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Everything posted by steven100

  1. seems you've lost your memory there old timer ..... was that the same promise that Ukraine was given by the US and international community at the Budapest agreement whereby it was guaranteed security against Russian aggression. ???
  2. what nonsense you speak
  3. well thank you frank, but it's just a thought yeah '
  4. please explain what's there to understand apart from Russia invaded Ukraine ?
  5. If I was the powers to be in Ukraine I wouldn't hesitate to nuke Moscow .... wipe it off the face of the earth, that would send a message to the murderous Putin he'd never forget. All brought on by his own misdoings ...
  6. They think he entered the pond to cool off ...... that's risky when drunk for a start, he could have used the garden hose to cool off instead. No more lottery wins for you ......
  7. To many crazy killers in the world these days so stopping for strangers is risky business.
  8. What's he doing here with no money ? A bus ticket is not that expensive ? He should have done a GoFunMe to Chiang Mai. oh ' get the tissue .... i think i'm gonna cry !
  9. thanks for that info , I'll be careful next time I'm having sex there
  10. and now he's taken a step back because his lie's keep showing up ... actually, he's making a fool of himself with all his lies.
  11. Well, I've read some really strange excuses on this topic lately, I find it hard to believe what illogical thinking some on here use. A couple of reasons that some said ..... and I find these suggestions ridiculous and lack common sense. someone said, that her salary was not enough so she had to steal. Well, that's pathetic because she shouldn't have accepted the job in the first place if it's not enough money. another said, that jewelry and money should be locked away in a safe or lockable box. Well, that's crazy because does that mean you hired a maid who cannot be trusted and will steal at the first opportunity. The reality is she's a thief and should be punished, fined and whatever, you don't steal from your employer or anyone else. period !!
  12. well, it's not that i'm busy it's just I don't want to waste 5 minutes of my life reading that.
  13. I don't know anything about Left or Right preference , I just responded to what I see and what's he's been like over the last 12 months ....
  14. Trump trash, his mouth is a broken sewer pipe
  15. IT is not one of Thailand's stronger points is it .... stick to the corruption and thieving instead. you seem to have perfected that
  16. message too long .... doe's not compute .... warning ..danger !!
  17. you can't hold a candle to him that's for damn sure ....
  18. Zelinsky: The End Is Near ? OP : spelling was not your greatest subject I see. Did you fail English at school ?
  19. Inside the notorious hell prison full of murderers and rapist and deadly killers .... The axe : Hey man, how you doing in here, just watch your back or you'll be slaughtered !! Aussie : yeah ' ok thank's for the heads up .... what put you in here ? The axe : I raped the neighbour's wife and butchered him ... ! and what about you Aussie ? Aussie : oh ' bag snatching ....
  20. Trump trash ..... his mouth is like a busted sewer pipe
  21. are you spitting the dummy just like daddy did ..... there '' there ... have a banana
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