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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. invideo-ai-720-Choking Reality_ Thailand's Air Pollution Crisis-2024-04-04T08_07_40.mp4
  2. I have a few ideas of who should be sent off in to space if that would help?
  3. invideo-ai-720-Choking Reality_ Thailand's Air Pollution Crisis-2024-04-04T08_07_40.mp4
  4. invideo-ai-720-Choking Reality_ Thailand's Air Pollution Crisis-2024-04-04T08_07_40.mp4
  5. Hope it won't affect tourism!
  6. Basically it will be very hot for what is normally the hottest month of the year, again!
  7. This will probably have been part of the Thaksin deal, casinos in Thailand always been one of his aims.
  8. Confirming that April is usually the hottest month of the year.
  9. Apparently the Republicans will be celebrating Easter on 31st March in future which also happens to be International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event occurring every March 31 since 2009. The rest of the world knows that Easter does not fall on the same days each year.
  10. Thaksin has always tried to get Casinos in Thailand and this is probably another part of the "deal" that brought him back here.
  11. As long as it's not compulsory!
  12. Now that Thaksin is back Casinos are certainly not far off. Nearly happened in 2006 when Thaksin and sister were talking with guys from Macau in Chiang Mai. Somewhat disrupted by one of those coup thingies!
  13. Possible. Maybe at the same time as we get full pension!
  14. Don't think DWP will be doing this anytime!
  15. Bring your money in and get taxed on it is not much of an incentive? Does a company importing funds also have the same tax liabilities as individuals?
  16. Won't the millions of tourists sucking in the air simply filter it through their respiratory systems and actually help reduce the dust/ smog particles? A government ploy to use tourists to reduce the hazard?
  17. Got some Cheshire and Wensleydale, awesome, from Greens recently but now looks like almost everything is out of stock unless it has improved?
  18. Tuesdays storm cleared it away for a short time and if no more rain for a while then it will be bad again in a few days.
  19. A brief respite with a downpour in some areas of Chiang Mai on Tuesday night but the smog will soon settle back in without further rain. Governments response- can't really do anything or tourists may not come! Pathetic!
  20. Another day another troll post!
  21. As the new law applies to everyone , Thais also, bringing funds in to Thailand you would think that the banks would be the first line of attack. Immigration would only net the small fish and most definitely not Thais? Me, have had my pension paid in to a Thai bank that changes from next month, have a bit of cash in hand here so will not need the pension at the moment.
  22. Could be related to the incoming tax laws on foreign income. Wife was asked to complete a form at Bangkok bank related to all her income. Didn't take long as she has none. Staff said also related to new tax laws. Since then have not heard of anyone else having to do this. Maybe this is the start, no extension without declaring income and source. TIT
  23. Massive fines for the arsonists, jail time as required. Fire monitors of some sort. Rewards for information on arsonists. Anything to add?
  24. Probably but I haven't tried. Does what I require and replaced an HP tower so more space on the desktop. And of course very portable.
  25. Buy most of ours at Gekko Garden, plenty of choice and fair prices. Sausage and bacons and other meats quite good also.
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