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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Regardless of what the law says - anyone in their 30s or older who has sex with a teenager is sick!

    Regardless of what the law says - anyone in their 30s or older who refuses sex with a teenager is sick! :o

  2. I've got to get some farang food right now, but am settling for Pizza Hut. :o

    Why can't they at least have New York crust like Pizza Hut in America?

    I heard Mike's Original Hamburgers is soon expanding with a pizza restaurant next door; Big, greasy slices! :D

  3. A casual freind just came back from Penang where he says that he obtained a one year multiple entry visa, and that they told him that he no longer has to leave the country on visa runs. That he can get each 3 month visa stamped at Chiang Mai Immigration.

    Does this sound correct?

    Anything is possible , but alas Georgie, highly improbable. It'd make sense ... they'd keep more money in Thailand for a start. But, as ever, logic isn't part of the equation.

    Sorry Doctor, I forgot about this post.

    I'll ask the guy again when I see him.

  4. chingy, I feel for you, but you've been asking this question for months, and no reply.

    I'll tell you what, Ajarn, or Larry Lek, is a really good cook and a really good guy!

    If he says that his Mexican food is good, I believe him.

    I suggest you start kissing his ass on-line as often as possible, and get him to invite you to Chiang Mai for a Mexican dinner.

    By the way, smootch, smootch, :o I want to go too!

  5. It was considered "normal" behavior back in Alexander the Great's time and in Greece in general to do a little "turd-burglaring". Times have changed... :o

    Boon Mee, You are showing your age.

    I'm afraid the taxexile is a lot more up to date on this subject than you are; Even Bill O'Reilly believes in "domestic partnership", which is pretty close to gay marriage, without using the exact same name.

    I'm afraid that us "breeders" aren't as fashionable as we use to be! :D

  6. I agree about the Gordos "tourist" burritos, but I still ate a lot of them as I lived at 47th and Geary for quite a while.

    I'll tell you what, Mission Street is better, but still, I'd happily pay 1,000 baht for a Gordos chicken super-burrito right about now! :o

    Gordos was actually on (I think) 25th and Geary, with Clement one block away towards California Street.

  7. I want to add my congratulations to Lifelover on what you have written. Your feelings on this subject are exactly my own.

    I've tried to explain to friends many times that we are being brain-washed and lied to concerning " child" prostitution and "child" molesting.

    These are horrible problems, but very small ones in Thailand.

    The NGOs that specialize in child issues like "ecpat" (I believe it is called), are actually very unconcerned about children, they want to stretch the issue to adolescents and even young adults by constantly referring to them as children.

    These are mainly puritanical Christian and feminist groups trying to get rid of prostitution altogether. They only use the words "children" to sensationalize news coverage and to appeal to us emotionally.

    They are liars, but clever ones. They have been very successful at getting the news media to legitimize them by calling adolescents and young adults "children" in stories about sex.

    It makes a more exciting story. :o

    This is not a defense of ######, or ######, or whatever his real name is. I don't think that the facts are in on him and his sexual charges yet, and besides, he has other issues.

  8. I hope that Lifelover doesn't mind if I re-post this and my response to it. I think that it is too important to be buried on a small thread.


    Lifelover Posted: Wed 2004-04-28, 09:21:41


    Group: Members

    Posts: 20

    Member No.: 5,889

    Joined: 2003-11-25

    I said earlier in this thread that this case is not about paedophilia. I want to explain why and in doing so if I can explode some myths and open some minds, all well and good.

    I was sexually molested at age 8 by a total stranger (once) and by a close family member (over a long period) when I was age 8-10. I suffered no mental trauma from these events and have demonstrated no abnormal sexual behaviour as a result of them. They go some way to explaining why I was sexually aware at a young age and possibly may have been a factor in why I was immediately sexually active post puberty, though there are hereditary and physical and social reasons for that, that are more compelling.

    I’ve always had a fascination with sex, both academic and practical! I’ve studied child psychology as well as social sciences. I’ve lectured on related subjects and worked within a maximum security prison with murderers and sex offenders. I’m currently researching and writing a book about psychology. Because of my earlier experiences I’ve been particularly interested in the condition known as paedophilia and have made a point of reading widely on the subject, learning what I can about the minds of the people who took advantage of me as a child. As an aside, I don’t feel any hostility toward them incidentally.

    This is not the place for a lecture, but I’d like to set out some food for thought. Seems to me that a definition is needed to start. This is from the Collins Concise Dictionary:

    Paed – indicating a child or children

    Paedophilia – the condition of being sexually attracted to children

    Child – a boy or girl between birth and puberty

    Hence a paedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children (usually under the age of 11 years).

