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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. I know we all have just recovered from a number of enforced 'dry' days.

    Well I have just had a horrible thought in relation to the New Mayor of Pattaya.

    Will the elections herald yet another enforced dry day(s)? Yuk :o what a thought!!

    Anyone got the 'gen' on this yet?

    Hope I am wrong!

    I hope you're wrong too, but what a sad, sad topic :D

  2. Wow - who got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning :o . I thought, if by any chance, he might want to look at the website then he needs to know the correct spelling. :D . Calm down now please. :D

    Hi Mr. Westerner, I never get out of the wrong side of the bed on any morning!!! You made a very good point about using a specific spelling to look for the website. He'll need to be able to read Thai like a native though!!!!

    However, I do like the calendar clock on the website home page....very nifty. Take a look.


    I do believe he has a Thai wife who, hopefully, can interpret for him :D .

    I rather like the calendar clock myself (and the pen) :D

  3. The school is called Maryvit.

    I though that I was the World's greatest nitpicker, but no, you take the biscuit Mr. Westerner!!!

    "Maryvit", "Merrywit", "Mairywit" or whatever. Any of these are acceptable.....they are just romanised transcriptions of the pronunciation of the name in Thai.

    Wow - who got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning :o . I thought, if by any chance, he might want to look at the website then he needs to know the correct spelling. :D . Calm down now please. :D

  4. Funny guy but believe he's been banned.Do a quick search.Though with all the oddball threads popping up maybe he's back watching at this very minute.

    Doesn't say so on his profile.

  5. It's been a long time now since we heard from Weho. I always enjoyed his comments and found them to be very amusing and entertaining, although I think some members found him to be irritating at times.

    I, for one, would welcome his return. What about you?

  6. In that case you might want to consider Merrywit instead. I think they're miles ahead of Aksorn as a "pure Thai" school.

    Where is Merrywit?

    I am in South Pattaya, Aksorn (off Soi Korpai) is only a few hundred metres from my home.

    If you are comparing with Aksorn Naklua, then it is not of interest to me - although other TV members may be interested, as some have kids in Aksorn Naklua.

    Merrywit is a quite big Thai catholic school in Banglamung, north of Naklua, east of Sukhumvit. I've only been there once so can't remember the precise location but friends' children go there and the competition pressure and amount of homework these kids have is unbelievable!!

    The school is called Maryvit.

  7. Thanks for the positive comments guy's.

    Good to know your kids are enjoying their time there also.

    Will move my son there this coming term.

    Are you not going to speak to the teachers and check their qualifications and discuss the curriculum etc. etc. :o

    Satit HAS a curriculum?? :D

    Is that meant to be clever? As a teacher I would have expected more, you have just given many parents a reason not to take thier children to Best, this is exactly the sort of attitude and environment I do not want my children in. And you are exactly the type of teacher I do not want educating my children.

    Try being possitive rather than trying to be clever and instead sounding ignorant.

    First of all Mr Chanman..............it is meant to be a bit " tongue in cheek " . You fail to see that.

    However, we currently have 2 teachers here who worked at Satit before. As they say...............lots of beautiful things there, but not a great deal of learning goes on.

    My tongue in cheek attitude has nothing to do with teaching abilities. You sir..............are being a little too sensitive.

    A Time and a Place and this is neither, people asking serious questions on matters they care dearly about, thier children, and you one who is trusted to look after them 7 hours a day 5 days a week think it is something to be taken lighty, says a lot to me.

    Sure. It says some teachers have a sense of humour. And how on earth does a tongue in cheek attitude reflect on care of children?

    Out of curiosity........genuinely....... what is the defined curriculum at Satit?

    This is helpful to posters..........they need to know what the aims and objectives of the school are? As you are a parent there then perhaps you could explain for the benefit of all the people who are enquiring.

    Good idea I will ask them if I can post maybe you can do the same for Best.

    Its not the sense of humor but the fact you think that this topic is deserving of your humor. It gives the impression you do not take education and and the fact that people care about their children's education seriously. Perhaps you should think before you post.


    It sounds to me as if you have an axe to grind with this teacher :D .

  8. I smell bullshit..

    Millions of baht.. Taken in 100k per day ATM transactions.. That doesn't happen overnight..

    Says he regularly checked the bank..

    While I don't doubt there's plenty of life imitating art I suspect this is more art than reality.

    The difficulty with writing a fictional tale along this theme is coming up with believable levels of stupidity on the part of your Farang Character and avarice on part of the Thai partner.

    Sure you can come up with a great story, with unbelievable stupidity and callous avarice.

    But you are always going to be out done by real stories happening in Thailand on a daily basis.

    Guys who are stupid, guys with the residue of their recent divorce/redundancy/retirement payout and not forgetting guys who are smart @sses and think they know the game are washing up in Thailand every day – dumping their brains at immigration and setting up relationships with the dregs of Thai society based on cash payments.

    They then go on to pour money into these relationships and wonder why they get robbed blind.

    Common sense should tell any guy – You've got two heads – Think with the big one.

    Absolutely spot on!

  9. Thanks for the positive comments guy's.

    Good to know your kids are enjoying their time there also.

