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Pablo H

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Posts posted by Pablo H

  1. Now when I go back I buy a few beers or a couple bottles of Lao Khao, its just a few quid, nothing to go crazy about. On one occassion her brother did ask me to buy beer, through my g/f, I said no and then asked him to buy me some beer, he just laughed and has never asked me again.

    Oh wow, you saved 50 Baht,............... what a star you are.

    Yea, you sure showed those Thai guys that Farangs will not be used as money machines, I bet they where really impressed with you.

    Still, I expect that you work for 4000 Baht a month and are expected to row the boat out when you visit the family, life is hard sometimes.

    She should dump you immediately and get a guy with some compassion.

    A guy with compassion, someone like you eh John? :o

  2. Hey Pablo, thanks for the link. I started on the 'Amnesia' game and got out of the room by taking the bedsheet and then wearing it.

    Awww man, it brings back some memories playing those type of games again.

    OK, why didn't I think of that?

    I shall have another crack at it when I get the time. My patience doesn't last though, if I get stuck somewhere I usually end up quitting the game in a huff. :o

  3. The g/f insists on pulling hair out of the side of my head which can sometimes be a bit painfull. I tell her this when she does it but she tells me the hairs are grey and since they are grey the hair is dead, therefore not painfull when pulled out! I try to explain to her that all hair is dead but it just goes in one ear and out the other, I wouldn't mind am only thirty one and I cant see any grey hair on my head. :o

  4. Jet Set Willy was a classic, though the music was a pain.

    Recently did a search on the net (yes very sad, I admit, I have too much time on my hands), if you like them old type adventure games

    I was more interested in the adventure type games that were basically a blank screen with a line of type saying something like;

    "You're in a large cave. You can go N, E, W, or S".

    Then you pressed the 'N' (north) key and you'd get something like

    "You're in a small cave. You can go E or S".

    Why dont you try this game out, its called Amnesia, the title is self explanatory, I had a crack at it for an hour or so and couldn't get out the room. The site where you can download is either http://www.abandonia.com/index2.php or http://www.the-underdogs.org. Both these sites have loads of classics from the early 80's onwards, free downloads mostly.

    If you have a go at that Amnesia and manage to get out of the room, let me know how you did it, please. :o

  5. My GF also has a young daughter from a previous marriage, (whom I'm happy to regard as my own daughter). Sin-sot tradition might well dictate that, since I will be caring for her daughter AND my GF is (in effect), second-hand goods, then they should be paying ME to marry her!!

    Im not sure about that Simon, but its worth giving it a go!

    Freeloaders are abundant in Issan, am sure similar situations have arisen for a lot of members who have been to their tilac's home, although idiots shouting 'more beer' down ones ear is too much.

    First time I went 'up north' a lot of people came to the house, I payed for the drink, I reckon I spent the same amount as I would on a decent night out back in my hometown so I wasn't worried and my g/f was happy.

    Now when I go back I buy a few beers or a couple bottles of Lao Khao, its just a few quid, nothing to go crazy about. On one occassion her brother did ask me to buy beer, through my g/f, I said no and then asked him to buy me some beer, he just laughed and has never asked me again. If I buy something I buy it because I want to, not because people ask me to.

    Just set a budget for your wedding, let the g/f handle it, once it has been spent say goodnight to everyone and get yourself and the g/f to bed.

    Good Luck :o

  6. I see no one has mentioned the Spice Girls!!!

    It seems a lot of the people here are into the oldies scene, goes to show great music never dates. If I were to mention some of the best bands/albums, I would have to mention the following.

    The Doors - The Soft Parade

    Led Zepplin - The Song Remains the Same

    The Jam - All Mod Cons

    The Who - Quadrophenia

    Nirvana - Nevermind

    T-Rex - Bolan Boogie

    I was never really into the 'metal' scene but Iron Maiden were O.K. if you like that type of thing. I went to see The Who back in the late eighties, the show was great but it was sad to see Townsend with an acoustic guitar and some guy behind him playing all the electric stuff, apparently he was deaf.

  7. If you had to choose three of your favorites albums, any type of music, what would the top three be?

    Mine, after a longtime thinking are as follows:

    1. Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd)

    2. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (Genesis)

    3. The Rise And Fall of Ziggy Stardust And THe Spiders From Mars (Bowie)

    Ok, they are mine, what are yours?

