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Posts posted by erobando

  1. Almost all terrorists are Muslim? Where did that stat come from?

    I think there are a lot of over-generalizations here. And I don't think it is right to link all Muslims together, too.

    There are Muslims in Thailand that are ethnically Thai, and some that are Malay. And some Malay people might feel more integrated into Thai society than others.

    The issue isn't as simple as Islam telling people to do this or that Muslims want to take over the world (LOL).

    And, as far as Thailand's policy, how many nations would easily give up territory just because a small portion of the population engage in violent acts?

  2. More than spraying, I think people need to be taught how to minimize contact with mosquitoes.

    As mentioned earlier, don't leave basins of still water... If not sleeping in a room that is air conditioned or screened in, then use a mosquito net. Use cream with DEET when in places likely to have mosquitoes... things like that.

    I've seen countless instances in which people here are in a screened in room but then take out the screen because they think it will be cooler... and in come the mosquitoes!

  3. No, using the NATURAL definition of normal. Homsexuality is as natural as heterosexuality. Are red haired people normal? They have hair. It has a color. NORMAL. Gay men. They are men. They have a healthy sexual (and emotional/love) preference. NORMAL. The opposite of NORMAL is abnormal. That's a nasty thing to say about gays. I don't care about the opinion of someone like you -- I don't consider you a friend of gays and I doubt most other gay men would either if they read your posts.

    I will compare here to Israel. Israel is desperate these days for ANY kind of friend. So they scraped the bottom of the barrel and accept the support of right wing Xian fundamentalists. These people need Israel to fulfill their bizarre belief in how the world will end. In their belief system after the Jews fulfill their purpose in Israel they will all then burn in hell. It is very sad that Israel can't afford to show them the door. I think gays are in a better position that way and don't need so called friends who insult us.

    Jingthing, I'm just curious and I hope you don't jump down my throat with an angry rant from this question. What is your response to the claim that sex, despite being as enjoyable as it is, exists for the purposes of procreation? It's enjoyable because that pleasure encourages procreation which is a part of the survival mechanisms hardwired into every creature on Earth. Since only a man and a woman can procreate then sex clearly exists to serve this relationship.

    I don't know if you believe in evolution. I do. But, if we evolved with survival hardwired into us then where does homosexuality, or anything non-heterosexual for that matter, fit into evolution? Why would we evolve to have sex for anything other than survival?


    I can't answer for Jingthing but I think your question implies a somewhat incorrect view of evolution.

    Evolution is not purposeful or directional. Traits and behaviors of those that successful reproduced in a species' genetic history are be passed on... Many of those traits and behaviors increased the the chances of survival for those ancestors... hence, they lived to pass on their genes. But not every trait or behavior increases survival, some are just passed on along the way.

    People (and other animals who sexually reproduce) like sex because it feels good. It's a lucky coincidence that increased sexual activities tends to increase the chance of passing on one's genetic (which include enjoying sex). Homosexuals (past and present) also have/had the genetic trait of liking sex... that same sex intercourse does not lead to reproduction is just a circumstance.

    The genetic trait passed on = pleasure from sex... not a "hardwiring" for species survival.

  4. A friend of mine set up a small business along with his daughter. He was amazed at how much paperwork was involved and how much tax he was supposed to pay! He asked a Thai business lawyer how the average small Thai business handled it.... Of course the answer was that many small Thai businesses are unregistered and pay no taxes!

    The basic rule of thumb seemed to be that a proper business with a permanent location (like a shophouse) paid taxes, but your average street stall didn't.

    How are they going to enforce a minimum wage with these small businesses when they don't enforce anything else?

    It wouldn't directly affect "under-the-table" employers.

    It would affect factories and legit businesses.

    Also, many small businesses hire foreign workers for manual labor-type jobs.

    A business can pay to legally register a foreign worker and still spend less than they would on a Thai employee in the long run.

  5. Virtually everyone in Thailand working in a shop or factory is not paying tax as they dont earn enough, and many are on daily pay. Many many farmers who can only grow one crop a year as water is diverted for other uses also end up doing a few months in a factory, on a building site or even in a shop or behind the wheel of a taxi if orgasmically lucky

    Yeah, even the college grads making the promised 15,000 THB per month wouldn't have income tax deducted from their paycheck.

    Thailand could raise more funds to help the poor by increasing the tax rate on upper middle and upper class people. And then actually enforce it.

    If they were true Leftists, they would; but they're not, so they won't.

