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Posts posted by onnut

  1. Even the top of range Jazz is still a boring ride. There is no arm rest, so expect to get a neck ache on not so long trips. Apart from that it's not a bad run around and cheap to take care of and easy to resell.

    onnut, is the lack of arm rest new? my Jazz is 2 years old and has an arm rest in the middle.

    I agree it's a good little run around in Bangkok.

    This is my sister in laws jazz, it is about 1 year old. The new style one.

    I just took a look, no armrest, just the handbrake. I found I had a neck ache for a couple of days after driving Bangkok to Pattaya.

  2. alvint.jpg

    Listen to Alvin because he won't be there when you cross the road. :rolleyes:

    We laugh at these Adverts now, but imagine how many children are still alive because of them! Perhaps a certain OP needs a refresher course! :rolleyes:

  3. Hi torasap. I find this an interesting topic, sure it's been done over and over again on TV, but I feel there more than the simple questions raised here, For me what really leaps out the story is the OP's lack of understanding of all things Thai, Thai culture, family and that word again "face" this is not a criticism, just an observation. I don't pretend to be highly knowledgeable on the workings of the Thai mind, but you pick up enough to not put both feet in your mouth now and then, and stay sane!

    OK, my opinion, for what it's worth. First, stop giving your wife grief over this, she is in the middle! She is under pressure from her sister (read up on Thai families) and you, (her husband, who view the whole thing thought farang eyes) you have already said you have learned a lesson about lending the money……….Good, then let it go. As far as your relationship go's, it's quite possible your putting your marriage at risk!

    Try and swallow down the urge to go farang on this issue, you will lose mate! As said, forget the 20,000 Baht…..It's gone, just forget it, for your wife's sake….and never mention it again. As for the new loan the SIL wants, try it the Thai way, (It's a game) Let her know you will think about it, have a look at the finances and so on, Finally let her know via your wife, (whom, you should also keep in the dark about the whooper your telling) that you would love to help, but just don't have the money to lend her, Everybody's happy………'ish, especially your wife who get to save her face.

    I don't know or would presume to know your wife's background, so, please accept this advice in the spirit its intended; don't tell your wife or her family every detail of your finances, you wife does not need to know how much you have or what property you own, only that you are providing for her. Yes I know! "We are as one, in love,we have no secrets " yarda yarda yar and so on! Trust me on this! You are creating pressure on your wife to provide for her real family!

    To answer your questions

    1) How can people be so stupid to ruin things for themselves like this when they are in need of funds? Answer: A lot of Thai live on a day to day basis, "a bird in the hand" sort of thing.

    2) What makes them think they can screw people over and still expect to have their trust? Is it a big- person-small-person-thing? Answer: No, it's a "you have I want" sort of thing and trust! They don't care about your trust.

    3) Would you expect such behavior from a 36-year-old? Answer: This is a trick question…. Yes I would, anywhere in the world, buy especially in Thailand.

    I am not advocating that you should embrace the Thai way of thinking or doing thing, but as your married to a Thai you should at least try and have a basic understanding of what makes them tick……It's called self preservation and it will keep you sane. One last thing, stop dripping about the money, if this is all you ever hand over to the family…………….. You've got off light!

    + 1 green. this is a really good answer.

  4. Not all "people" are like that, some are some are not. I have loaned money to Thais and got it back and and loaned it to others and not got it back. I think it is to do with there upbringing. It does seem to be a bigger problem here though, and I do not think it is just us that get screwed, Thais screw each other as well so its not a personal thing. I reckon it all boils down to the fact that they do not think of tomorrow as we do. Spend now because Tomorrow may not come!!!! :huh:

    anyway, if my sister in law had done that to me, she wouldnt be getting anything else off me. Dont let her get away with it either, put pressure on your wife to sort it out.

  5. I have had blocked toilets in the past, shitty boxer shorts, knickers and even a t-shirt once. people amaze me. why the <deleted> shove a t-shirt down a bog, Thai toilets have problems flushing a runny turd let alone a t-shirt.

