for Brown envelope give me Ajarn , little Somchai is now greased into "Top tip University of Phone eDegrees"
  16. A difficulty in a place where , lying, disinformation, misinformation, bribery , nepotism are normalized and just plain ignorance abound. I cannot recall a leader admitting they lied or were in error lately , a fault not unique to here. Added to this suppurating barrier is of course the self imposed shackle of trying not to embarrass the oppressors via "Loss of face". Of course aside from tourism or needs of imported labour the regime, it's not really governing more like crisis management while fooling/robbing the citizens so wants any lever to control dissent movement, Easier to make protest marches illegal than waste more bullets shooting nurse in Bangkok. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2018/12/11/mother-of-slain-nurse-charged-for-constitution-day-rally/
  17. Correct A IT pro recommended to me never click , reply or open any unknown sites. They may install junk, bitcoin miners or other malware onto your devices. Good housekeeping tips here from Singapore government which if afraid of my or ThaiVisa linky ! type their address into control bar or go to their home page. https://www.csa.gov.sg/gosafeonline/go-safe-for-me/homeinternetusers/5-simple-ways-you-can-fight-spam-and-protect-yourself
  18. Could part of the ever changing "application" of the rules,not the rule be that folks who stay at ASQ hotel get a TM30 done their which is on the database, then when you get back to your base the address changed. When in doubt ask your Office or do a TM30 online. As others have noted each office/officer seems to have impunity to interpret/apply/make up rules for which there are countless examples. Of course anything that causes loss of face or confrontation to a monopoly over your stay needs prudence. For many years I have had good advice base on current laws and situation from Joe and others , an invaluable resort which has enabled me to never need an agent or under the counter methods .
  19. Regimes come and go , The Middle Kingdom has always been the largest tribe within which there have been Dictators Kings Warlords and now Xi he too will be but a speck of dust like all here in the next century.
  20. Everywhere insufficient income has a variety of solutions 1 Extra hours or better paid hours. If fixed income you may be able to use capital for investments as passive income, or some sort of side hustle, half my neighbours are trading on Bitcon, Amway type door to door pre covid and now Shoppee or Lazada, no idea how much this generates but they are basically underemployed/unemployed wealthy housewives with working husbands, so they are not reliant on the success of such "ventures" work online , Rent a room on Air BnB .Cook in rather eat out are typical for many today, Unpalatable but perhaps necessary for some who cannot work more due to low skills, child care or fixed contracts is lower consumption, fewer holidays, no days off or switch to cheaper alternatives , many people I know in my village spend barely 100 a day they have fresh organic veg , fish and grains/pulses. , Of course it may not be acceptable to keep ducks, geese, chickens in your Condo or tether a Buffalo in the Executive stye. I'd refrain from keeping swine if you host dinner parties. Of course if you want imported/western food from Air con malls it'll cost obviously and have larger environmental footprint, local veg also puts income in the pockets of desperately poor people . 3 Perhaps move to a place that is cheaper to live less commute etc, most Thais don't have a car but a motorcycle , bicycle or flip flops. Thailand is little cheaper than some places in Europe Serbia, Monetnegro, Portugal, or Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica,Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecaudor depending on your needs. From pre Covid vacation Indonesia , Vietnam seem better value,I guess it depends on whether your income is only in Bahts ? Other equation is time/money balance if you earn 5-10 times a local it makes sense to pay them to cook, garden, decorate , wash your can while you earn added value at International tariffs. Some TV people have transfers, pensions, dividends subsidies , welfare, allowances from parents , spouse or have inherited property so no rent etc. If it is a real worry do the dull spreadsheet look at all outgoings , often items running a vehicle, alcohol , tobacco eating out will be far more than any saving that can be made at the vegetable markets. My wife and daughter spend more on telephones than my mother in laws pension! I spend more on wine than all other spending combined but as Churchill said , I like it and I can afford it. May I suggest try a month as a pescatarian vegetarian as a vegan full or pat time , you may like it, Street market veg like all others need thorough rinsing for pesticides, but fwer imports. I hope you have sufficient for pension, health care emergency repatriation, because if the price of carrots are a concern it may be Bugs Bunny to time to bug out. Good luck , and of course there s always price gouging and with fuel inflation everything is going to go up faster than income. TVestites are wise enough but never never get involved in Tontines, gaming/gambling or informal money lenders, the scourge of LOS. There are endless pyramid scams everywhere but they keep recurring with a new twist. Cosmetics, gadgets, or just well disguised Ponzi run from even inside well known Banks. If it looks to good to be true it is. After the roaring success of my $5 tobacco tin as $3000 bomb detectors I am reporpoising Sardine cans into a submarine as the tender ones only looks at the size "bung" not whether it'll float your boat !! Free Sardines bring your own plastic bag and strong elastic bands or a "Submarine" sandwich. A final advice based purely on personal experience , getting married is a very expensive way of getting free laundry .
  21. South Africans have a lovely embassy here Sarf Effrikans have a lovely embassy here in Banckok http://www.dirco.gov.za/bangkok/
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