  6. I think some people are viewing the article as condemnation of PT supporters and their "blind loyalty."

    I took is a condemnation of Thai politics in general... whether it's Democrats in the South, Newin's party, Barnharn's party, etc., loyalty wins every time.

    Thai politics is about people, not policy or platform.

    Most of the parties running are promising things (laptops for every kid, easier access to a first home/car, blanket cost reduction on certain items, etc.) but few of the parties have long-term plans or ideologies that characterize their parties.

    As far as the Visa issues, I'm pretty sure that a 1-year Support Thai Spouse Visa can be easily obtained (and renewed) as long as one has an monthly income of 40,000 Baht. That doesn't seem like an overly harsh requirement to me.

  7. I note the comment about wealthy northerners and the likelihood that they would not support the PTP. I disagree. One of the characteristics of smaller cities and communities is that the wealthy are more integrated into those communities and they really are the pillars of society. By virtue of the "smallness" they are more likely to come in contact with their workers and the poor. They will go to the 7-11 rather than send the maid as is the case with the Bangkok wealthy that live behind the walls and in secured enclaves.

    Actually, my comment was that the wealthy northerners won't vote Democrat.

    But it has nothing to do with northerners being more enlightened... it's because PT's base is the north and Democrats historically do poor in the north. Oh, and also because PT is made up with and aligned with many northern elites.

    And why won't rural southerners vote PT? Do you think that they don't have the political awareness of northerners?

  8. Isn't Mr Aek (and other red shirts) talking about "the elite and middle class" compared to the "rural uneducated poor".

    They're the ones trying to make out the issues as being about the "haves" and the "have nots", where as it's pretty obvious that this is all about different groups of "haves" fighting for power.

    This is exactly right. Rural Southerners aren't going to vote for PT. All wealthy Northerners aren't going to vote Democrat.

    The problem with Thai politics is that it is not about platforms, it's about people. We already know pretty which party will win what area... Suphanburi and a some surrounding areas will vote for a Banharn-affiliated party, Buriram will support a Newin-affiliated party and so on.

    None of it is about opportunities to the poor because their policies are pretty much indistinguishable.

    And aussiebebe hit the nail on the head with vote buying. All parties do it. When they don't, people are surprised. At least the major parties. Perhaps parties like #5 and #12 don't.

    The elections are all about different groups of elites fighting for power.

    And the problems go down to the local level... anyone who has access to tax money.

    This is a sham democracy but I suppose it's better than always using guns.

  9. People get capped in bodagos almost every weekend in NYC. :ph34r:

    It's part of the attraction of the NY metropolitan area. That, and the bed bug epidemic.

    Is Suffolk County really considered part the NYC metropolitan area?

    I think part of Suradit's point is that this is some random incident in some suburban club, something you'd read about in a local semi-professional paper and a bit amusing to make it into the World News.

  10. Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

    Thaksin is right about lowering taxes. Lowering taxes always raises revenue to the government through increased economic activity. Regan proved that in America.

    Under Reagan the US's deficit grew drastically.

    And the late 80's saw the savings and loan crisis.

    The long-term effects of Reagan's policies weren't good.

  11. So it wasn't a failed attempt then.

    May you & yours never have to be subject to the same *rightful?* errors

    We are talking about Libya here. A Country that has been involved in terrorism since the year dot. How can you be so sympathetic? Think about the 200+ people that were mercilessly blown out of the sky on Pan Am flight 103. What about their families?

    LOL, that was 25 years ago.

    This NATO action of "protecting civilians" is just an excuse for imperialism.

    And how exactly does Libya magically become a better place if Qaddafi goes?

    Is everyone in the west going to welcome the Benghazi-based rebels? Cuz the rebels don't seem strong enough to enforce stability even if they win.

  12. This is terrible. It's not going to end well over there I'm afraid. I hope these poor people get out of there safely! Kudos to all those assisting in the evacuations! Hopefully the Thai people will begin to understand that what happens in places like these do actually have an impact at home. Just wait until the nut case over there lights up the oil fields! Hopefully the US is working behind the scenes to take him out but Obama has never really showed any stones when it comes to standing up to foreign leaders. Where's Ronald Reagan when we need him!

    LOL at Ronald Reagan.

    Qaddafi has remained in power for two decades after Reagan left office. I'm pretty sure the last laugh was on the guy who died an incompetent, confused Alzhy.

    And you really think the world will be better off by "taking out" Qaddafi?

