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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Thanks, I created this via an awesome AI app mainly to put on my own website, a Thailand Blog, but it came out so well I thought it should be for more extensive viewing.
  2. Dust! Thailand's Burning Season_ A Smoky Dilem.mp4
  3. Vey common nickname in Thailand. RIP Khun Thanatip an awful way to go.
  4. Apparently he could still be in jail and be president. Not too too many overseas or conjugal visits though.
  5. Apparently this week it will be constant rane, hele, thundre, litnin and frizzing colde. .Really bad spell of weather.
  6. Daily would be more appropriate.
  7. But it appears to certainly have more intelligence than the PTB!
  8. Glazer family, are they to blame for the pollution?
  9. A good take on the whole situation from the perspective of AI. Thailand's Burning Season_ A Smoky Dilem.mp4
  10. The PM2.5 problem! Thailand's Burning Season_ A Smoky Dilem.mp4
  11. Right eye multifocal lens about 15 years ago at St Peters even then it was around 60,000. Probably the best money I have ever spent. Needed glasses for most things prior to the op. Left eye still OK with only slight cataract in the lower level. Surgery not required yet.
  12. Disagree totally, I have found the information very useful!
  13. Adult foreigner THB 1200 Child THB 600 Adult Thai THB 300 Child THB 150 4 Times the local price for foreigners. Went once years ago, never been since. Not the way to see animals.
  14. Out on the golf course here in Chiang Mai early, very bracing but unfortunately 3 areas where burning was visible. (But I guess not to the authorities!)
  15. They mean the burning season has started. And the advent of the smog that will kill many more people than Covid ever did. Dust!
  16. I live on a well known estate where there are probably around 80-100 properties "owned" by Chinese the majority of which are via the nominee company route. Most of these are individuals not the big boys but the concern has trickled down as to how this whole thing may pan out.
  17. I think that- - - nah never mind!
  18. I thought the trolls were hibernating?
  19. What I do anticipate happening is multiple lawsuits on behalf of many on the list based on comments from those who leap without thinking? First one perhaps? "Jimmy Kimmel threatens to sue Aaron Rodgers after the NY Jets player suggested that he was an associate of Jeffrey Epstein"
  20. There must be something similar to the 5th amendment I can claim?
  21. It's simply a list of people who flew in a plane is that correct?
  22. And currently watching Vera if you want a good entertaining police series. https://www.google.com/search?q=tv+reviews+vera&oq=tv+reviews+vera&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEINTIzOGowajGoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Agatha Christies Miss Marple also easy to watch and some well known British actors and great settings and filming.
  23. Him and Vera would make a lovely couple!
  24. Unusual restriction as 30 + year leases are in a grey area at best. Good luck
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