    Will move my son there this coming term.

    Are you sending your son to this school just because of a couple of positive comments :o ?(There have also been some negative comments). Are you not going to speak to the teachers and check their qualifications and discuss the curriculum etc. etc. :D

  10. name='wilko' date='2008-02-22 14:36:26' post='1832421']

    The truth is that smoking lessens both your sense of taste AND smell as well as erectile function...so why would anyone want to sit around in public waving a lit sign about that says...

    "I can't smell properly, can't taste properly, can't breath properly, I'm going to die early and I can't get it up" ?????????

    Now, if you carry on like that, you will give yourself a hart attack

    Calm down and have a smoke mate. or a quick tug :D

    I knew smoking caused heart disease AND brain disease so I guess it gives you dyslexia too....unless you think I might be attacked by a deer?

    That was just nasty,

    Yes I am dyslexic or just thick as we were called at school. :D

    Sorry if I offended you or Mr Mouse, with a reference to masturbation.

    But your ranting and your side kicks ranting in the

    (Smokers Thread Antis Not Allowed) just seems to be over the top.

    BTW im a Non smoker.

    This is my last comment in this thread.

    Good bye..


    Don't be put off by the nastiness of another poster :o . This is a forum and you are entitled to your opinion and I have enjoyed reading your posts.

    By the way, I prefer your Tommy Cooper avatar. :D


  11. This is a true story I came over.


    I didn't find it that exciting.

    No doubt many stories like this, but how does he know it's true & where did he "come over" it?? The police said someone saw her at the airport? I doubt if they would bother to ask. He put the money in an account with her name only? Hard to believe someone is that stupid.

    Many are that stupid. Som nam na! :o

  12. Went to Cherry's on 3rd road for the first time tonight, and would agree with all the previous posters. Had a fantastic meal and would recommend it to anyone. We got there early at about 6-30 and got a table no problem, but by 7-30 it was packed and they were turning people away.

    Only downside was the menu. It is so well written, and everything sounds so delicious that it took me about 1/2 an hour to narrow it down to 4 choices, and then made the Mrs decide.

    This is proper restaurant food for the same price as fish and chips in many a farang eatery.



    Wherabouts on 3rd road is it. Also, what sort of food do they serve - is it European or Thai, or both?



  13. We are in the process of building a playground on 1 Rai of land in Pattaya City. We have leveled all the land, walled it and put seats etc for people to sit on.... Only problem I have now is finding playground equipment such as swings, roundabouts, seesaws, etc, etc... Any idea if someone sells or manafactures such stuff around Pattaya? As this is a free place for kids around Pattaya to play I don't want to over spend but obviously want something safe and strong enough to last a few years. Thanks i advance for any ideas.

    That's nice :o . You could always try some of the local schools and ask them where they got their playground equipment from.

  14. There's a new noodle restaurant on Beach Road just south of Royal Garden Plaza.

    It has an extensive menu with photos of each dish, and the actual meals look exactly the same as in the photos.

    Most dishes are around the 90 - 120 baht price range. I've been there twice and enjoyed the food both times.

    It's open until 1 am.


    Does it get customers (apart from yourself)? Looks pretty quiet and I tend to avoid food places that are quiet as I like to know that the food hasn't been hanging around for a day or two! :o

  15. Various points - not to do with the attack on the Brit, but comments on other posts.

    Soi Buakheow - this street varies from one end to the other. Near Pattaya Klang it is shops and hotel(s) and fairly respectable. Then go round a couple of bends and I have found the locals to be very aggressive. Go further on and we come to the LK Metro / Soi Chaiyapoon / Soi Lenki area, which is fine during the day, but fills with barbarians (not the ones in black and white hoops) in the evenings. And then moving further on towards Pattaya Tai we have a lot of low-rent rooms and cheap bars, where a lot of retirees seem to congregate. I would expect the attack to have happened around the LK Metro area, but have not found any reference.

    Second point, my wife refers to me as "My Farang" not my husband, when talking to friends. But in e-mails to me it is always "My Husband". So this farang thing is between Thais. As is "Pakis" between Brits and the N word still in use in American vernacular. And what is wrong with 'Paki'? Baluchis come from Baluchistan, Tadjiks from Tadjikistan, Afghans from Afghanistan, so on. This was PC at it's most lunatic.

    Third point. I am discussing with my wife as to whether we should move to Hua Hin, or Krabi or such, or go to UK. We have two kids and I do not want them to be teenagers in Pattaya.

    And this doesn't bother you? :o

  16. Try Satit , head over heels compared to that dump called BEST.

    I've heard that Sathit is a beautiful school but there's very little learning goes on!

    i have heard the same but we all must keep an open mind all schools have pros and cons but BEST seeems to have gone down so much in the last few months its unreal i really think its mostly because of the actions passed down from the owner who appears not to give a toss about education of the young but counting cash ,,, i might be wrong but paying teachers (foreign) 25 k amonth is a disgrace wots more then claiming salaries are 50 k++ for tax is even worse knowing the minimum wage for a quailfied TEFL or same same is 50k by law confirms my worst fears... ah well REPS here we come. this post is mainly to get the topic up on the firsr page as im well pissed off its as if no other parents give a shit if they are being ripped .