  8. Started out working for the Council then


    Binman (that job stinks)

    Financial advisor (I hope they didnt take me seriously)

    Warehouse Manager (in Bangkok, had to quit as I found it impossible to manage Thai staff and the Health and Safety was non-existent)

    Bar owner (bar failed miserably, but had a whale of a time while it lasted)

    Engineer (Petro/Chem)

    Project Co-ordinator (P/C)

    Currently awaiting to start in Indonesia to assist with NDT (non-destructive-testing zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), someone's gotta do it! :o

  9. Heh heh, very funny story Ravisher. But to be honest, that whole idea scares the heck out of me!

    And Boonmee, just cause they are chasing each other doesn't mean they aren't catching each other. My my, things have changed a bit since my single days. Or perhaps I was a bit of a prude, but I never jumped into the sack with a total stranger.

    A load of Scandinavian girls are (jumping in the sack) 'upstairs at the Drop In'. As I mentioned in earlier, these girls, some of them stunners are getting it on either in this particular bar or back in their bungalows with the young Thai guys. They dont usually pay them outright the next day but tend to pay their 'fellas' pocket money every now and again. I have seen a few couples (farang girl & Thai guy) travelling over on the ferry from Surat, maybe the guys have started taking the girls back home to the village.

    I know of one Thai guy in Ko Pagn Nagn, who brought two Swiss girls back to his village, where my girlfriend also lives, apparently they done the rounds with a few guys up there. As I said in the last post, good luck to them. :o

  10. Back to the main subject..... checkout these Issan beauties from a Nong Khai

    Thai Bride Site.


    If you laugh your a very cruel person 

    Oh well I guess everyone deserves to find that one special farang

    Jeez, theres some blokes on that site in the 18-21 category!

    I once saw a tv programme about an agency in Bangkok, ran by an old letch who during the filming of the documentry traded in his old wife for a younger model.

    There was a guy from the U.K. who didn't appear to be the full baht and admitted he was prescibed drugs to control his temper who joined the agency, within a few days of meeting a woman he proposed, she accepted and they were off to live in the U.K. happily ever after, not. :o

  11. I know a guy who used to clean his ears with the cotton wool buds for years, he swore by them. Eventually he started developing hearing problems but he continued to use them, he went for a check up at the local hospital back in the UK and they pulled a large amount of flthy wax coated cotton wool from his ear canal. Needless to say his hearing was restored and he doesn't use cotton wool buds anymore! :o

  12. Back in the U.K. I think I would have got involved in both cases as I have done once before but in Thailand its a different kettle of fish. My gut reaction was to step in and do something in the first case but having looked back I reckon I probably would have come out of it worse in the long run. Just when I see something like that I really do get the urge to whack the perpetrator. Cowards, there's no excuse for hitting a woman.

  13. A few months ago I was sitting in a pick-up with workmates (Thai and Malaysian), waiting at traffic lights in Hat Yai. The car infront of us had a man driving, a woman in the passenger seat and a boy no older than four in the back. The guy then started punching the woman passenger in the head repeatedly for about 10 seconds while the boy looked on. The lights changed and the car sped away.

    What do TV members reckon they would do if they witnessed this?

    A few days ago I was speaking with someone who told me her friends father had invited a Thai man around to the house with the intent to ask her to marry him. She had never met him before and it seems the father had been passing photographs of his daughter around as he is desperate to get her married off so that he can claim his dowry and fuel his alcholism. She refused point blank to even speak with the guy, the father then proceeded to kick shit out of her in front of the people present in the house.

    If you where there what would you do?

    Its a tricky one on both counts, I would just be interested to hear other members views on this subject as grim as it is.

  14. Gf likes to cut the nails and gets offended if I dont let her, as said earlier I usually do it myself regularly. As for ears, no, she doesn't attempt to clean them as they are clean everyday due to the need to shower at least twice a day in Thailand.

  15. Some people reckon bg's are hard as nails, some of them are, perhaps the ones who have been around the block a few times but the girls who are just starting out are not as hard, therefore they do have their hearts broken by guys promising them this and that.

    If a girl is let down a few times you can hardly blame her for becoming cynical and interested only in cash, can you?

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