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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. This is the critical part, selection by the Labour party, in some cases favoured candidates are "selected" and airdropped into safe seats.
  2. Yes, thanks. After researching it seems some fermentations do produce small amounts of methanol and it is also produced in a reaction with stills made from e.g. aluminium (bootlegger type stills). In distillation you also discard the initial lighter fraction which would contain any methanol. It seems it is also wittingly or unwittingly (WRT dangers) added - presumably to increase potency.
  3. I think you meant: women are more prone to BEING OFFERED free drinks.
  4. Applies to them all. what a truly awful bunch.
  5. 'Yes she lied on her CV, but that's a good thing' is surely the headline they were looking for. With a bit of luck the rumours that she will be gone by the end of the day are based, not baseless.
  6. It is the kind of look you give someone when you have conclusively trounced their arguments. HTH.
  7. Absolutely 100% I am speculating, because in the absence of all the facts that is all we can do. It is called a HYPOTHESES. what do you think detectives do? They might form a hypotheses on the information to hand. Again: FYI scientific methodology is speculation, you start with an unproven hypotheses and try and knock it down. Speculation is how conclusions can be drawn. Anyway I have had enough of trying to have a reasonable discussion with someone with your personality profile. I'll bid you Good Day, sir
  8. There's really no point in trying to have a discussion with you and your tactics is there Chomper? FYI scientific methodology is speculation, you start with an unproven hypotheses and try and knock it down. Speculation is how conclusions can be drawn. It's all tactics with you, isn't it? Here is a summary for the benefit of the board.
  9. It's not that it is four, it is that if it just the one person who is not a young woman with blond hair, then you can't rule out accident. It just seems a remarkable coincidence that 5 out of 6 victimes were young women with blond hair rather than a mix of M/F black/blond hair etc. The lower the size of the homogeneous group "blonde women" vs 1 male the less you would think it was a drink picked up in error, 1:1 you couldn't draw any conclusion, same with 2 or 3, intuitively by 4 it starts to look a bit suspicious. If it was one male and 500 blond females you could quite reasonably suspect picked up spiked drink by mistake. remember those stories about a certain Island we can't name where young drunk women were "helpfully" escorted back to their hotel by the young men of the island. There was also the photo of the shed with a mattress in it on the way. Am I able to come down to your level with that?
  10. No it is an understanding of the laws of chance, or are you suggesting that nobody ever picks up the wrong drink, especially when they are likely identical to look at?. See my edited version that I completed before I saw you had replied. What I am saying is if it is one vs 5 we can't rule out wrong drink picked up. Are you saying there is no chance somebody picked up the wrong drink in this environment. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14111525/Laos-methanol-poisoning-victims-drugs-spiking.html
  11. Not if it is just one vs 5, that could easily be due to error. If it were two vs 5 I would have ruled out accident. If it were 5 females and 5 males I would not have suspected what I did. Your accusation is baseless and you clearly have no deductive reasoning power, just spout slogans.
  12. Ah OK, but maybe his drink was spiked in error or he picked up the wrong one.
  13. Oh, I thought you said you didn't make personal attacks?
  14. Alternative hypotheses; Vodka apparently served to 100 guests but only 5 have problems - those 5 are young blond women (no?). Somebody spiked their drinks with alcohol that was actually methanol probably thinking to take advantage of them when they were intoxicated. It must have been a hell of a dose to kill that quickly. Methylated spirits causes people to keel over backwards before they can drink that much, but do it repeatedly and the optic nerve is damaged.
  15. Wasn't the "road" they were conspiring to block actually a runway and that was why they were jailed after previously blocking roads with impunity?
  16. EUR 6,000 realtor fees and taxes, Italian bureaucracy and red tape.
  17. Who would want to rent from a Landlord like this. It may be your property but if someone is renting it is their HOME.
  18. Ah yes, the cyclist. Where do you get this Leftie assumed superiority from? Ever had a real job?
  19. He took $100m campaign money from the Adelson widow. Israel owns him now.
  20. Recent rule at the 'L' desk at CW. Multiple reports of this with retirement extension holders using money in the bank.
  21. Apparently Admin is now overwhelmed with people reporting each other for hate etc.
  22. They want to go back to when they were protected from counter points by 3,000 censors.
  23. Likewise Antifa who are always masked.
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