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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. One of the better buys I have made for years. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/hp-prodesk-400-g3-mini-gen-6th-7th-intel-core-i7-i5-i3-i4759184815-s21409375803.html?
  2. Quite a few places over 200 today. Chiang Mai fighting to get to that number one spot again! A little more uncontrolled and un- monitored burning and we can do it again!
  3. We were just Frigating around sir!
  4. Many places to park on the main road just opposite , up and down.
  5. Vaguely remember something about Welsh goat herders and wellies. Nah, must be getting old!
  6. "He expressed his intention to wait until he felt better before engaging with the police." After all it was only attempted murder said the victim.
  7. "The Phuket Express has decided not to share this footage however as it depicts animal sexual abuse and may upset many readers." But no doubt it is out there somewhere if you really need to see it.
  8. And probably others. https://wvsthailand.org/en/
  9. Pro Auto have an insurance brokers just at the back of the garage next to their car test centre run by Tons wife.
  10. Congrats to Chiang Mai for achieving the world's most polluted air yet again!
  11. With Chiang Mai achieving yet another first in the world's worst AQI ranking yesterday the government should have more concerns than airport rankings.
  12. Isn't it more likely that that there was a massive inflow of funds before the new tax laws on overseas funds came in to effect?
  13. Extreme but Uranus may be a consideration!
  14. Sarcasm Bob, sarcasm!
  15. Sounds like a bit of a dick, but trial by social media is probably not a good precedent!
  16. Not the other end? Not too subtle I hope?
  17. The Chinese were certainly not travelling during Covid there were massive restrictions on not simply travel but movement even within Chinese cities which was controlled. I personally know 3 Chinese families who live in ChiangMai and because they were in China when Covid was rampant could not not return for 2 years in each case.
  18. I don't think therefore I am not?
  19. Look at the schools and supermarkets etc you will see that many of them are here already. But on a more permanent basis. Continued virus infections sweeping China will also not encourage tourism.
  20. Is this the advent of full 24 hour opening of the airport! Add the benefit of life threatening smog as an added attraction it really is the place to be.
  21. "Unhealthy" today and every chance it will get worse in to the next two months. I think another committee needs to be formed!
  22. It would not surprise me to see neither Trump nor Biden contesting the 2024 elections. As soon as Trump is jailed or passes away from his multiple physical and mental ailments this year then Biden will probably drop out either voluntarily, pushed, or health wise. Who would be contesting- no idea!
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