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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. My $100,000 USD bet still stands. And you never explained the purpose of CRS.
  2. What do you think the CRS agreement is all about? It is useless for only remittances. So you don't have that 100K US.
  3. Endless lonely suckers. Get a dog as a pet.
  4. My understanding is if you reside more than 180 days a year in Thailand this year, you have to file a tax return here by March 31/25 reporting all of your world income to Thai tax authorities. This is the essence of the CRS agreement. Also will not surprise me when you go to renew your annual visa next year, proof of you filing a tax return here may be needed. Have fun.
  5. More political BS. This scheme is get people hooked using QR codes to pay for everything. As the gov plans to get rid of cash entirely sooner than later. Big brother wants to see all and tax you to Star Trek, the next generation.
  6. Throw these ignorant losers in jail for the rest of their lives If there is the death penalty, go for it. If they are old enough to rape and say ignorant words, then let them suffer.
  7. Another upcoming sucker. If you do, sleep with your eyes open and have Superman guard your bank account.
  8. When u use your phone to pay anything, what you buy, where and how much you pay, is stored in a gov. computer forever. They can even use this info to get an idea of your annual income, etc. Your privacy is gone forever.
  9. Use QR codes anywhere and kiss your privacy good bye forever. It is the ultimate government control over you.
  10. Lets see his and his wife's tax returns for the last 5 years.
  11. With interest rates in Thailand far below US rates, the baht should have fallen off a cliff a long time ago. Obviously they have a USD swap line which means the Thai central bank can sell dollars and buy baht at will thus propping up the baht. Also the baht is a controlled currency which means you cannot buy or sell large amounts of baht and I am referring to millions. The world still accepts fiat currency which is a joke itself. It is no different than monopoly money.
  12. Same old story, men are simply suckers and the last woman to get involved with is a Thai. If I were you, take your daughter and go back to Europe today. Empty your bank account here first.
  13. Everything has become pricey in Thailand. Prices this year alone have increased 10 to 20% right across the board and the friendly politicians keep brainwashing you that there is no inflation so they can reward you 1% per annum on your time deposit!! Soon the natives will get restless...
  14. Wait till the muslims form their own political party. Adios England.
  15. US power comes from the USD. They won't let it go so easily. Just ask Saddam.
  16. Another quality tourist from a quality country.
  17. Never ceases to amaze me how many ignorant and crude people exist and is why my dog is my best friend and the only one I trust.
  18. Wait till they start talking with that whiny voice. I run to the hills.
  19. So again you can see the nature of the beast. I trust the these terrorists, when caught, get immediately deported and on the no fly list. As mentioned before, Japan and S. Korea have the right idea, never let these people in the country. And look what it costs the world and air travelers in airport security.
  20. And he is wearing a Rolex. This crook belongs in jail.
  21. Read a book called America Alone. The demographics of the west and even Russia, are doomed and the muslims know this. Western politicians are weak and naive and grossly overpaid, not to mention, not too bright either. Unless the west cracks down seriously on this problem, they are doomed down the road. Japan has the right idea, never let them in.
  22. There are approximately 2 billion muslims in the world and growing fast. That's why.
  23. Its a muslim country so count me out. Reminded of them every time I enter an airport.
  24. The need for greed will doom this planet by 2050 according to Sir Isaac Newton.
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