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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. Anyway, Danny, what are you going to do about the dosh?? Forty is the new Thirty, plenty of time to start again.

    Khun Andy

    Thanks K a, I actually had an interview today for a decent job in news casting here in London, If they take me on, reasonable money, then Financially everyone can benefit.

    But this isn't all about money it is about being taken for a chump, again.

    Danny, you've received a lot of criticism from some of us on thaivisa and well justified in my opinion, but on a positive note let's hope you get the job you have applied for and can get your life sorted out, and if you still want the girl and baby, hopefully they will wait for you.

    Good luck.

  2. The more I read on here, the more respect I have for the families that raise happy well cared for kids.

    I agree, you should see my uk kids they charm everyone. Beautiful balanced kids

    I don't know if that was because I was there for 80% of their lives, or because I am not now.

    Sure if I was better off it would be simple, Big House and everybody living together ( except maybe ex wife).

    But life is what it is, easy for me to get daughter to uk, not so easy to get thai mum.

    I was a good dad ( everybody said it), my kids still love me, it is just fate that your wife falls out of love, not a lot you can do.

    But Believe me, when it happens to you, you will be stunned, I was.

    18 years <deleted>.

    For the naive here, be aware, life has many curve balls.


    I get the impression from reading your posts that you think YOU are the injured (innocent?) person in all this. In reality your 5 children are the ones who are suffering. The one in Thailand may never see her father again - you knew you couldn't afford another baby why the hel_l did you not use a condom! You say your other 4 kids still love you - do they know about your mia noi and baby in Thailand? Maybe the love will go out the window then!

  3. I am only going on what you have posted and not you. There may well be many things that you havent stated about yourself that would put all this in a better light. For example....your UK wife may have had quads.

    But re what you have wrote: You have got a women pregnant FIVE times in this over crowded world and you can't support any of them. Wifes with 4 kids dont throw good husbands out and leave themselves destitute. You brought a child into a poor third world family and had no plan on rescuing it.

    On reflection it seems that you have screwed up 5 lives and possibly your wifes.

    Why don't people think before they have children?

    I couldn't agree more. This guy is so irresponsible he deserves to be homeless and penniless :o . Shame about all the kids though, I really fell sorry for them.

  4. :o
    Sin sod :D bring her back to farangland then tell her its tradition that the brides family pay for the ceremony - just another pattaya story really

    Soi lurker

    I know this is off topic, but I think your avatar is sick :bah: .

    :D sometimes people should keep their opinions to themselves, this is one of those times

    Definition of forum - A medium in which the public may debate an issue or express an opinion :bah:

    Good one mate :D thanks for clearing that up... btw each time i post, you will just see it more and more

    Really funny that :D

  5. :o
    Sin sod :D bring her back to farangland then tell her its tradition that the brides family pay for the ceremony - just another pattaya story really

    Soi lurker

    I know this is off topic, but I think your avatar is sick :D .

    :D sometimes people should keep their opinions to themselves, this is one of those times

    Definition of forum - A medium in which the public may debate an issue or express an opinion :D

  6. Sin sod :o bring her back to farangland then tell her its tradition that the brides family pay for the ceremony - just another pattaya story really

    Soi lurker

    I know this is off topic, but I think your avatar is sick :D .

  7. Jomtien Immigration Info Desk Douchebag-<deleted>!

    I've been to Jomtien Immigration about 3 times and everytime have been given bad info from the 40-ish year rude bureaucrat behind the info desk. Having observed this guy, he spends about 3 min. an hour actually helping someone wade through red tape and about 57 min. an hour chatting it up with the people whom are actually trying to process our passports(slowing them down in the process). Today I needed help in finding a translation service in Pattaya or Jomtien, he of course, knew of none! I've have friend whom have had similar complaint, including this guy reprimanding their Thai girlfriends.

    Can,t say I,ve ever had a problem there. Always been polite to me and likewise.

    At least he is not getting any kickbacks from a " translation service recommend " :D

    Try the Tourism Authority. Or better still.........ask on here for any translation services. :D

    I have SEEN a Thai girl being reprimanded by one of the officers there. Probably due to the fact she was wearing a micro-mini and looked a bit errrrrrrrrrr " trashy "

    Maybe that is what happened with your friends. :D

    Hope that's not your wife on your avatar. If that's not trashy I don't know what is :o .

  8. £27,000 fraud by welfare cheat

    By Megi Rychlikova THE PRESS , YORK.

    A great-grandfather conned his way to £27,000 in benefits as he lived in Thailand with his new wife, a court heard.

    David Martindale, 63, claimed three different state handouts on the grounds that he lived alone in Giles Avenue, Tang Hall, York, said James Lake, prosecuting for the Department of Work and Pensions.

    In reality, he spent most of his time in Thailand with his wife, and their family of three, supporting them on British taxpayers' money.

    But an anonymous phone call tipped off the authorities and the great-grandfather turned benefit scrounger ended up facing a jail term in the dock at York Crown Court.

    "The total amount you had unlawfully is quite considerable," Judge Stephen Ashurst told him.

    "I have to mark this deliberate conduct of failure to notify the change of your circumstances with a prison sentence, but I am going to suspend that sentence to take account of your guilty plea and the personal mitigation.

    "Part of the rationale is that by retaining your liberty you are going to be in a better position in the long-term to pay off your debt to the community."

    Martindale originally brought his Thai bride Nitya Kaswangsa, now believed to be 30, to York in 2001 and the pair married at the city's register office.

    But life in Tang Hall soured for Nitya. She became fed-up and moved back to Thailand.

    Defence barrister David Ward said Martindale had already repaid half the money and was repaying the rest.