    There are only 2 possible results when he leaves and neither are very appealing...

    1) A complete mess with multiple groups fighting each other.

    2) A period of many, many years of a UN or other some other international force overseeing a the building of a fledgling "democracy."

    I guess #2 is preferred but what happens if there are power vacuums in multiple countries in the region? Will the developed powers want to spend the money (and use the people) required to secure the whole region?

  13. To the posts of WatersEdge and JimGant...

    I think the problem most people have with this plan is that it's poorly thought out and seems like, at best, 1) to be a haphazard attempt by politicians to appear to be tackling the "drug problem" and, at worst, 2) a pretext to detain people that the don't like.

    As for #1) What's the point of choosing 7, 14 and 45 days based upon suspected usage levels? How will the authorities determine the usage level? Most importantly, how are the authorities determining if someone is a "suspected drug user"?

    As for #2) The Drug War last decade seemed like an excuse to get rid of opponents without the need for due process. I think anyone living in Thailand during that time can remember how that was abused.

    Doesn't this new plan of throwing "suspected drug users" into concentration camps seem like it has a high potential for misuse?

  14. After the hospital invasion, I think joining the peace process is their only option.

    IMO now the multi-colors and, especially, the Yellows are the ones who will be taking PR hits with their more militant stances.

    Maybe the Chulalongkorn hospital incident was a good thing.

    It forced the Reds to back down a bit and allowed Abhisit to propose an out in which no sides lose face.

    Edit: It's not a given that the PTP will win the next election.

    It's hard to see them winning a majority. They'd have to defeat most of the Bumjaithai MP's (won't happen) AND pick up a couple dozen seats elsewhere..

    It will come down to who can form a coalition.

  15. This is a good Op Ed piece.

    Too bad the Democrats haven't been very effective at marketing what they're doing.

    Edit: I think a separate topic is OK since most of the other political threads are mostly empty baiting while this piece succintly gives an overview of policies past and in action.

  16. The thai judicial system is primarily concerned with social harmony- that is the Chinese confucist legacy. Not individual 'justice'.

    In the interest of restoring harmonious relationships among all Thais, a quick judicial decision to junk the Dems may come sooner than later- and all else becomes moot.

    That is--- if recent history is a guide.

    That alone leaves no equilibrium. It needs to be balanced with something

    I don't think blaze is claiming it's either a good or bad thing.

  17. That the army didn't do that is simply because somebody who is not allowed to be named in this forum was still alive.

    That's the reason why they made sure that somebody would be in power where the army had TOTAL control over.

    If you can't see the picture, then it is no use to discuss that.

    This forum has too much restrictions to debat this theme.

    LOL, oops. Somebody just graduated from the Great School of Misunderstanding.

  18. The thai judicial system is primarily concerned with social harmony- that is the Chinese confucist legacy. Not individual 'justice'.

    In the interest of restoring harmonious relationships among all Thais, a quick judicial decision to junk the Dems may come sooner than later- and all else becomes moot.

    That is--- if recent history is a guide.

    Yeah, yesterday I thought the whole Reds-changing-shirt-colors thing was the Thai Political Way for the protest to end without anyone losing face.

    For the Red Shirt Leaders, they aren't giving up the fight but taking it "underground."

    For Abhisit, he wouldn't be "giving in to terrorists." After a few weeks of calm, they announce an election date or the Democrats get dissolved.

    Also, no need for the Yellow Shirts to come out.

    Perfect solution for everyone and everything is fine until after the next election result.

    Now I'm beginning to think I was wrong, though.

  19. I have very limited connection to foreign websites (e.g., no Yahoo, facebook, etc.). Anyone else experiencing this?

    Sabatoge, an ongoing goverment crackdown or just paranoia?

    I'll subscribe to all 3, thanks.

    I can see almost anything I want to look at.

    Not even paranoia, just a very bad internet connection.

    That's good to know, I guess it's just the TOT Shirts.

  20. The Yellows are putting out a CD now will all these business listed. Suspect the Alpine Golf Resort and a major Thai Department store chain will be listed as well as possibly a luxury Hotel near the protest site where the three amigos are rumoured to stay.

    Opps, and Verra's restaurant in the UK and the famous SC Park Hotel.

    Yeah, I'm sure this has nothing to do with rice or the rank-and-file Red Shirt protesters.

    It's about corporations PAD claim are financing the Red Shirts, just like certain corporations were/are viewed as supporting the Yellow Shirt protests.

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