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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. I really doubt all the tar stays on the bong. Yes, maybe more on the bong than in your lungs but if the smoke gets in your lungs then tar gets there too.
  2. I've always liked bongs like this. Where you can remove the stem, fill the area where the water would be with alcohol, allow it to sit overnight, and then run a bottle brush down through it. The removable stem can then be soaked in alcohol as well. Easy to clean. And yes, a carb hole is ideal, in my opinion.
  3. One thing you didn't comment on which is important to me, how easily it can be cleaned.
  4. That is pretty much a summary of how I create and remember passwords. I have been using that method for years and rarely have any issues. The issue I do have occasionally is when a website won't allow the special character I always use. I don't trust any app or service. It's pretty much why I don't trust the cloud for storage of important personal documents. Things can always be hacked.
  5. Where can I find on the website a link to contact 'Support' you mention? As I said, I didn't email. I replied to the 'Contact Us' link in the message received when clicking on the notification of that thread. I did that more than 24 hrs. ago, so how patient does one need to be? It seems generating this thread got the needed reply (and more replies than really needed) I was looking for. So perhaps it is better/quicker to generate a thread than using a contact link?
  6. Yes, I think that was the case as the poster was trying to sell something.
  7. I think that was the case now that you mention it. Perhaps the message received needs to state 'Thread Deleted' rather than the message I received which made it seem I was in the wrong about something and was blocked from seeing it again.
  8. Okay, that is a nice to know email address. Where can that email address be located on the website? Furthermore, why do I need to go to my email to send a message, doesn't the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of the Home page work? (I sent a message using that link as well, and no reply.)
  9. Why no reply from admin to the messages I send them? I was posting on a thread and the next thing I know is I see this message when I go look at a notification I got on that thread. I replied to the notice multiple times as well a directly messaging the main Admin and yet not a single reply.
  10. I think what he meant was, time flies by, nothing to do with body, health, or exercise.
  11. Why doesn't this surprise me. My friends in the Nan area are always telling me how folks start fires and then don't monitor them. The fires burn uncontrolled and sweep over on my friend's property at times. Seeing and reporting those that do set the fires when there's a burn ban does no good.
  12. I understand that, but I don't see how it could hurt. Make noise, and it gets attention, right? ('The squeaky wheel gets the grease') My next step was to take my story to news agencies. How many US citizens do you think are retired, living in SE Asia, drawing SS or are about to, and supposedly supported at the embassy in Manila? .......and they only have a 6 hr. window weekly to call in..... and cannot make a connection.
  13. Damn, I had to do a Google Image search on what a 'pram' is...... ahhhhh a stroller!
  14. Agreed. Try sending another FBU inquiry. It took me two times before I got my email and in the second inquiry I referenced the first one. Not sure if anything helped but I 'followed' both the US Embassy in Manila and the Ambassador on Twitter and started sending both tweets. Good luck and keep us posted.
  15. How about the same full name? I never did, however my mother did. It was when i was in my 30s and my mother flew from Texas to Colorado to visit me. She was seated with a doctor that had the same first, middle, and last name as me. My mother was always a talker and would strike up conversations with strangers. If I recall the doctor lived in Colorado and was returning home from visiting one of his children in Texas. The exact opposite of what my mother was doing. Roll forward about 4 or 5 years. I received a phone call one early evening asking for me. I replied with my name. They said that they were from some church and was wanting me to send them the title to some land that I apparently donated to them. I said that wasn't me as I didn't own any land and only owned my house which I definitely wasn't donating. After hanging up I thought about that doctor my mother had met years earlier.
  16. I remember being conceived in the backseat of a Chevrolet.
  17. Looks like a pretty good flick, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion as I've never heard of it before. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4080956/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  18. Why change now? Wasn't all the deaths that occurred over the past few years due to Covid?
  19. I posted this on another thread but maybe it might be an interest to some who are wondering what the he77 is going on with their application: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the dates of my own situation it appears these are roughly the current queue times: Submitting online application to getting a phone appointment notification - approx. 13 weeks (NOTE: That was with submitting 2 FBU inquiries and a couple emails. Unsure if doing those things had any sort of impact.) Phone appointment notification to actual phone appointment - approx. 2 weeks Maybe they are so understaffed or so there are many applications being filed they are much further behind then what they state (2-4 weeks). maybe it's time they update that information.
  20. From the dates of my own situation it appears these are roughly the current queue times: Submitting online application to getting a phone appointment notification - approx. 13 weeks (NOTE: That was with submitting 2 FBU inquiries and a couple emails. Unsure if doing those things had any sort of impact.) Phone appointment notification to actual phone appointment - approx. 2 weeks Maybe they are so understaffed or so there are many applications being filed they are much further behind then what they state (2-4 weeks). maybe it's time they update that information.
  21. I call using Skype but it does cost me. I think I have spent just a little over $100 USD these past several weeks just to get ringing or an answering system. There has been times an operator picks up and asks what i am calling about. I tell her SS and then she patches me thru to the automated system. I have tried using both Skype and my mobile service (AIS/DTAC) and get the same results. But using either one the keypad doesn't seem to recognize my choices on the automated system. (NOTE: Skype is using my PC and of course AIS/DTAC is using my mobile, so basically 2 different sources.) Thx, hopefully it's coming to a conclusion soon.
  22. Unusual but has occurred. I just watched a crime doc series about this the other night. Never knew it occurred until watching that show. And that girl was 16! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleveland_Elementary_School_shooting_(San_Diego)
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