    Where on earth did you hear this? :o

  17. I note some positive but quite a few negative replies to your post. Whats new on Thai Visa? I would hazard a guess the negative replies are from beer bellied Sex Gods who know it all and talk from experience having been hoodwinked themselves by the denizens of the night. My view is that this girl could have walked away from you a long time ago. And probably should have? My guess is that many of her ilk would have all ready suggested this to her. But to her credit she has stood by you and has presented you with a child. With that comes responsibilities. There is no doubt that word has spread to the money lender that you are in the picture. And no matter what you say all in-sundry will believe that the yellow brick road leads to your door. The best advice has all ready been offered. Hand over the money only after the house has put in your child's name and place the house papers in trust. I myself had a funny but annoying occurrence recently. I started seeing a young wench from the North of Thailand. She works as a hairdresser. I started to visit her every month and spend a very rewarding week or so with her. After we had been seeing each other for 3 months I paid a visit. I never went to her family home. I made it clear from the outset that her family was her problem not mine. Always set the ground rules from the outset. Her father is a farmer by the way. Never the less. Lo and behold on this visit I am offered the use of her fathers new Toyota. We have a farang is on board syndrome. I appear on the scene and the father takes out a loan for 250K for a poxy Toyota pick up that is 15 years old. Who cares the dumb farang will pay! The only snag on the offer was I would have to get the bus 50 miles to the family home but could have the car for the week. Ok says I why not? I arrived in the local village. Had lunch with her father and brother. When they finished they buggered off and of course left me the bill. I was informed that the car was in the local garage being serviced and we could walk around the corner and collect it. Well you probably guessed it? The car was there waiting for me along with a bill for 3500 Baht for repairing it. I reversed straight back out of the work shop and jumped the next bus back to the town.

    You might view some of us as negative, in reality, we don't look at life through rose-coloured specs! In my opinion, the OP is not showing any positivity. He wants a job in the music industry - this might be a long time coming, if ever! In the meantime, he should be sweeping the streets, collecting garbage, labouring on a building site, ANYTHING to earn money to support his child. Instead, he seems to spend his nights on thaivisa, so presumeably, his days sleeping!

    Some of you want to wrap him up in cotton wool and kiss him night night! He doesn't need people feeling sorry for him, he has enough self-pity to last a life time.

  18. why does it matter if one has been burnt by a thai girl or not?

    and he comparing himself to manjara who actually seems to be a good dad.

    What do you qualify as a good dad, .

    I took my kids everywhere, I got them a great place to live outside london.

    I stopped working abroad and built my work place at home so I could see them24/7, I did their pack lunches before they went to school, I took them to school, I picked them up, and still i worked,

    Now please oh expert tell me what a good dad should be

    Another thing I don't get - if you are such a wonderful husband by providing your wife with a lovely house etc. and taking such great care of her and your 4 kids :D .......... why the hel_l is she divorcing you? :o

    Could it be because of the mia noi :D

  19. why does it matter if one has been burnt by a thai girl or not?

    and he comparing himself to manjara who actually seems to be a good dad.

    What do you qualify as a good dad, .

    I took my kids everywhere, I got them a great place to live outside london.

    I stopped working abroad and built my work place at home so I could see them24/7, I did their pack lunches before they went to school, I took them to school, I picked them up, and still i worked,

    Now please oh expert tell me what a good dad should be

    Another thing I don't get - if you are such a wonderful husband by providing your wife with a lovely house etc. and taking such great care of her and your 4 kids :D .......... why the hel_l is she divorcing you? :o

  20. Taking the Op's comments as legitimate then there are a few issues and some things we need to know.

    What was the girl doing in Pattaya ? he says they met in a disco ? Now the higher chance is that she was on the game as against being down from Bangkok for the weekend. If so, there would be reasons for this and usually financial. However the underlying reason would probably remain as she could have gone to sell clothes rather than work in Pattaya. If she was not working then why do we not hear about her job prior to the pregnancy or at any time until lat eon in the story ?

    she was in Pattaya trying to work in a hair salon, On a subsequent visit back to Pattaya, I could tell she only vaguely knew her friends, and everything I witnessed lead me to believe she had only been there a

    short time when I first met her.

    We must not forget, although pattaya is boom boom city, a lot of girls just go there because it seems exciting, X hates it now.

    Before that she had done the usual, rice picking, reebok making, clothes selling route.

    Now she seems to be working for some Thai/Spanish mob who move around from Trat to Bangkok to Rayong Buying clothes and shipping to europe.

    :o:D:D pray tell me, where did she learn to speak English? :D:D:bah:

  21. Contrarian? Yeah, maybe.

    How old is your new daughter Danny? By your own account, she couldnt have been born any earlier than May 2007 which makes her no older than 8 months now? Is that her in both those pics in your blog?

    Cute girl. They grow big really quickly in Isaan, don't they?

    In the blog that is a photo sent to me, she is 9 months now.

    and I tell you at one month she was smiling, that is too fast.

    she is a little girl who shocked the docs with her speed.

    9 months! Give me a break :o .

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