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Everything posted by steven100

  1. I don't know anything about Left or Right preference , I just responded to what I see and what's he's been like over the last 12 months ....
  2. Trump trash, his mouth is a broken sewer pipe
  3. IT is not one of Thailand's stronger points is it .... stick to the corruption and thieving instead. you seem to have perfected that
  4. message too long .... doe's not compute .... warning ..danger !!
  5. you can't hold a candle to him that's for damn sure ....
  6. Zelinsky: The End Is Near ? OP : spelling was not your greatest subject I see. Did you fail English at school ?
  7. Inside the notorious hell prison full of murderers and rapist and deadly killers .... The axe : Hey man, how you doing in here, just watch your back or you'll be slaughtered !! Aussie : yeah ' ok thank's for the heads up .... what put you in here ? The axe : I raped the neighbour's wife and butchered him ... ! and what about you Aussie ? Aussie : oh ' bag snatching ....
  8. Trump trash ..... his mouth is like a busted sewer pipe
  9. are you spitting the dummy just like daddy did ..... there '' there ... have a banana
  10. has their GoFundme raised anything yet ?
  11. firing squad or hanging ..... jail time for those scum
  12. Story too long ..... didn't read ....
  13. Sounds like Mind is long gone.... she should have known better.
  14. well that worked well then ..... please don't go within 10 feet of my PC ....
  15. sorry for your losses, I have never had anything go missing from my condo, I have never had a thai maid.
  16. Your thinking is dishonest and wrong. I was brought up to not steal. but seems, some here were.
  17. That's dishonesty. That's stealing from your employer. Do you have to lock everything away when she starts work ? what bs.
  18. I cannot believe your stupid response
  19. what a silly uneducated thought .. she's being paid to clean, if the salary was not high enough the don't accept the job.
  20. rubbish , one doesn't steal from their employer .... or maybe you find that ok.
  21. uneducated buffoons' .... they don't really know anything. missing cog.
  22. Why on earth would anyone pay to go into a casino is beyond me !!
  23. she should have just moved to another state or country where poker machines are not permitted, that's what i did, I was spending 4k a month and then moved .... it solved the problem. 14M .. she could have got a nice home and another for further income. She was a brain dead uneducated idiot.
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