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Everything posted by balo

  1. I would not smoke weed higher then 2nd floor. You will survive a fall from there.
  2. Beer cans found, what could possibly go wrong? RIP
  3. Should be a sign when tourists arrive at the airport that says, Pedestrian rules, crossing a road: Use your eyes and move it from left, right, left, right, left, right, left right. When clear run for your life. Rinse and repeat.
  4. He is pointing the finger at Abdul, case closed, lock him up.
  5. What are you on about ? NATO together are stronger than Russia, that is a fact. Now that Putin clearly attack the civilian population in the capital city Kyiv, it means only that NATO countries will be even stronger and come up with a plan. I promise you this will not end well for Putin. The Ukrainian response came last night bombing another oil refinery. We do not kill civilians on purpose unlike the Russian regime. We do not torture the prisoners like they do in Russia already documented. It's only one way to stop Russia and that is to fight back. And that means it could get worse before it gets better, we are talking about a desperate dictator here. Putin and Kim are best mates. We have to threat Russia the same way as North Korea. Until the bitter end.
  6. The F-16 planes delivered from my country Norway and other European countries are now ready to get involved in the war. The Ukrainian pilots have been trained in Denmark and Poland , there are some talks about hiding the planes at the military air bases in Poland, and use them on day/nightly missions in Ukraine. But officially they will be parked inside Ukraine. The distance from the Polish border to Kharkiv is around 1000 km (621 miles) , within range of the F-16. Missiles used can reach up to 1000 km.
  7. Not the same, they need to be a part of our daily lives, only toys for multi millionaires.
  8. Unfortunately it's not that simple. When I was a kid I was expecting flying cars and robots everywhere, but instead we have digital technology which is nice but not the same. Also since we landed on the surface of the moon not a lot has happened. Yes we managed to land some sort of space craft on Mars but not much to cheer about.
  9. Russians don't care much about following the rules anywhere they go, not even the taxi mafia rules. To get rid of the taxi mafia I think is almost impossible, they are protected by the corrupted police.
  10. It's cheaper to rent a car instead
  11. It's like science fiction, it should be possible to launch it in the air also or maybe even in space. Maybe in a 100 years time.
  12. You need to include Sweden and Finland to that map, thanks to the the dictator Putin.
  13. And still in the US it is illegal to have sex with anyone under the age of 18 in many states. States where the age of consent is 18 : Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin
  14. Clearly WR LIfe is not the way to go, they have already full of complaints as recent as 5 days ago. I am not at your age, but I would rather pay 30% more for one of the more known companies. From Trustpilot https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.wrlife.net?languages=all&sort=recency&stars=1&stars=2&stars=3
  15. Why don't you want Ukraine to get back their territory? Why would you think like that if you are born in the West ? Why are you against democracies?
  16. Just lower your expectations and try to think like a kid when you communicate with them. IQ is not a big thing in Thailand.
  17. Putin on his way to North Korea for the first meeting in 20 years+ , he desperately needs weapons now. And Kim will do anything to please him. Two dictators , hand in hand against the world . Dictatorships never survives. Try to do something foolish fat Kim and N-Korea will cease to exist.
  18. Are you planning to drive with it in Thailand? Maybe good for Bangkok traffic? Just make sure the battery will survive the rush hours.
  19. I lived in Thailand for 10 years and never kept more than 5000 baht in my condo I went on holidays all over the world only travelling with credit cards, and these days even easier with the smart phone. Welcome to 2024 . Maybe you are talking about the "good" old days. If I really have to pay for a lady I just visit the nearest ATM. Keeping big cash inside your room is a big no no anywhere in the world. And 90k baht is at least 4 months salary in Thailand.
  20. Yes I just wanted to make it clear. Powdered milk is nowwhere near in taste.
  21. Mr Khalid from Canada , with 90000 in cash. Ever heard of credit/debit cards ?
  22. If you are bored I suggest move every 12 months to a new location. Then move back to Pattaya when you realize it's the only place you can still be called a hansum man.
  23. Meiji is originally a Japanese brand. It's what most restaurants prefer , like Starbucks. It's not based on powder. Meiji Pasteurized 100% Fresh Cow’s Milk made from 100% fine quality milk to offer you the delicious, rich and creamy taste with rich natural nutrients such as protein, calcium and vitamin B2. Guarantee the quality as No.1 selling brand in the pasteurized milk market. https://www.cpmeiji.com/en/product/view/Meiji-Pasteurized-100-Fresh-Cows-Milk-2l
  24. Could have just been drunk and fell , we will never know the truth. RIP.
  25. Norway recently closed the border to all Russian citizens, as one of the last European countries. Thailand should do the same or they will end up with 100000 ++ stranded Russians. No I do not feel sorry for any Russians
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