    That does not apply to David, by all accounts. I do not know David and so I’m only going on what has been reported in this forum. His only reported sexual act (and we don't know what exactly) was with two 14 year olds in Australia. This makes him a completely different type of person from a paedophile.

    Paedophiles are not an homogeneous group of people with similar personalities, aims and desires. The most common age of the victims of a paedophile is around 7 and 8 years old, an age when children begin to discover their own sexuality and its power and are therefore easier to encourage. Men who are attracted to children of this age are generally not attracted to those older or younger and vice versa. What stimulates them is quite different. I repeat, we are not talking about a paedophile in David’s case.

    Sexual attraction to sexually mature adolescents is not a ‘condition’ in the way that paedophilia is. It is acceptable behaviour in some societies. In many primitive societies the onset of puberty is the start of adulthood, for boys and girls alike (often with elaborate initiation rites) and pairing and sexual bonding occur naturally subsequently and not always within the same age group. When a 40 year old hill tribesman in the North of Thailand marries a local girl of 11 years (and they have children when she is 12), is he a paedophile? In some cultures here in Thailand, for example Lahu, this is not considered abnormal. I know so many families where this has occurred and they are ‘normal’ in every (other) respect, living very contented lives.

    Primitive societies apart, let’s face it, the vast majority of people all over the world are sexually attracted to sexually mature adolescents! Did you never once glance at your daughter’s or son’s friends around the swimming pool and think, even for a fleeting moment: “Bllody hlle, look at that; wish I was 15 again!” Come on, you would be only normal to do so. And if you can’t relate to that, just watch the movie American Beauty. Or Lolita. Or even Scandal, the story of how Mandy Rice Davis (16) and Christine Keeler (18) stirred the loins of mature HiSo Brits and eventually brought down a Conservative Government in the 60’s.

    As I said before, it is not unnatural for an adult to be sexually attracted to a sexually mature adolescent and vice-versa in any society. However it may be 'morally' unacceptable or against the law and most people find a way to control their natural insticts. Different social mores have imposed restrictions on generationally different sexual bonding, but this is a social function and therefore imposed, not a biological or psychologically innate one. Modern societies also impose laws that stipulate a certain age when sexual relationships are considered acceptable. These laws differ country to country of course. David has fallen foul of this law in Australia some time in the past. If he still has to pay for that crime and has escaped due justice, then it is right under the law in Australia that he returns to do that.

    I have to say though (not knowing the full details on this), that if he has served his sentence and is being hounded all these years later because of past misdemeanours, however foul, it is unfair. As far as any of us know, he has not broken the same law in Thailand. He is not being deported for any deviant sexual behaviour. And whatever else he is, he is not a paedophile.

  9. I have a question for George. Would David have had access to our member codes and personal information?

    The day after the second post I wrote about the ###### character not being for real, he suddenly showed up at my place of work and we discussed the whole thing, but how did he know my true identity?

  10. its the chicken and the egg syndrome, when did it start?, who threw the first stone

    This is supposed to be 3 separate sentences Big Stupe. It's such a pleasure having you back. I don't have to work too hard. :o

  11. I truly think that Israel has to act like it does or it will be destroyed, and even mighty America is not invulnerable.

    Therefore, every little trendy left-wing twit that hammers at the US and Israel is helping the Terrorist's morale. They are encouraging them to blow up more McDonalds full of innocent men, women and babies. These pukes make me sick and I am quite happy to tell them. I enjoy taunting <deleted>.

    its the chicken and the egg syndrome, when did it start?, who threw the first stone

    Hey, it's time to debate Big Stupe! :o

  12. Actually, there are a few reasons that I insult the people that I am "debating", and they have nothing to do with insecurity. One big reason is that I am vastly out-numbered.

    Something like the Vietnam War, when I was a child, it is fashionable to discredit both America and Israel, so I have a load of morons waiting in line to give me their silly little PC spiel.

    Also, my "competitors" usually have absolutely no idea of what they are talking about, especially in the case of Israel, although they certainly like to pretend that they do, and most stupid people don't like to face what dumb-asses they are, so when I rub their faces in it a little, they usually make some bull-sh1t, face-saving excuse, put their tails between their legs and run off, so another idiot can take their place.

    It gives me a chance to rest up for the next one.

    I truly think that Israel has to act like it does or it will be destroyed, and even mighty America is not invulnerable.

    Therefore, every little trendy left-wing twit that hammers at the US and Israel is helping the Terrorist's morale. They are encouraging them to blow up more McDonalds full of innocent men, women and babies. These pukes make me sick and I am quite happy to tell them. I enjoy taunting <deleted>.

    I am not going to stop insulting people about these two issues. If people don't like it, they can try to get me thrown of, or do what I do when ever I see a post by, or about, erco; Simply, ignore it.

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