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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Another question was about not reporting your overseas address and non residence status and still receiving full pension. And had anyone ever been prosecuted for doing this and if so what was the penalty? This was the response -"We are unable to provide the information you requested but any changes of circumstances must be reported to the Department as per the attached CFN701." Unless anyone knows anything to the contrary it certainly looks like little if any action has ever been taken. CFN701 10_23.pdf
  2. Pretty much how I interpreted the response. Could be a potentially huge decrease in income that being the case.
  3. Would this also apply if you lived in the UK for say 10 years after returning and then went to another “frozen” country. It would revert to the original “frozen” pension? NB - No intention of doing any of these things just a question that came up recently.
  4. A question I have recently asked the DWP. A person returning to the UK for a period of time can apply to get the full pension entitlement based on contributions whilst in the UK or a country where agreements apply, mainly the EU. When returning to the original country of residence the pension returns to the original "frozen" amount, that I understand. The question I asked the DWP was if a person was to return to the UK for a period of say one year and then go to another country where the "freeze" applies would the pension then be frozen at the rate that was received for the one year in the UK or what. This was the answer "your rate will return to the frozen rate applied when you first left the UK." which was quite a shock and seemed most peculiar but was confirmed by another response from the DWP. Still sounds wrong has anyone gone through this experience? Just to rub it in if you return to the UK and expect to receive health care from the NHS you may well find the applies also- "People who live outside the EEA, including former UK residents, should now make sure they are covered by personal health insurance, unless an exemption applies to them. Anyone who does not have insurance will be charged at 150% of the NHS national tariff for any care they receive."
  5. Thailand's Burning Season_ A Smoky Dilem.mp4 Thailand - the "Annual Burning Season"!
  6. Thailand's Burning Season_ A Smoky Dilem.mp4 It is now seen as part of the seasonal weather patterns! The "Annual Burning Season"!
  7. I guess the passenger was a maniac and if sexual assault was involved the headline could have read- "Nut bolts and screws" Sorry, the old ones!
  8. You can bet an awful lot of money is not being sent to Thailand right now as the uncertainty about tax liabilities will be unlikely to be resolved anytime soon despite "free" seminars.
  9. "Somewhere right now there's a 10 year old boy honing his immense golf talent. And when he grows up, he will break every LPGA record ever known!"
  10. Mainland Chinese asking too much?
  11. Sounds like these guys are in need of Artificial Intelligence they don't appear to have any of their own!
  12. Glitches in the "new" system? On receipt of the "tourist" rejection for er indoors I immediately resubmitted (Tuesday) as we were going away for a few days and could not go to immigration. Wednesday morning she got an approval! TIT
  13. The super "new" system has just rejected my wife's 90 day because the system says she is on a tourist visa! She has been on a retirement extension of stay for 21 years! So the unwanted trip to immigration is necessary yet again!
  14. I think I will have given immigration my address in various forms about 70 times over the years, you would think they would know it by now. 90 days causing overcrowding at immigration offices? Just do away with this antiquated requirement- job done!
  15. Hearing that the Wing 41 "short cut" will be open to all to help alleviate traffic problems in Chiang Mai apparently the PM confirmed with the C in C Air Force to grant the access. Wonder if I can get my 110 baht back!
  16. Chiang Mai, submitted online Friday evening approved 18.58 pm Sunday evening!
  17. Just in time for the beginning of the low season?
  18. Multiple Chiang Mai based real estate companies on Facebook, that would be the place to start. Even post her qualifications there to see if she meets any companies requirements perhaps?
  19. Bought an HP ProDesk 400 G3 Mini Gen 6th 7th Intel Core 16 GB for around THB4000 via Lazada about 4 months ago. Great buy, no problems.
  20. I believe, like myself, those on part pension because of zero increase in Thailand could get the full entitlement by returning to the UK for 180 days? But could one return to the UK for a couple of weeks and then go to another country/countries where full pension is received for the remainder of the 180 days before returning to Thailand? Just a thought!
  21. Health drink available from a supermarket chain in northern Thailand.
  22. Should not need to. Plenty of excess hot air in the corridors of power!
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