Ah yes, the first move is to set a fire in the congress building and use that as an excuse to ban all opposition and assume total control and abolish democracy for national security reasons, no?
So is your theory that it was created by the right media or existed and focused on by them as something that would attract votes so that the real plan could be obfuscated?
Got it, the instant it proves to be a total election loser the woke ideology rooted in the Frankfurt School and pushed by the Left is a Bourgious construct designed to deflect workers from revolution, or are you parodying yourself?
You should really wait until you have been here longer than 3 posts before getting married. If the parents suspect you are a troll they will up the sinsod.
Seems to be a lot of bad losers on this thread blaming their loss on thick voters. we are not the ones who incinerated a billion dollars thinking the electorate would accept their sub calibre DEI candidate. That is thick.
Just accept yours is a minority view.
Anybody who accuses others of being an incel is an incel themselves. People who are getting laid don't think about NOT getting laid they think about getting laid.
So tired of these assumed superiority Liberals looking down on everybody and insulting them. Nasty people.
It varies, but personally if a landlord were making me pay extra to clean the aircon I would feel entitled to take it with me at the end of the tenancy.
It's the lying by omission that really grates - and will for the unemployed who were expecting a soft ride - latest announcement is it's back to work for them and if they are overweight mandatory injections (seems a precedent was set with Covid - who knew?)
Agree, that sounds a bit much - maybe facial recognition would be better, but without personal ID controls you have all kinds of strangers wandering around, often after having got in with a copied key card.
Sarcasm. I am replying sarcastically to Chomper Higgots assertion that Labours unpopularity is due to the right wing press rather than them enacting unpopular policies.
A major consideration in buying or not is how soon you may have to sell, because a material haircut to shift it is likely. If you think your company will move you in 2 years type considerations. Also visa security.
Thanks, I am aware that legislation can be repealed. The point I was making was that it would be implemented if voted for, it was not a vote solely for informational purposes as many on the Left claimed, so less of the condescending manner.