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Everything posted by balo

  1. I am sure some Pattaya tourists would pay money to see this with their own eyes.
  2. Another danger on the roads to be aware of for us normal people who understand you can't drink or smoke weed if you want to ride a bike in Thailand. People are so fxxxx stupid idiots. Take a taxi back instead . .
  3. So you can basically just show them a screenshot of something you made yourself , if you do not have 500k in the bank......
  4. UK / Ukrainian drones The British might be currently forced to not allow British Storm Shadow Missiles from hitting targets in Russia, however, the sharing of information and building schematics is fine.
  5. Norwegian and Danish F-16's are now performing active missions and have been used successfully, also inside Russian territory. Reports of the missions have been classified , few details are coming out. Unfortunately we had one loss of life , after the pilot Oleksii Mes successfully destroyed three cruise missiles and one UAV during his final mission on F-16. Rest in Peace Hero. Slava Ukraine!
  6. Or stop drinking and look after your health, you only live once.
  7. Not true at all, we are in Thailand and the males here can be very aggressive. A Western tourist on a bike in Chiang Mai some years ago was murdered just because he gave the finger to a young Thai male chasing after him. They have a very short fuse and when it goes off it goes off with a bang. I learned my lesson a long time ago, just keep your distance, especially at night and drunk.
  8. I just watched the CCTV and can confirm it was the Canadian that asked for trouble. Never try to push a Thai male. Should be a warning sign at the airport for newbies to Pattaya. Even if I'm drunk I would stay far away, not sure what he was thinking.
  9. Volunteers do it for free ? Or do they get to share the brown envelopes? There must be a carrot somewhere.
  10. Nothing new here, I used to pick up trash on this beach every week when I lived in the area 6 years ago. The locals couldn't care less!
  11. Interesting that they actually considers it, but they have to change the gambling laws first , I just can't see it happen anytime soon.
  12. Maybe move to a different location would help. NaJomtien is not that bad.
  13. I remember I never finished the breakfast buffet at Lek Hotel, it was not very good. That was like 10 years ago, if the standards are the same today I would avoid them.
  14. At least it did not involve foreigners, let the locals have some fun. It's all a part of the Thai mentality.
  15. I think more than 10 F-16 planes are now in Ukraine, ready for missions. Be prepared for some very interesting videos and images soon.
  16. Please report back if it tastes as good as Meiji fresh milk. I would be surprised but you never know. You need to drink a glass of it and then compare the taste . I grew up on a farm in Norway and milk is like wine there, you can spot the difference between the different brands.
  17. Hungary wants to join Russia if you ask Orban , they should be kicked out of EU for good. Hungary’s nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Saturday that the European Union was sliding toward oblivion in a rambling anti-Western speech in which he warned of a new, Asia-oriented “world order” while throwing his support for Donald Trump’s U.S. presidential bid. “Europe has given up defending its own interests,” Orbán said in Baile Tusnad, a majority-ethnic Hungarian town in central Romania. “All Europe is doing today is following the U.S.’s pro-Democrat foreign policy unconditionally … even at the cost of self-destruction.” https://apnews.com/article/viktor-orban-hungary-romania-eu-3ea649669de75d13b0ba3585c0e83239#:~:text=“Europe has given up defending,cost of self-destruction.”
  18. You could always move up to the mountain areas in Chiang Rai, much cooler temperatures. Some people would enjoy that.
  19. Enjoy it while it last. I am pretty sure we will discuss something else in 4 years from now.
  20. He would get a life sentence in Texas, they should deport him back to the US. What will happen now? If he is wealthy enough he can walk out to freedom soon.
  21. I'm impressed by the 4k walking videos on youtube. There is one from Tokyo walking in the rain, with more than 4 million views. How do they do it? Just bring a camera and walking the streets with your 4k camera. Forget about privacy, people are being filmed all the time. There must be more than 100k videos like this but only a few gets million of views. The algorithm is a strange thing.
  22. Why can't they just transfer the money to another account like any other civilised country in 2024 , but TIT
  23. Any fire is ten times more dangerous in a city like Bangkok, glad everyone survived.
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