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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Exactly! But I would like to clarify that one sentence: Some banks can issue on demand but Bangkok Bank has always been around a 5 business day process. (At least for the 3 branches I have dealt with over the years, Chiang Mai, Nan, & Surin).
  2. Start fining those that are doing the burning. Yes, I know, they are poor farmers who don't make much money. So, then put them in jail. There needs to be some ramifications. Instead of burning those farmers need to learn to plow, cut, and clear the land. Many of those living outside the cities have no trash pick-up service so they burn their trash, and most times it is done daily. They burn everything, from general paper to toxic plastics. Thailand needs to start creating landfills and trash pick-up services. If anything have those services subsidized or for free. I am sure it would help alleviate some healthcare costs. Emphasize on recycling. I still see many shops giving out plastic bags or charging for them. I thought that was supposed to be over? Stay indoors and work from home? How many Thai households don't have AC? Are they to keep their windows and doors closed in order to suffer from heat exhaustion?
  3. It has always taken about 5 business days to get a 12 month statement after the request has been made. The 12 month statement is generated by the office in BKK so a branch needs to make the request send it to BKK, and then I'm guessing it's placed in a queue before being processed. NOTE: Typically the bigger the institution the longer it takes for things to occur. It's called 'red tape' and the need to follow the documented processes. I worked for many small public companies where getting a PR (Purchase Requisition) approved took an hour or less. But when I worked for 'Big Blue' (IBM) it took days! A bank book doesn't always show a transaction unless you update it soon after each transaction. I personally update my bank book every few months or less often and when I do update it not all of the transactions that I did for several months are shown.
  4. I am not sure why you posted that link as I am betting everyone has used it before and has signed up to receive a login. ...and besides, that link has no relevance to the OP. I do thank you for not posting one of your long winded rants,
  5. I disagree with you. Just because she was going backwards doesn't mean she was driving in the correct direction.
  6. What was wrong with her? Why was she going in reverse? Why not just be like many others, turn the vehicle around and drive in the wrong direction? ...and I thought with this new point system that driving in the wrong direction would be points deducted as well as a 2k THB fine......? But I see many doing this every day that I drive.
  7. Mix the beautiful beaches with the smoky skies of the North and you then have a 'so-so' vacation destiny.
  8. This has to be the best Internet post of the year! **Generally most believe everything they read.
  9. And after seeing this video I am happy to allow the sun dry my clothes.
  10. Unlike many, I wasn't trying to argue with anyone or to state any arguments. My post was merely conveying that I vote for whom I think will do the best job regardless of the candidate's political party. I know, it's a concept that's hard for some to believe. Sorry, my posts don't have ears.
  11. I have no reason or desire to inform you of what policies I am for or against, does that hurt your feelers more? If mentioning OJ offended you then I'm sorry....How about Robert Blake? Yes, I have a Bachelor of Science degree and I stand firmly on what I was taught. I didn't have the willpower to go for the PhD.
  12. What do you expect when you leave him/her locked in a room all day, every day alone?
  13. Google is your friend: https://www.homepro.co.th/search?q=dishwasher
  14. I am pretty sure HomePro can get you one. I recall seeing one at the HomePro in Chiang Mai years ago. If memory serves me correctly it was Siemens and it was a little less than 30k THB.
  15. ".......as they can look at bank book on renewal to see balance via the all year..." Really? You go and get your bank book updated every day? Hmmmmmm.....
  16. Let me ask, why be affiliated with a certain party and vote for that party's nominee all the time regardless? Why not just vote for the best person that will do the best job? I don't consider myself with being a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or any other party. I consider myself as being an AMERICAN!
  17. My printer worked just fine. The issue was that I bought the printer in China and brought it to Thailand. Thailand sold the same printer as well as cartridges. However the cartridges bought here in Thailand would not work in the printer from China. I did some research and found out that HP incorporated some regional settings into the design. Imagine buying a car in one providence but buying gas in other providences wouldn't allow it to run. Trashed the HP printer, bought a Canon laser jet and have been using it since with no issues. I'm not the one to fiddle with refilling messy ink cartridges.
  18. Best to do what I did with my HP printer years ago: Trash the printer and vow to never buy another HP product again. My broken HP products over the years: - Printer - Camera = Laptop
  19. Exactly!!! After getting the stamp in my PP for my Retirement extension I was handed back my PP and I was told 'all finished'. Looking I found that the stamp was there but it was not signed/initialed by the 'big boss'. I returned the PP showing them that and they said, 'sorry', took my PP back and had it signed. Another time when getting my PP back after a 90 Day check in I looked and saw that the slip they stapled showing the next 90 Day check in date didn't have my name on it, it had another person's name. I handed the PP back and they again said, 'sorry' and corrected it. Always check before leaving the window....or at a minimum the building.
  20. Too funny..... The world does not have any hypocrites.
  21. Do you not see Thais wearing shirts that have vulgarity written on them? I do. I see older women wearing t-shirts with words only a nasty sailor would use. You ever stop to think that someone might have given him the shirt as a gift? Or maybe it was second-hand and that's all the parents could afford?
  22. My Thai step-son wears a Chelsea shirt a lot as it's his favorite team..... Do note, he's not British.
  23. Looks like a typical Thai install. I just love it when they put the toilet so close to a wall that my leg won't fit or else it is being smashed between the toilet and the wall. As far a leak, I find it is usually a toilet or one of those cheap faucets used outside around the house for the garden hoses. My background is electrical engineering and many say that relates to plumbing as well. There's 3 things I really hate to do but have been successful when needed to: - Fixing plumbing problems - Working on vehicles - Painting
  24. He WAS? How were readers to know this when your OP didn't state that? Hmmmmmm I think you were being impolite. I would have said something as well if you were hacking around me. Have some common courtesy.
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