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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. You are an open racist, and luckily for thai people you've left the country.

    It's not racism, just results of experience. Could be lucky for the Thais, certainly lucky for me.

    What took you so long to leave?

    I often ask myself the same question.

    Ferd you always get people like femi fan that stick there heads in the ground and refuse to see whats happening around them I dont think you are a racist just a realist.

    I agree with FF that the UK is very violent which can be confirmed every weekend as the pubs empty out in any UK city however I cant ever remember 2 shootings in less than 3 days Thailand is way more dangerous than the UK

  2. So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

    I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


    So what you are saying is had Wolfie had a bad experience at an establishment that wasn't sponsoring this site, you would have had no problem with him posting his thoughts; but because Kevin is a sponsor, Wolfie had some sort of obligation to keep his thoughts private with the owner and keep the rest of us consumers in the dark?

    Had Wolfie had a positive experience i take it he would be free to shout from the rooftops?

    You can't have it both ways. Either people are free to post comments - good and bad - or they are not. I think they are, as i suspect does Kevin. Would he prefer is people kept complaints private? I'm sure he would. Any business owner would. But if they don't, that's up to them. It's all part of the business of being in service. From what you have told us, you should know that as much as anyone.

    Right or wrong IMHO i beleive it was inappropiate for a moderator to post a comment such as that as do other posters that commented right after his post.

    Its like me paying for a Television ad for my business and the television company followed my ad with a advert slagging my biz down while smiling nicely and pocketing my money. Bad business

    At the end of the day the moderators represent TV and if they want to post personal views maybe they should be allowed another account so they can post personal experiences while they are not working and representing TV

    If it was not a TV moderator then I would not have a problem

    I agree... seperate accounts would be a good answer... and appear fairer - I think the Mods do a great job 99% apart from when they get 'involved' with a debate (please don't boot me I did say 99% :) )

    Thank God FINALLY someone understands my whole point

  3. Again, very sorry to hear about it.

    RIP TJ Schuller.

    I learned long ago that flipping other drivers off, or beeping unnecessarily, or being a <deleted>-style driver (not that I ever was one) are a definite no-go here. I could tell a few very scary stories on this involving other people, but now is not the appropriate time.

    And I am not insinuating in any way that the deceased did any of the above. Just a cautionary aside to this post for the members who think they are bulletproof.

    My condolences to his family.

    So what you are saying is take all the abuse and be quiet like a good little boy else a tiny thai guy will get out and shoot you with a big gun I am sorry i could not lower myself that low even at the risk of being shot by some crazed gun toting maniac thai.

    Every day I go out and dodge the non existent driving skills of these people I have done 22,000km on my bike and some instances are beyond beleif and in the heat of the moment ive flipped off many a driver due to there maniac driving almost killing me I am not going to sit and do nothing and while flipping them off is childish its at least a bit of satisfaction

    Just because some thais have a screw loose wont change my actions that I would do anywhere else i am a considerate driver except in near death experiences where the flip is an automatic body movement.

    Never said I was an expert I merely responded to a a post that was deleted I simply said i will act just as a thai would should they cause me to lose face. whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

    FarangCravings I do not totally agree with you but I really do undestand your views here as I think alot of other people do too. (but maybe a little reluctant to post for fear they get flamed or abused).

    Your point about farangs losing face etc is so so true. Brilliant post.


  4. So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

    I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


    So what you are saying is had Wolfie had a bad experience at an establishment that wasn't sponsoring this site, you would have had no problem with him posting his thoughts; but because Kevin is a sponsor, Wolfie had some sort of obligation to keep his thoughts private with the owner and keep the rest of us consumers in the dark?

    Had Wolfie had a positive experience i take it he would be free to shout from the rooftops?

    You can't have it both ways. Either people are free to post comments - good and bad - or they are not. I think they are, as i suspect does Kevin. Would he prefer is people kept complaints private? I'm sure he would. Any business owner would. But if they don't, that's up to them. It's all part of the business of being in service. From what you have told us, you should know that as much as anyone.

