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Posts posted by T_Dog

  1. but last November I

    No worries. Could be something very small and simple. Something might be blocking something - air, gas etc. Thais aren't known for maintaining their bikes and usually wait for something to completely break before spending 120b on it. :blink:

    A good service/clean, and the original sprocket size should see you well.

    I got a new chain and sprockets a few months back at the Honda dealer, got the DID for 1,900b, but they had the cheap copy ones for like 700b for the set, so the front sprocket change isn't going to cost too much.

    I need a new chain on my bike now, was quoted 2350 for genuine Honda replacement. ( Its my second in 42,000km in one year)

    On my previous 150 I tried a cheapy chain and it lasted about a month!! very false economy.

    I was tipped off a bike ,luckily at only about 40kph, when a chain let go several years ago so Im very wary of riding with an ill-adjusted or worn chain now.

    How do you get tipped off a bike when a chain fails? :blink: Did it wrap around your leg?

  2. Thanks J1V. Years ago when I was riding my Honda 750F my riding buddy had a Kawasaki Kz-900. We would trade off on long rides and that made me a Honda man forever. The Kawasaki was faster in a straight line but when the line got crooked, it was too bendy to do any good. If Honda does this right, the Honda 250 should steal the market.

  3. Just did mine today and everything went great. Got there at 7:50 AM and the year's extension was done by 10 AM. The officer even saw my 90 day report was due in a week so he completed that for me as well. Like the previous poster said, know the requirements and have your paper-work done before-hand. Also realize that some days might be very busy and it might be better to come back the next day. When I arrived, there were 20 people standing at the door. Year's past were never this busy, and the officer commented that they are handling more people than ever.

    I noticed that they completed over 50 90 day reports by the time I left. Things seem to be working well there.

  4. How big is your car? :whistling:

    ooooo you stalker, how big is my car? some would say bigger than yours. Is there place round the back?

    Only if you drive a boat

    Good one! I also like the food at Pun Pun, and Gonzo has such a lovely family. One of my favorite places in CM although we don't get there nearly enough.

  5. that car has been there for at least month now. I didn't see any obvious blood stains so maybe no serious injuries were incurred. It may even have been parked when struck.

    I think it might be part of a safety education program for the public or otherwise I don't think it would have been sitting there for so long now.

    I've seen it too and I think you're right but as Eek says, it would be a miracle if the driver got out of it with his or her life. Shame there's no notice to go with it.

    That must be the same one I saw last week then. The images on this post don't open up fully for some reason and I can only see the rear of the car.

  6. looking forward to buy two beach cruiser bikes, the best would be online. (new or second hand)

    comfort, good price and shipping will be much appreciated.


    You can buy these in Chiang Mai and Bangkok. They seem to becoming popular here now.

    As a child I had a many beach cruisers maybe because I lived at the beach? One speed coaster brakes were/are so cool. Would be fun to have one around here

    just for kicks.

    I believe Trek has one out sold at Jackies.

    Talking about bicycle....your yellow bike showen here T-Dog his is one hot looking bike.

    I thought you had probably had one or two of those! And as for my Yellow Mantra, it's my daily driver!

  7. Holy cow! How long did it take you to find THAT?!!

    No, not as excited but took several pic's what was more to practice my photographic skills, though. And then getting compliments of both Tywais and Greenside is nice. Thanks! :jap:

    Still have problems with making clear pic's of moving dogs, even when the camera is on 'scene-sport'. I must do something wrong, but don't know what. When and where do the photographic club holds his meetings now, Greenside? Would like some advice about my camera.

    Nienke, I like the photos too. Regarding the camera club, I think the meetings are now at the Delight Bakery and the next meeting is this Wednesday, the 13th. Check out

    http://www.igroops.com/members/cmpg for more info. (I hope that link works. Greenside might have to provide a better one.)

    Regarding moving dog photos, that is always tough! Here's one of my old pup just before she crashed into me airborne at full speed! How's that for a nice side trip on a "Rain" thread?

    post-498-056856200 1286692940_thumb.jpg

  8. And rewarded with two rainbow's. :)

    post-27646-038163100 1286535427_thumb.jp

    Yours is so much better then mine. Had to use my phone camera as the battery is flat on my main one. Note to self, charge batteries. ;)

    Nice shot Nienke! The second one was lost somewhere behind the water tower in mine :)

    Were you photographers as excited as this guy?

