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Everything posted by steven100

  1. Quality tourist .... they've tried every other country , why not push for Turks , oh wait ' sorry he's got no money for Thailand !
  2. chasing tourists with machete's is not very ' family friendly ' ..... unless it was the MIL
  3. I'll take ' she's my girlfriend ' for 500 thank's Tony
  4. you cannot come to Thailand or travel around with no money , it's not correct !
  5. This is one reason I'd never pick up strangers hitchhiking .... you stop to pick up a stranger hitchhiking, then he gets in the car and starts chatting about the weather, and then he seizes the opportunity to stab you in the ribs several times, then he goes around to the drivers side and push you over into the passengers seat, then drives 20klms further on and turns left onto a dirt track, ends up in a forested area, your bleeding profusely .......... he walks 20m into the forest and comes back one minute later carrying a tree limb about the size of your arm, he walks straight up to you and starts clubbing you on the head, once, twice, three .... and another three times until your dead and blood splattered all over the club and the side of the car. he wipes the blood off the car, roles you over and grabs your wallet & watch ..... then he drives off.
  6. with no international army boots on the ground, it sends a message that you have to fend for yourself so you do that by bombing Moscow. Then either Europe will get off their a_sre and help or they can become cannon fodder as well. imo
  7. I hear ya ' and I agree some, but Ukraine problem is it's been used as a guinea pig to protect Europe and Europe hasn't done enough in return to protect Ukraine. -AND THAT'S LOGIC COMMON SENSE OF WHAT'S HAPPENED - so if I was Urkaine, honestly, I would destroy Moscow anyway possible, because as it stands there is no end game and Russia will try to move west and just murder everyone, so I wouldn't hesitate in nuking Moscow. they have No choice .... imo
  8. well mogandave, you can blame that on Russia
  9. I still say blow Moscow of the face of the earth, what has Ukraine got to lose, Russia has slaughtered kids, women and elderly, that's enough evidence for me to destroy them ..... just do same as Truman did in August 1945, wipe the bastards out .... Ukraine is stuck between a rock and a hard place, they have been thrown under a bus protecting Europe ...... bomb Moscow. imo
  10. I honestly think Europe will have to get troops going real soon .... they cannot just sit back and do nothing but talk.
  11. yes, you are possibly correct
  12. TRUMP your credibility just keeps diminishing more and more by the day. The more you open your trap the more you make a fool of your self because you just keep lying.
  13. totally agree .... I think Trump is talking out of his a_rse ..... and he won't have a say in ending this war. Just my opinion
  14. and many of your posts are pathetic. But hey' keep going, we have too .... cheers.
  15. yes Condo ... works for me too ....
  16. enough of your garbage Connda ..... back in your hole ... Russian lover scum.
  17. Thank you for a correct answer as to why it happened, some on here haven't a clue about history !!
  18. OP was just saying nothing ....
  19. nonsense - so he needs glasses ?
  20. ok, go an get a 250 baht car .... what could possibly go wrong !
  21. sounds like Jet-ski hire on wheels ..............
  22. what do you expect for 250 baht per day.... I'll tell you ...... trouble !! There's an old saying, the cheapest isn't always the best. TIT = live and learn
  23. Very horrific life for the poor child over 5 years. Hang the bas_tards ... all 60 of them in the street. I will buy the rope if need be .... where do I send the money ?
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