    Right or wrong IMHO i beleive it was inappropiate for a moderator to post a comment such as that as do other posters that commented right after his post.

    Its like me paying for a Television ad for my business and the television company followed my ad with a advert slagging my biz down while smiling nicely and pocketing my money. Bad business

    At the end of the day the moderators represent TV and if they want to post personal views maybe they should be allowed another account so they can post personal experiences while they are not working and representing TV

    If it was not a TV moderator then I would not have a problem

  5. Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

    Plain and simple

    So you aren't sick of people like Wolfie who complain at poor service, you are sick of people like me who are too dim to see that Wolfie has some sort of an agenda to destroy a man's business? I see. Actually i don't. I haven't got a clue what it is you are going on about.

    Customers who receive bad service have every right to do whatever they please with that information. If they want to tell all their friends that's entirely up to them. Businesses get the benefit of word of mouth when a customer receives good service and tells others. They must also accept customers may well tell others when the service is bad. Customers aren't beholden to some sort of a moral agreement that any bad feedback must be kept strictly secret and only shared with the management of that company/business.

    The only time when it is ever wrong for a customer to speak publicly about their experience is when they are lying and making stuff up. I have no reason to believe Wolfie is. Do you?

    Kevin accepted Wolfie's comments/complaints and responded professionally. I don't think all this nonsense you are spouting on his behalf is doing him any favours whatsoever.

    So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

    I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


    Perhaps it's only me, but by replying on a thread about the Red Lion, he did let Kevin know, and Kevin responded honestly and fairly, which Wolfie accepted.

    If the rest of the static on this thread was taken out, that would have been been the end of it. Too many people jumping on high horses.

    I've eaten in the Red Lion enough times to know they have the occasional off day - but then again who doesn't? Doesn't stop me going there the next time.

    Now, if you want crap service, try The House....!

    (And I'm not a mod so I don't care who they pay!).

    I guess I am just different after traveling all over the world I dont expect good service when I am visiting 3rd world countries and eating in inexpensive establishments if I get it then great if I dont I remain patient and dont get my knickers in a twist unlike many less travelled people.

    Since I have business experience running service orientated projects I understand better than most the effort it takes to stay on top of things.

  6. Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

    Plain and simple

    So you aren't sick of people like Wolfie who complain at poor service, you are sick of people like me who are too dim to see that Wolfie has some sort of an agenda to destroy a man's business? I see. Actually i don't. I haven't got a clue what it is you are going on about.

    Customers who receive bad service have every right to do whatever they please with that information. If they want to tell all their friends that's entirely up to them. Businesses get the benefit of word of mouth when a customer receives good service and tells others. They must also accept customers may well tell others when the service is bad. Customers aren't beholden to some sort of a moral agreement that any bad feedback must be kept strictly secret and only shared with the management of that company/business.

    The only time when it is ever wrong for a customer to speak publicly about their experience is when they are lying and making stuff up. I have no reason to believe Wolfie is. Do you?

    Kevin accepted Wolfie's comments/complaints and responded professionally. I don't think all this nonsense you are spouting on his behalf is doing him any favours whatsoever.

    So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

    I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


  7. ... snip ... My mate looks like a right thug and you would not want to mess with him this did not stop the old codger from going up to him and slapping him right in the kisser my mate immediately told the thai guy not to do that and he did it again I was amazed when he told me he just drove away, when I asked him why he said the guy looked like he was quite wealthy and he thought it best to drive away and he did he was so angry and frustrated he said he cried

    what a load of crap he stops to be polite and gets abused he is a way more sensible guy than me i would of acted a lot different then drove off.

    Sawasdee Khrup, Khun FarangCravings,

    We think your friend showed outstanding "common sense," and "humanity" in this situation. It's inspiring to hear about it.

    Every time my human uses his car (very rarely), he stops for one minute before getting in, and reflects on what he has seen happen on the roads here, and resolves to drive kindly, and with consideration for others to the extent that is possible given the fact that if you "impede" the flow (and speed) of trafffic you run a great risk of accident.