    Martindale, of Giles Avenue, Tang Hall, pleaded guilty to three charges of benefit fraud.

    He was jailed for six months, suspended for 12 months on condition that he does 200 hours' unpaid work.

    He must also pay the prosecution's £250 costs.

    Mr Lake said Martindale started claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit in 2002 and was awarded pension credit in addition in April 2004. The authorities believed he lived alone in Giles Avenue.

    But in reality between January 2004 and May 2007 he spent 29 months out of 42 in Thailand and a police raid found long-term visas granted by the Thai consulate in Britain in Martindale's York address.

    He could only claim the benefits provided he spent less than four weeks living abroad.

    The authorities also heard he had fitted a carpet in England for cash in hand in 2006. In total, Martindale got £15,499.80 in pension credit, £9,750.85 in housing benefit and £2,332.25 in council tax benefit he was not entitled to.

    Mr Ward said Nitya Kaswangsa originally lived in this country, but could not cope with British life, so returned to her own country. Martindale spent the money supporting her, paying school fees and on air fares to and from Bangkok.

    The couple had a six-year old child and she had a 12-year-old child by a previous marriage and a 13-year-old adopted child.

    His benefit claim was originally honest, but once he realised he had broken the rules by living in Thailand, he did not have the honesty to admit it to the authorities.

    He had four daughters by his first marriage, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

    11:08am Friday 25th January 2008

    I over heard a scouser telling his mates he was claiming in the uk and only goes back to sign on, and when he does he takes cigarettes to cover his costs, pattayas finest !

    He is just low-life scum. :o Let's hope he gets caught at customs!

  9. Wenet ther after a monor motocyc accident about 18 months ago and they were great. Spent 2 months going back for re-dressings and spent a fraction of what it would have cost in other Pattaya hospitals. Read lots about it since, and would probably not go back, but my experience was a great and inexpensive one.

    I don't understand. If it was a great experience and inexpensive, why would you not go back? :o

  10. I have read enough of GHs posts to know his comments were tongue in cheek, there is so much of this in the uk that taxes are what they are to cover it, i dont see a way to stop it short of tagging all the unemployed ,and have an alarm that rings if they stray 3 miles from home, enter a pub or light up a cigarette !

    No your wrong.... My comments are not tongue in cheek.

    In fact I've toned them down.

    I absolutely believe that 'welfare claimants' respond to market forces just like everything else in the economy - You make more money available for welfare claimants and you get more welfare claimants.

    How you we put an end to it?

    Bring back the work houses - Segregated sleeping bunkhouses upstairs, a generator hall stuffed with 'pedalo-generators' in the middle floor and a gruel kitchen in the basement.... and compulsory chemical contraception for anyone living on welfare.

    And to put a stop to guys living it in Thailand - Payment of benefit should be onditional on surrendering of passports.

    What an excellent idea!

  11. I've read about a few health policies in Thailand, but haven't been able to figure out if health insurance is worth the cost. From what I've seen, they won't write you if you're over 60 years of age, and your policy is over at the age of 65 even if you beat the 60-year-old deadline.

    I'm a healthy living and breathing male who goes to the gym 5 days per week and have never had any major surgery or problems of any kind. Don't smoke, lungs are crystal clear, and other than a couple of swigs of alcohol per week I don't partake in that either.

    Does anyone have any experiences that they can share? I'd be much obliged. :o

    Okay, you're a healthy male who takes good care of himself. I feel the same but still wouldn't dream of being here without insurance. Who knows, you might be involved in an accident, get smashed up and end up having to pay half a million baht hospital bill :D . To me, it's not worth the risk :D .

  12. I think its boredom with the same thing at foodland,and they seem 2 waitresses short al the time, there is a great thai run place called jits in jomtien, you will be amazed by the quality and sizes of the portions, superb ! its just past the dolphin on the left, turn left, straight ahead over the dirt road is where it is, worth searching out,.

    I don't think anyone will find it with those direction. I don't know of any dolphin statue in Jomtien.

    well i did, but i do live in jomtien ! :o ,. ok on the approach to jomtien from s pattaya, come past that awful junction with theppasit just after pan pan, go straight through ( eventually ) go another 200 yds and there is a small roundabout on the left with a dolphin on it, just past the roundabout take the first left, go 50 yards and you will be at a T junction ( but the road actually continues round to the left ) go straight across onto the dirt ( its under construction ) go 30 yards and stop on the left,there are 2 restaurants, its the one on the left,

    The only dolphin statue I know is at the bottom of North Road,Naklua. Do you mean the Hanuman statue in Jomtien?

  13. :D in the last year with all my moving around, i have lost my TEFL,and,CELTA certificare's, can any one tell me where in BKK i can get copie's to replace. So that i might stay here and take up a post THANKS :D

    Thank God you're not teaching my children with the low level of English shown in this post!!! :o

  14. Well, if your definition of discrimination is gangs of Thai-heads going around beating up luk krungs, you can rest easy. Discrimination here is very rarely overt. :D

    You will rarely however see a luk krung in an executive position in a Thai owned company, any positions of power in the government, armed forces, or police, and IMO rarely even succeeding as a sole proprietor business owner. Naturally we can't instantly attribute that to racism (hey, this isn't America), but IMO it's pretty clear that a combination of personal choice and other issues are keeping them out of those positions.


    Or in any position! Thai rak Thai :o

  15. Just because there are a few halfcast kids on the TV and in the music charts that this means they arent discriminated against. Look at the skin colour of those in the American charts.

    However everyone i know with Luk Krueng kids sends them to private schools, hence they must come from higher income families, as kids from every other country in the world with richer parents do better in education then go on to get the better jobs i would have thought the same would apply in Thailand.

    What jobs? I only see full Thai kids working :o

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