    :lol: Didnt you notice someone leaving the premises without a shirt on? :ermm:

    I think it was coz I didnt stock up on bog roll :lol: so they had to wipe there arse on their shirt!

    mate, this was Phuket, 10% of the customers were walking around with no shirt on. it cost 40K to dig up the floor and fix the pipes and to re-lay all the tiles again. :annoyed:

  6. I have had blocked toilets in the past, shitty boxer shorts, knickers and even a t-shirt once. people amaze me. why the <deleted> shove a t-shirt down a bog, Thai toilets have problems flushing a runny turd let alone a t-shirt.

    That's gotta be intentional to mess up your bathroom, no one can be stupid enough to think you can flush clothes

    Dont know mate, when you open your door to the public you have got to expect some dumb <deleted> to walk through. :huh:

  7. If you had a gun and was confronted by an intruder would you have it in you to pull the trigger? if not theb be prepared to have your gun taken off you and used on you maybe!!!

    dont bother, get some good locks, a dog and some bits of wood.

    In my home? With my wife and children inside?

    Yes, without a second of hesitation.

    Like what LOZ said

    Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

    You and me both, but what about the OP?

    I dont feel I need a gun right now, we live at a dead end street in a secure estate but if I was to move into a free standing house out in the middle of nowhere I would buy a shot gun and pistol for safety reasons. at the moment my dogs and a bat make me and the wife feel safe. there is always people at home in our house so I do not have this worry.

  8. If you had a gun and was confronted by an intruder would you have it in you to pull the trigger? if not theb be prepared to have your gun taken off you and used on you maybe!!!

    dont bother, get some good locks, a dog and some bits of wood.

  9. The responses are interresting, thanks for the honest replies. it is good we all think different.

    I have not said no to anybody using the toilets but just get annoyed when they just walk past without asking and then walk out without a thank you. this is what I think is rude. one guy last night stood in the restaurant and asked me questions about it and then just turned around and followed his wife out without saying a word after she had used the toilets. no thanks or anything. I just thought that is so rude. even the posters here all agree on one thing and that is you can at least ask if its ok.

    after all, it is me that pays the staff to keep them clean, I pay for bog roll, water and soap! Manners cost nothing, so a Thanks would be nice. :)

    You have bog roll and soap !!!! :o:D

    :lol: its a City thing TA. also have bum hoses for those who cant remember how to wipe their <deleted>! :D

  10. The responses are interresting, thanks for the honest replies. it is good we all think different.

    I have not said no to anybody using the toilets but just get annoyed when they just walk past without asking and then walk out without a thank you. this is what I think is rude. one guy last night stood in the restaurant and asked me questions about it and then just turned around and followed his wife out without saying a word after she had used the toilets. no thanks or anything. I just thought that is so rude. even the posters here all agree on one thing and that is you can at least ask if its ok.

    after all, it is me that pays the staff to keep them clean, I pay for bog roll, water and soap! Manners cost nothing, so a Thanks would be nice. :)

  11. I should of added that if a person asks I don't think it's a problem. But it's rude to just walk in then out without asking.

    Once I had to go while in Chain Mai, I couldn't find my hotel and was close to crapping myself and as I ran past the bar I shouted one heineken please and I will be back in a minute :-).

    I for one couldn't of just ran in and then left again.

    Some people are different, that's why I asked on the forum.

  12. What do you guys think of this?

    when people walk in to your bar or restaurant to use the toilet but dont eat and have no intention of eating or having a drink. they walk in one will use the bathroom and the other will stand around waiting. would the other restaurant or bar owners on this forum allow this or stop it. or if you do not own one, what do you guys think?

    My view on it is that they can at least order a beer, I am not a public toilet and it is my staff who have to clean up after these people.

    if they want to spend a penny then they can at least spend a few baht and order a drink as well!

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