    His mantra for propitiating the "hungry ghosts" (preta) of the Thai roads is : "yield, yield, yield."

    thanks, ~o:37;

    I understood about the first line of your post the rest was lost on me, I agree on his common sense but fail to accept after being assaulted twice how he contained his rage just because it was a thai I told him next time dont bother to stop and apologize just ride on just as they would.

  8. 3 years here won't make an expert of you. You still have a long way to go, and many things to learn in Thailand, about Thai drivers. The last thing I would do if some trouble happen, is to flip the finger! It is a clear request for problems. Many of my thai friends, who are not gangsters, always mention that Thai can become quite nasty when on the road....

    My 2 cents

    Never said I was an expert I merely responded to a a post that was deleted I simply said i will act just as a thai would should they cause me to lose face. whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

  9. One of the benefits of free wi-fi is the customers can comment quicker and I will be able to react quicker!!

    Who would have thought that a simple post notifying people about free wi-fi would turn out to be so controversial (other than me :) ).

    I love Thai Visa. :D

    At least its some free extra advertising Kev any press is good press I even saw your place on tv the other day I think it was on the show Dining with death on XZYT LOL just a quick flash of your sign befroe they went on to show all the wonderful odd stuff northern thais eat such as centipides spiders and the like

    Before anyone jumps on this The Red Lion does not serve spiders and stuff LOL and while there are a few negative comments above it is far from Dining with death LOL

  10. No wonder you *USED* to run a service orientated company (presumably no longer) :)

    Yep your right I sold out for a lotta money sick of dealing with people like you

    Sick of people who have the audacity to complain when they get bad service?

    Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

    Plain and simple

  11. Again, very sorry to hear about it.

    RIP TJ Schuller.

    I learned long ago that flipping other drivers off, or beeping unnecessarily, or being a <deleted>-style driver (not that I ever was one) are a definite no-go here. I could tell a few very scary stories on this involving other people, but now is not the appropriate time.

    And I am not insinuating in any way that the deceased did any of the above. Just a cautionary aside to this post for the members who think they are bulletproof.

    My condolences to his family.

    So what you are saying is take all the abuse and be quiet like a good little boy else a tiny thai guy will get out and shoot you with a big gun I am sorry i could not lower myself that low even at the risk of being shot by some crazed gun toting maniac thai.

    Every day I go out and dodge the non existent driving skills of these people I have done 22,000km on my bike and some instances are beyond beleif and in the heat of the moment ive flipped off many a driver due to there maniac driving almost killing me I am not going to sit and do nothing and while flipping them off is childish its at least a bit of satisfaction

    Just because some thais have a screw loose wont change my actions that I would do anywhere else i am a considerate driver except in near death experiences where the flip is an automatic body movement

    Its amazing to me how we are such punks here a friend of mine the other week had an incident where he almost hit a thai lady walking with an old thai guy as he came round a corner being a polite guy he stopped and wayed her and apologised,

    My mate looks like a right thug and you would not want to mess with him this did not stop the old codger from going up to him and slapping him right in the kisser my mate immediately told the thai guy not to do that and he did it again I was amazed when he told me he just drove away, when I asked him why he said the guy looked like he was quite wealthy and he thought it best to drive away and he did he was so angry and frustrated he said he cried

    what a load of crap he stops to be polite and gets abused he is a way more sensible guy than me i would of acted a lot different then drove off.

  12. The Mrs just read me another story form the thai newspaper a 30 year old thai guy marrys a 28 year old thai girl and agrees to pay a dowry of 200,000 baht and 2 baht gold.

