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Posts posted by pontious

  1. Our village { 120 houses } needs cctv repairs or maybe a complete renewal. Does anyone  have any suggestions for companies in Pattaya .


  2. 1 hour ago, tryasimight said:

    You want to enhance your security by allowing police to enter your compound.....then you want to have them ask for permission to enter? What is your question?


    Trust me cops anywhere will come and go as they please.....except if you are very, very rich or a person of influence...I doubt you are either.


    Read my opening post-where did I say wanting them to ask for permission. The question is in the OP. You are wrong - they cannot come and go as they please.

    I doubt you know what you are talking about,

  3. 54 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    Yes they very well can. A Juristic Manager & security guard hold a higher & more powerful position than the cops.

    I find that hard to believe and certainly not the advice from other posters regarding 'invited persons'.

  4. Thank you to TOPT and CL for your replies - actually when the village was still in development  stage the then owners refused entry to the the Police. I will tell the Juristic Manager of our intentions and see what they say. I appreciate and thank you all for your responses.

  5. 39 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    Nobody will have a definitive answer to your question without knowing the rules and regulations of your village.


    However, in my experience non owners are not permitted to enter a village without an invitation from an owner or a committee member - a village committee can only refuse entry to the guest of an owner on the grounds of their bad behaviour or if there is an associated health risk.


    You need to check the rules and regulations of your village for confirmation.



    Thanks CL- of course our rules state the same as you suggest - are you saying if I tell the committee I have invited the Police in at periodic times they could refuse ?

    These would be Royal Thai Police - are you suggesting that if someone is murdered they would need an invitation?

    Sorry but these are not normal visitors but the Thai Police - surely this makes a difference.?


  6. I live in a gated secure moo bahn in Pattaya. I want to enhance my security by having visits by the Police. Can the village committee refuse such a request.? DO NOT answer if you do not have the answer to my question, or wish to answer with other solutions.


    Thank you

  7. 4 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

    I've never asked, I just hand over my documents and keep my mouth shut. I never ask any questions or try to tell the officer what to do or squirm on the edge of my chair. I think they appreciate the rare silence. 


    More than 5 years ago I definitely was going in closer to 45 days early. The past few years it's been definitely more than 30 days but not by that much.

    I have done the same - I do not not squirm on the edge of my chair, and hand in my forms and say nothing - they tell me to come back within  30 days.

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