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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. Not surprised with how much they charge down there 190 baht for a Jack Coke

    THEY ARE HAVIN A LAUGH daylight robbery its cheaper in the UK

    Krabi is the same me mate and I rode our Bikes from Chiang Mai to Krabi and small chang beer was 120baht and Jack coke again 170-190 baht food was starting at 200 baht up. We chatted to a british girl who expressed it was very expensive there and she expected it to be much much cheaper not more expensive than back home.

    Thailand is still inexpensive you just gotta avoid he tourist traps.

  2. quick note about the beer take it yourself but be discreet when you drink it as on a bus journey coming from Mai Sai to Chiang Mai the hostess reprimanded me for drinking beer not sure if it would be an issue on the Udon bus.

    I still drank me beer

  3. Motorbikes are safer and cheaper in the long run.

    Errrr I beg to differ :) my current predicament after motorbike accident my missus is much safer and has not cost me half as much as the motorbike :D

    Its ok though they rebuilt me :D

    Those look rather serious. I hope you're getting around alright now.

    Congratulations on surviving and glad to hear you've had more luck with the women than I have. That must be some consolation.


    8 weeks now and another 6 to go before I can start walking on it it will be a long slog even then but Im alive and kicking (only with one leg though :D )

  4. Im GAGGING to get out on the road on my Bike' its been 8 and a half weeks since I had my motorbike accident and busted my leg in 4 places now I am the proud owner of a Metal Leg :)

    I,m longing for the open road even though El Jefe dont allow big bikes on his day trips :D

    My mate just left for Koh Tao BUMMER

    Doc said another 6 weeks I should be able to start putting weight on it

    Be careful out there and drive safe :D

  5. Ok since no one has replied yet I will give it a go

    Diff in buses VIP less seats = more legroom and reclining space for a long journey like that its worth the extra for the bus with the least seats which is the VIP bus

    Once you arrive in Udon you need to take a bus, there are 2 bus stations one has buses directly to vietienne, however you need to already have your Lao visa to catch that one.

    If you dont have a visa you need to go to the other Bus station and catch a bus to the border I dont know the name of the bus station but its NOT the one near there central indoor shopping center

    Once you get to the border check out of thailand and you will need to take a bus over the bridge 20baht once you get off you get visa application form and fill it in and pay your I believe $30 USD best to have dollars else its costs you more in T baht.

    Wait for your visa then make your way through to the taxis and tuk tuks. the tuk tuks take you for 50 baht a head, they will fill up there tuk tuk before leaving but they are slow and dusty as shit and it takes about 45 minutes into Vietienne.

    Alternative is an A/c taxi PAY no more than 200 baht if they want more be prepared to walk away and find another.

    Good luck and have a safe trip

  6. I have the Mxnet 590baht package and in the middle of the night 1am up till 9am its brill no complaints all streaming videos work fine, online games work great, however after 9am youtube works ok however the games I play with the exception of one company there portals wont load and just says check your internet connection other than that if your surfing checking emails etc but if you play "GAMES" online you have to do it in the middle of the night for most companys.

    It must be that theres too many people using the same lines which is slowing it down in the daytime why else would everything be A OK in the middle of the night and then not work on the daytime

    I had the 1100 baht package before but when they had the 590 promotion I switched because I thought the 1100 package was crap for what I got and to tell you the truth the 590 one works better I know that dont make sense but the 1100 package kept cutting out throuout the day and I was constantly calling them since I changed it has not gone off once, go figure

    Would like to get the same service in the daytime as I get at night

  7. i knew someone wa gonna say that lol

    I'm home alone with broken leg and got no credit on me telephone the missus is due back shortly with a top up

    Hope that is a decent excuse for the posting :D

    You could see here, even if your telephone does not work.


    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING you actually made the effort to post that considering the answer has already been posted :)

  8. I spent over a month in CM Ram after a motorbike accident and during my being wheeled around I kept seeing posters dotted around the hospital promoting something to do with heart attacks, it has a farang holding his chest pretending to be having a heart attack and I thought it looks a lot like Ian

    Now since it cost me an absolute fortune paying for my care (no insurance) I am looking at ways to make some cash :) and if Ian is a Male model then I would like to get some tips on how we can in on this act and if the pay is good :D

    So Ian is it you ???

