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Everything posted by steven100

  1. for the first time in my life I will have to agree with you .... you are correct
  2. we all make difficult choices in our lives
  3. lets get back on track ....... May I remind members that the topic is " Zelensky Pushes Back Against Trump’s “Disinformation” on Ukraine War "
  4. I don't think Zelensky really wants the war to keep going, it's just he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, why should he give up 50% of Ukraine rare earth minerals, why should he relent to the cession of land to Russia, Russia invaded Ukraine remember, Russia started the war remember, Ukraine gave up it's Nuclear arsenals for guaranteed security which didn't happen.
  5. Trump is a liar, he makes up stories that suit him even if they are incorrect. Everyone knows he's a liar, a fake ...... one would have to be an absolute idiot to believe anything that comes his sewer pipe mouth. Good on Zelensky for speaking his mind, although he was very humble about it, he was actually saying , hey Donald Trump ... your a <deleted> god damn liar. Has Trump ever fought in any war, carried a rifle, been on the front line ? NO no no .... Trump couldn't hold a candle to Zelensky in my book, he's trump trash.
  6. so sad to hear that about his elephant he was close too ..... and what about that woman on the right ?
  7. well, the Temple Buddha didn't save him ....
  8. my thoughts were exactly the same ..... his photo should have been in hospital with a dozen tubes coming from every hole on his body and maybe a sad miserable pic added, you have to pull on those heart strings as the Thai's are professional's at that sort of thing. I'll send 50 baht over if really need be ....
  9. The doctors better think up some mystery illness to tell the family when they arrive, they want to convince them they know what's wrong with him. TIT ....
  10. when they come around and hand you the bill, just say I need to go to the bathroom, then when in the bathroom, have a change of clothes already planted in a bag in the ceiling, then change into new shirt & pants and cap, then exit the building.
  11. if he's only got months to live he should be out bang bang every hour and booze all day ....
  12. 130,000 baht a day old son, but we can't even tell you what you've got ........ but hey ' I'll bet you'll feel alot sicker when you see the bill
  13. I love it when you guys fight .... it lifts the topic up another notch.
  14. Man sick in Thai hospital. Doctors in Thailand are guessing what's wrong with him. Room cost escalates to a whopping 3,000 pounds per day. ( pad the bill ) answer = Go fund Me
  15. Europe & NATO are too slow to react and have any solution at all. If they rallied together immediately, they could have blown Putin's army and hardware off the face of the earth in one foul swoop. Europe & NATO are week as p_ss ......... until they get some balls, Putin will move west further and further.
  16. Trump just rabbit's on and on ..... he's a liar as is Musk. They deserve each other, they're a disgrace to the US.
  17. good job, shoot the bar_stards .... thiefs are the lowest of the low.
  18. I agree, somethings isn't right ... is it bs ... possibly.
  19. sorry, that doesn't work here ... they could have partied and had a fun weekend with all that cash, now all they can do is dream about it !
  20. crazy sickos in this place. yuk ! 🤮
  21. PE teacher dies of a heart attack or similar .... she wasn't a fit PE instructor after all. rip dear girl.
  22. a great joke .... thank's. funniest post of the year award ... you haven't been around much have you ...
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