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Everything posted by balo

  1. Good luck , he might need it after the divorce.
  2. Too young to die, what was his pain? We will never know, RIP.
  3. If it has not been mentioned before, she is probably not Portuguese, I suspect either Ukrainian or Russian. Many of them escape to Portugal and settle down.
  4. Benjamit , best there is. https://www.facebook.com/BenjamitCoffee/
  5. The first car stopped so he was maybe thinking he could carry on, like he was on autopilot, that was his big mistake. There are 2 cars he should focus on, he should have slowed down and waited for the white SUV to pass and then continue the ride. If the other cars behind slows down.
  6. Since this is Thailand I think it's a good question, people are getting electrocuted all the time. Who are responsible for building them?
  7. It is news to me, first time I read the story. And I had to check again to get the facts, yes it was actually a road rage. I have had some encounters with aggressive Thai males on the road myself , and once inside a shopping mall, I learned my lesson and I avoid any confrontations, I just say sorry and walk away. My understanding is the Brit was unhappy with the way the Thai drove the car and banged on his car a couple of times . That was enough for the Thai to chase after him and kill him in cold blood. I still remember one episode inside a shopping mall when I was unhappy with the service of one of the sales staff and I gave him the finger and walked away. That was 20 years ago and I was a newbie in Thailand. He came after me and chased me for 1 hour, up and down the mall, I had to run for my life. I managed to escape and never set foot inside that mall again . So never provoke anyone, even if it looks innocent it could be your last day.
  8. Never drink and drive... I mean open a door.
  9. You need eyes and a working brain to handle the traffic in Thailand. On a bike or a 3 wheeler like this you're an easy target. He should have invested in a car. Don't fool yourself and think you will react in the same way you did when you were young and hansome.
  10. Just put up a sign in Russian that anyone complaining about the service from the staff will be sent directly to the frontlines in Ukraine. Problem solved.
  11. Anyone been electrocuted in Thailand while charging their EV? https://www.christmasinjurylawyers.com/blog/man-electrocuted-by-ev-charging-station/
  12. Don't worry this was a once in a lifetime comment from me. Maybe see you in 2030.
  13. Big C helmets should be banned
  14. I am sure the technology will better in 10 years, but right now I would not consider EV's.
  15. You don't have to show me a map, I am not driving any car in Thailand at the moment. But when I buy one it will not be electric. Unless the battery capacity will increase on cheaper cars 3 x as much as today.
  16. Why not? Laos is not Thailand.
  17. He will be happy fighting at the front in Ukraine. I give him max 1 week to live.
  18. Loser is the only word I can describe him. Bye for good.
  19. I would be very worried about owning an EV car in Thailand. Especially for driving up north in the country. As long as gas prices are not too expensive they will be on the roads for the next 40 years.
  20. As you are all aware of, Norway amongst other NATO countries have donated several F-16 planes to Ukraine and their pilots are getting the proper training right now. But yesterday during a speech, Putin threatened Ukraine and the countries supporting them with F-16 planes that the planes will be a target the moment they are taking off ,however it is not clear if he means they will be shot down outside Ukrainian airspace or inside. If he tries something stupid, like sending a missile and hit the plane while over NATO territory he is signing his own death penalty. But I am sure he will do anything he can to stop the first F-16's from reaching an Ukrainian air base. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/03/28/putin-threatens-striking-western-air-bases-hosting-ukrainian-f-16s/
  21. So what will heppen next? They hand over all their money and valuables to the police and will get kicked out.
  22. Yes strange story indeed..... she is living in little Russia
  23. Thai boys out of control, unfortunately there will be not much of a penalty here, as they are underage. The family has to pay money to the victims family and that is probably the end of it.
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