  9. i knew someone wa gonna say that lol

    I'm home alone with broken leg and got no credit on me telephone the missus is due back shortly with a top up

    Hope that is a decent excuse for the posting :D

    You must be feeling pretty down, hope the leg gets better soon. :)

    Nothing like Thai Visa to keep you entertained :D

  10. cant help with your question however if I was him and I got through all the red tape BS and got approved and then someone that agreed to go on the commitee and then goes changes his mind and Fks it up, should be careful I would not be able to withhold my anger.

    Maybe it was all in the works and he was unable to change things until it was approved. Once the papers are in they are in. how the hel_l can he change without refiling and paying all the fee's again

    I would of thought its best, let it come through and then file a change of commitee member.

    To do what you are planning it pretty wrong until you have approached him and let him know what you intend to do unless he conforms to your request.

    Anything other than that and your in the wrong

    Thanks for the response and the advice which has been duly noted.

    I don't really want to get into the rights or wrongs that's not why I posted this, but I will say that if you read my post, I requested in October 2008 to take my name off and the registration was approved November 2009. That's 13 months ago! I know he could have changed easily, but couldn't be bothered.

    He can be as pissed as he likes, the fact is my (good) name is now linked with a foundation that is a bit 'iffy' and I want it made clear I have nothing to do with it!

    So I'm wrong?

    I'm the one who is firkin pissed and angry!

    Anyone know where the registration is held? :D

    I actually thought it was 2009 :) so yes I did miss that lol

    Why not call him and tell him you had heard your name is on the certificate and you would like to see it as you requested it be removed, while I understand your anger and obviously something has been done to indicate to you its not above board however until you actually approach him and see how he reacts I think your winding yourself up when its not even confirmed 100% your actually listed.

    I understand your angry but you really should be able to contain that long enough to speak with him and listen to what he has to say.

    The consequences for him are very high if you go and do what you are planning I bet when you tell him what you are going to do if its true he will immediately file a simple change of committee member.

  11. cant help with your question however if I was him and I got through all the red tape BS and got approved and then someone that agreed to go on the commitee and then goes changes his mind and Fks it up, should be careful I would not be able to withhold my anger.

    Maybe it was all in the works and he was unable to change things until it was approved. Once the papers are in they are in. how the hel_l can he change without refiling and paying all the fee's again

    I would of thought its best, let it come through and then file a change of commitee member.

    To do what you are planning it pretty wrong until you have approached him and let him know what you intend to do unless he conforms to your request.

    Anything other than that and your in the wrong

  12. Sorry to say,you will not get any help or compromise whatsoever.Maybe he wants to buy your land and is trying to force you out.Maybe you are lucky that he hasnt copied you and built a guest house as thais are good for that

    Generaly thais are very very unreasonable,as my neighbour says her 6 dogs only shit small,when they poo all by my house and gate,just in the perfect place to tread on.

    I have told her on more than 1 occasion what a nasty bitch she is and she just smiles and threatens me with voodoo,

    It seems that you don't like Thais, and they don't like you!! :) Are you planning to stay?

    Thais are GENERALY unreasonable

    1 thai woman with farang husband with dogs.

    helloooo mike hunt go away little vermin,and stop flaming,if you want to say anything i can give you my number with pleasure my mike


    Do you know me,as you think thais dont like me,turn up and i will introduce you to some realy big thai guys


    Mr tough guy huh lol except you have to bring some big thai guys with you :D:D:D

    too funny

  13. You are an open racist, and luckily for thai people you've left the country.

    It's not racism, just results of experience. Could be lucky for the Thais, certainly lucky for me.

    What took you so long to leave?

    I often ask myself the same question.

    I'd actually like to apologise to you ferd, i was out of order saying that. And you have displayed remarkable manners in dealing with my poor manners! I hope you enjoy your weekend wherever you are. I talk from the basis that i've always loved thailand, and i should remember that there's loads of room for different opinions. I'm not blind to problems here, but perhaps i'm lucky that i found a country that makes me enjoy life more than the one i was born in. Please have a cyber beer on me to try and atone for my rudeness!

    A rare post on TV

    Nice job FF

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