    So they get married and he wants to get some and she tells him she is on her monthly period 2nd day same third day same, after 8 days he has ahd enough and goes to the police as he wants to get his 200.000 back and his gold LOL the police call the girl who tells them she is ready to have sex now LMAO but now he dont want her anymore

    He is still trying to get his money back


  13. The mrs just read the news paper to me the guy was 39 he was caught in a Honda Accord and caught with the gun whcih was a 9mm he told the police he did not do it however 9mm bullets were recovered from the victim

    Glad they got the scumbag lets hope he goes down for this

  14. Hope the wifi is faster than the service. My BLT took over a 45 minutes to arrive, despite there were less than 10 people in the restaurant, and it arrived cold.

    The coffee tasted awful, served without milk/creamer, which i had to ask for... The Old Thai lady who appeared to be running the show constantly complained about how busy she was (10 customers in the bar - of which they had all already been served!!!) and then proceeded to mutter some pretty insulting Thai swear words when i reminded her i was still waiting for my sandwich 45 minutes after ordering it. I guess she didn't realize i speak pretty good Thai :)

    This was just after Christmas 2009, and to be frank, i've had better service and better food at the McDonalds across the street.

    Maybe next time i will choose a different venue for my mid-day breakfast!

    While this geezer is entitled to his opinion it really gets my goat when I see post like this whether it be this establishment or any other when a farang living in a foreign third world country gets all pissy over service it even pisses me off more when the owner of this eatery has CLEARLY MANY MANY times on this forum told people that should there be any problem LET HIM KNOW SO HE CAN MAKE IT RIGHT it makes this post above its even more ridiculous when its a MODERATOR who posts it

    WHY DID YOU NOT LET KEVIN KNOW why did you not fill in the form I get the feeling that you dislike Kevin for posting such a review and he is a sponsor too, I would of thought or I would of if TV was mine was to politely contact kevin privately and let him know rather than kick him in the balls while taking his sponsor money

    Reason while I am upity about this is I used to run a service orientated business in a third world country and its a full time job trying to keep on top of service staff and to ensure they do what ypu have told them a GAZILLION times.

    every now and again I had to deal with one person complaining and they would post on the net and do damage to my business when the reality was i had 99% very happy customers to one where something went wrong and the one would make way more noise than the 500 happy customers and it pissed me off.

    I got around it by doing the same questionaires and whenever something came up I could pull out thousands of questionaires where I had rave reviews and put it i perspective

    Since the owner cannot be there 24/7 thats what the comment cards are for so he knows whats happening when he is not there another thing is have some patience yes 45 minutes is long however you waited 45 minutes to ask where it was maybe after 15 minutes you should of asked shit happens when you run a busy place such as the RL and things do fk up every now and again.

    Boy if I was paying these suckers money I would be well pissed off they treated you like this kevin

    By the way Kevin dont know who I am before anyone says he my best buddy

    let me make this very clear for you USE THE FORM, AND READ THIS

    Satisfaction Guaranteed . ]We try to do our best when it comes to preparing the food but we do appreciate that, first of all, different people have different tastes and secondly, for one reason or another, we may not always get it right. For that reason we have a 'no quibble' guarantee on all food items. If our food doesn't meet your standards , we will gladly change it for something else. If you don't want to try something else, we won't charge you for the meal. Fair enough?

  15. Road rage in Thailand is one sided, in my opinion. From what I have observed it is rare that a local will start carrying on over a minor incident on the road, those that I have see going into fits are usually non Thais, ie., farangs. Thai people rarely react immediately to the abuse but will eventually catch up with the "road rager" and deal with them in any way they see fit. This revenge could be minutes, hours, days or even weeks later.

    There is also a chance of mistaken identity.

    Still no excuse to be shot dead whats fkin wrong with these people

    RIP to a fellow biker

  16. "21st december, 2009, I arrived at the Thai border at Nong Khai, not expecting to be allowed northbound across the Friendship Bridge into Laos, without a permit which takes 3 weeks to process/ obtain.

    To my amazement, Thai border control and Thai customs said that i didnt need a permit to go northbound across the bridge.

    On the return to Thailand from Laos, I had all the Thai TM immigration forms ready and didnt need to fill out any of them myself, everything was done by the Thai immigration and Thai customs, all very simple. You just have visit 2 Thai customs kiosks and 1 Thai immigration Kiosk on your return to Thailand.

