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Everything posted by steven100

  1. Then it's the building owners responsibility to kick them out. Nothing to do with 90 day visa.
  2. The condo owner obviously rents his place out, not the building owner. But that doesn't come into the equation because even condo owners who stay in places can be a problem with parties, guests, pot heads, noise etc .... so renting or not renting isn't the issue. Building owners need to enforce strict rules on the owners to ensure a harmonious environment.
  3. Someone please tell the cops he's hiding out the back of mama's house.
  4. Another lottery numpty knucklehead. Are these people brain dead. Have a look at the house .... it's owned by a 12M baht lottery winner, it needs bulldozing over. What is wrong with these lottery winners? a guy wins 6k and jumps in a dam drunk as a skunk and drowns. This guy wins 12M and shoots his 25yr old wife. I bet he hasn't got a pot-to-p_ss in now. They just lose the plot everytime.
  5. That'll be really handy for music festival crowd control .... just take-off from the soi nearby .
  6. well, he saved spending thousands of baht on Visa re-newals, new passports, transport & whatever else associated with visas.
  7. Let's face it , Thailand attracts alot of nutters, and there's plenty of Thai nutters to add to that, then throw in all the mad pot heads both Thai & farang and you've got thousands upon thousand of crazy people. so what would one expect with all those crazies running around lose ...
  8. There system does have a minor bug that needs fixing
  9. oh dear ' that guy is a monster and needs to be put down. 12 years in prison isn't long enough for that sicko. good thing she escaped.
  10. Public hospitals are cheaper here than in Australia that's for sure. However, some treatments do cost more here than in the west, it varies, and private hospitals here are more expensive than some in the west, especially ICU and major surgery's. So some are cheaper& some are dearer than in the west.
  11. pot head heaven for the begpackers who got sick of Khaosan road.
  12. A thai actually admitting they need foreign skills ...... well, I never would have guessed ..... I was under the impression that Thais know everything and they don't need any help.
  13. so Mrs Khomsan did want to get away ....... there's a new Khomsan there somewhere ... I was correct again ....... I should have been a detective
  14. More to this story than mentioned ...... Mrs Komsan may have a new Komsan somewhere else.
  15. you are correct on this statement.... and also the Budapest agreement
  16. garbage ... your story does not hold true ... it's manipulated by you
  17. how can he get the hotel with no money ? how can he get the rice with no money ?
  18. Two hitchhiking friends were murdered on Queensland's 'highway of death' 52 years ago. Some believe their killer can still be found. It's a desolate, 800-kilometre strip of bitumen that has become so synonymous with tragedy, it's earned the sinister nickname "the highway of death".
  19. nope, but Fred, ya gotta be careful these days because there's alot of crazy nutters out there that will stab you and cut you up into pieces.
  20. I use to like those Turkish Delight's .... the chocolate covered strawberry jelly bar. I don't think they make them anymore ...
  21. While I would have agreed with you in years ago, things are different now with warfare technologies and hardware, it's not the same as before and the playing field favors those who spent the most money on drones, air defences, fighter jets, missiles etc ..... For Europe to sit back and just talk talk talk and do nothing is also delusional.
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