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  1. Ah ok. I’m talking about LTR for remote workers. Retirement visa can’t lead to PR I believe because you aren’t paying taxes.
  2. Having to re-certify every 5 years isn't great. If you lose your job you lose the visa.
  3. For remote workers I'm interested to know the wording of this required document people have been successful with. It's very unlikely I could get my current employer to agree to this working as it could open them up to tax liabilities in Thailand or elsewhere?
  4. Exactly! Even if they did I can't take advantage of the delayed remittance as my employer would have to pay a salary via a Thai corp which would be taxed. It appears as though only PRs and citizens can take advantage of this "loophole". Edit: Actually PRs require a permit so they can't use this either.
  5. I'm still of working age so not thinking from a pension point of view. I'm hoping to relocate to Thailand in the near future and work as a W-8BEN contractor for a US corporation. So if I keep my money in US/Canada and remit it in the next calendar year I won't be liable for Thai taxes? This seems like a gaping tax loop hole to me. I have to file taxes in Thailand as I need to provide the Canadian Revenue with evidence I am a tax resident outside of Canada and I'm gunning for PR/citizenship. The problem I see though is how a work permit fits into this...
  6. I’ve read from multiple sources (KPMG, HSBC etc) that Thailand doesn’t tax its tax-residents on income earned abroad provided it wasn’t remitted to Thailand in the same year. This appears to contract the English language section of the Thai Revenue website which seems all income remitted to Thailand is taxed and doesn’t mention this loophole. Is this the case? They must be loosing a lot of money from such a provision.
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