    Interestingly, the temporary import bond on my bike was 323,000 baht last time, this time the temporary import bond is only 75,000 baht.


    We did a trip mid november 09 so I guess my info is way out of date

    Ah well TIT after all

  17. Interesting- I've only had good experiences renting from Pop, both cars and bikes... If your rate went from 1000 Baht/day to a 25,000-50,000 payoff then we must assume you had an accident or damaged the rental in some way and didn't have insurance to cover the damage. Too bad, live and learn.

    I believe there is Visa on Arrival service at the Chiang Khong crossing, but closed on weekends. Insurance available for purchase there as well.

    Happy Trails!


    You may assume Nothing

    I neither had an accident nor damaged any bike nor would i ever rent from them nor reccomend them

    Rent at your own risk I decline to elaborate on this anymore lest to say I live in chiang mai and its a well known scam here in chiang mai where motorbike rentals are concerned.

  18. Haven't taken a rental into Laos myself, just my own bike; but friends following the information from GT Rider, printed out forms before arriving, copied the proof of ownership and writing permission letter from Mr Pop and had no issues what so ever at the border. All information they got straight off the GT Rider website, and many a trip report posted in the GT Rider forum.

    Cool, I didn't know Pop would agree to have their bikes taken out of the country- that's great news! Happy Trails! Tony

    I would not reccomend POP in any way shape or form I cannot explain here due to maybe liable comments I would make but just to say you run a very big risk renting from them as they have a unique way of turning your 1000 baht a day into 25,000 to 50,0000 baht payoff

    my advice anyone but POP

    anyone wondered how in this climate they are opening up all over town ? theres a reason

    As for going into Laos you cannot take a motorbike over the border at khon kaen no matter what paperwork you have you have to head down the river 120k to a smaller border crossign which you canc ross however you have to have your Laos visa in hand as there is no visa on arrival at that border crossing. additionally you cannot cross over on weekends as customs is closed.

    Also you will need to sort out Laos insurance prior to heading to Laos as its a serious crime not to have insurance while driving in Laos.

    hope this helps

  19. shipping an item into Thailand

    Can anyone give first hand experience on shipping something to thailand

    I want to order something off ebay and want to try and avoid all the bullshit that normally goes with it

    I heard that if you use EMS its better than using ups or fedex as they usually try to scam you over import charges

    its nothing major just a custom motorcycle helmet coming in from Bali

    any advice appreciated


  20. No personal experience of Piston Shop but Nat has a good reputation and friends who have used him have been happy. PLUS, his English is excellent so no possibility of overcharging or wrong work being carried out, through misunderstandings of the lingo.

    The shop is on Assodhaton (?) Rd on the left between the 1st and 2nd traffic lights heading towards Tesco/Khamtien.



    I totally AGREE with all your comments Pikey. I have used Nat for over 2 years now, and recommend him to all of my friends.

    p.s I wonder who this 'mystery' moaner is....a competitor perhaps?

    Can we have his name please...he can use an Internet cafe - can't he?

    Bucklt :)

    I know the mystery guy and also Pikey knows me I have the Vulcan 900 anyway it is true what my friend is saying as he is a good friend of mine I have never used the Piston shop but did listen to my friends comments with interest and he is a stand up guy who I feel has a legitimate gripe with this shop with the quality of the work and his practices with labor charges etc

    it seems to me this piston shop owner is getting more and more farangs coming and he is slowly increasing prices in addition to this my other biker mate just had his ER6 customized new rewired and fabricated front lights new indicators new license plate holder plus a bunch of other mods they kept it in for several days and the labor charges were just 500 baht which was excellent where the Piston shop charged the same fee for less that 2 hours work.

    No matter that is only 500 baht when you feel your getting ripped off you most likely are

    the mystery guy does not own a computer nor does he use one (I know its crazy but some people just dont use computers)

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