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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Have had a couple of our old friends cremated here in Chiang Mai. Based on size, last year a Shi Tzu 600 baht, few years back German shepherd 1,000 baht. Collected the ashes the following day provided with a red bag or you can provide your own urn/box.
  2. I suppose they could consider giving some sort of benefits to long termers with extensions etc? No problem for me and er indoors, we have had a 21 year extension of stay. Just had to renew it 21 times!
  3. It has moved on dramatically with the ability to produce amazing images and videos with justa sentence or two of text ChatGPT is just one provider of AI access,Bing and Dall-e seem to be moving ahead. The next few months will be amazing for sure.
  4. Thank goodness nobody on AN can use such expletives to describe that nice man Mr Trump. But I am sure they would if they could!
  5. And if we don't get the rain now what do we do for water for the next 7-8 months?
  6. I guess posting a picture of a golly on a jar is inappropriate nowadays?
  7. Needed something that reflected Thai Fashion and it gave me this in about 5 seconds. This technology has multiple uses. Perhaps show us what it has created from your mind- a scary thought knowing what lurks on AN. Fortunately there are restrictions on what it will create!
  8. If you haven't tried it yet this technology is moving at a rapid pace and fascinating. Dall-e is text to image and is very simple to use, simply come up with want you want to see in a descriptive sentence and hit create and a few seconds later you have it. Still a few glitches but no doubt will soon be ironed out. Text to video in beta so where next? Anyway, here is a couple of just top of the head attempts. "DIFFERENT ANIMALS ENJOYING THE BEACH AND SEA IN THAILAND WITH A BACKGROUND OF THE MILKY WAY" COCKATOOS IN NINJA OUTFITS FIGHTING OFF CATS DRESSED AS PIRATES ONBOARD A FRIGATE Does not quite get it all right yet but will not be long. Enjoy- This was accessed via Bing Create
  9. The flat sounds like close to Southorn? Friends have 3 flats in Star Street and one in North Point
  10. I guess the tiny flat in Wanchai is worth as much if not more than the large house in outer Bangkok? I remember a parking space in Causeway Bay, I think, that sold for $100,000 30+ years ago. I see some are over 1 million US nowadays!
  11. What I do remember seeing on rooftops of Wanchai from high rise in QRE were bags hanging from poles being bashed with sticks. Apparently it was the way dogs were tenderised before cooking. Not even legal all those many years ago but it's what happened.
  12. I guess they will not be following the success of the American form of gun control!
  13. I have invested, I will let you know- thanks.
  14. Anyone had to use an "bruxism" occlusal splint? Which dentist and approximate cost?
  15. Would those that fund their extensions of stay by monthly deposits of 65K find that that money is taxable? If so would the deduction of tax make their annual income below the required level and as such invalidate the extension of stay?
  16. She can apply as dependent and only the 800,000 is required you will need notarized copies of the marriage certificate I believe.
  17. My wife had never bought a ticket but a few months ago she dreamt all six numbers so I searched around and managed to finally find the exact combination. The draw was made and not one of the numbers she had dreamt was drawn.
  18. Nearly missed this thread- never mind, I will go and watch the grass grow.
  19. Long time member here.. 15 years? RIP Condolences to the family.
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