  9. The Green/Blue book for a vehicle should be at home in a safe place.

    You are only required to show a copy to a cop.

    Due to a request I had to produce the original, I did some checking into this last month and found out that legally, you do have to carry it on the motorcycle. But, if you can produce the law that you don't have to carry it, I am all ears.

    Based on what several long time motorcyclists and one attorney told me, I put the book in the bike. It will make it much easier for me the next time I get stopped.

  10. 'huge lenticular cloud' :)

    Personally I love the mammatus cloud formation (I'm not trying to be funny), fairly rare but quite a sight when you see one.


    Mammatus Cloud


    Lenticular Cloud

    BB.... The Milk and Cheese Icing I've experienced while flying in mammatus clouds in convective weather over Wisconsin has caused me many moments of udder panic. Thanks for the mammories!

  11. ...I fly RC here and have found I can get anything I need, even Great Planes, Sullivan and DuBro parts here quite easily. Many shops in CM and BKK. The fuel I buy comes from the UK or USA and is only slightly more expensive than where it comes from. The only thing not available are kits. You might consider giving RC flying another shot here.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't many of the model planes these days fly on electric motors with rechargeable batteries??

    You are quite correct boatguy. I would think there are now more people using "electric" power than fuel. It's much more clean and convenient and the development of motors and batteries is getting better and cheaper all the time.

    There are endless arguments on gas vs electric on the RC Flying forums and in the end, each person has to make their own decision. I've got electric planes and gas, and the gas planes fly longer and are more simple to maintain and operate. Up to you!

  12. OK, my mistake. You are referring to a mic, I was talking about headphones. I use earbuds with my MacBook and the internal mic for Skype, etc. So I suppose that you are correct that if you want to use a headset mounted mic then a USB version is the only thing that works since a MacBook does not have a mic jack.

    You are right.. The earphones work fine. Don't know what Apple was thinking on the Mic Input. Took a while to find out this information and the newly bought USB headset works fine. They are a bit harder to find in Thailand.

  13. In the late 80's, we would go to Missoula Montana to go fly fishing for browns on Rock Creek up in the mountains just east of the city. 5AM breakfast would always be at the Oxford where the special was brains and eggs, a glass of beer, and a shot of whiskey. Last time I was there, I sat next to a rancher that was wearing a loaded side arm. This was a common sight in Montana in those not so distant days. You sure wouldn't see that today! At any rate, it was a tough place with surly waitresses, great food, and always a rasty early morning crowd. The Oxford unfortunately was sold and turned into a chrome and plastic dinner for the yuppie crowd. Missoula hasn't been the same since.

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  14. One minor thing I just found out about Macs. You can not use a regular headset with the normal 3.5 mm plugs.

    I assume you are referring to the Mac mini, as this is indeed the case. However, the Macbooks can use any 3.5 mm headset/earbuds.

    Not my 5 year old MacBook. Sounds like they must have changed it recently.

  15. I DO remember that! Wasn't that guy from Glascow (who I could not understand one bit) pissed? I'm still trying to figure out what a "wee nabit" is.

    I can't believe somebody from Glasgow would be pissed. Maybe he had a speech impediment...

    For a moment, I'd forgotten about him, but now you come to mention it...

    I could hardly hear a word he said, over the old codgers washing the dominoes


    Yeah... And that lady bartender looked so tough I was almost afraid to order a pint.

    She's salt of the earth my sister is.....wouldn't hurt a fly.

    I can give you her number if you like.....she's only got a few more months to serve.

    Well, putting a knife into a guy on cask night just because he was ordering a bottle of McEwan's is a bit harsh. And I'm pretty sure that after a few years behind bars she is probably even less interested in guys than she was before.

  16. ...I fly RC here and have found I can get anything I need, even Great Planes, Sullivan and DuBro parts here quite easily. Many shops in CM and BKK. The fuel I buy comes from the UK or USA and is only slightly more expensive than where it comes from. The only thing not available are kits. You might consider giving RC flying another shot here.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't many of the model planes these days fly on electric motors with rechargeable batteries??

    Electric planes and helicopters are indeed very popular. I like using fuel though as I get longer flight times, it smells better, and I don't have to worry about charging and maintaining expensive battery packs. Just call me a retro-grouch!

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