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Everything posted by steven100

  1. has their GoFundme raised anything yet ?
  2. firing squad or hanging ..... jail time for those scum
  3. Story too long ..... didn't read ....
  4. Sounds like Mind is long gone.... she should have known better.
  5. well that worked well then ..... please don't go within 10 feet of my PC ....
  6. sorry for your losses, I have never had anything go missing from my condo, I have never had a thai maid.
  7. Your thinking is dishonest and wrong. I was brought up to not steal. but seems, some here were.
  8. That's dishonesty. That's stealing from your employer. Do you have to lock everything away when she starts work ? what bs.
  9. I cannot believe your stupid response
  10. what a silly uneducated thought .. she's being paid to clean, if the salary was not high enough the don't accept the job.
  11. rubbish , one doesn't steal from their employer .... or maybe you find that ok.
  12. uneducated buffoons' .... they don't really know anything. missing cog.
  13. Why on earth would anyone pay to go into a casino is beyond me !!
  14. she should have just moved to another state or country where poker machines are not permitted, that's what i did, I was spending 4k a month and then moved .... it solved the problem. 14M .. she could have got a nice home and another for further income. She was a brain dead uneducated idiot.
  15. you are breaking forum rules by posting specific restaurants on AN.
  16. OP .... I have to question your motive here, it's like when you enjoy going to an island for two day with a deserted beach, peaceful and relaxing. Then some idiot posts it on social media and every lunatic decides they'll try it .... then the peace is destroyed because of an idiot behind a keyboard. What is your purpose? are you getting paid to promote? I don't understand your agenda... Everyone knows Sizzlers exists as show , it is marketed here extensively already, what are you trying to prove ? now all it needs is plenty of knucklehead farangs to visit and that'll really help. Lol ( do you get my point ) I hope you don't get the same farang sitting near me last week that insisted on tasting all the sauces with his same spoon every time at the salad bar. Some farang are disgusting in some restaurants.
  17. I am a Diamond member .... I eat there every week .... spare ribs ... pork chop , whatever .. !!
  18. I must say I do like some indian food, tandoori chicken, beef vindaloo, their rice is delicious, dahl, nan bread, cucumber dip, although it can be a bit expensive at some restaurants.
  19. There needs to be stiffer control in getting onto a dating app. The app / website owners need harsher punishment if stricter security is not implemented. The applicant needs to forward a copy of their ID or birth cert' ..... and verify they are of legal age.
  20. no gold chains were harmed or removed while this altercation took place
  21. yes, I've seen plenty of Thais screw farang for all they can get with no remorse whatsoever, that's pretty disgusting behavior in my book. Too many incidents to mention.
  22. I have heard some like being hit with a stick while having sex, but I didn't know the Indians were included in that category ...
  23. yes, more sewer talk flowing out of Trump trash's sewer pipe mouth again .... never stop flowing .... Lol
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