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Everything posted by MeaMaximaCulpa

  1. Thanks for the link, but it is not really that part of LEDs I'm looking for. More the garden, vanilla variety
  2. The bulbs are "dimmable LED" bulbs meant for 220 volts. These do work on a conventional dimmer, it was more bout the optimal wattage I was asking.
  3. @Crossy When using LED bulbs, what would be the most appropriate dimmer to use: The one with a power rating close to the total rating of the bulbs, or the one with a much higher rating? Example: 4 LED bulbs at 10 W each: Use a 50 watt dimmer or 300 watt dimmer? Or doesn't it matter, as long as you are below the max rating of the dimmer? Which one will give better regulation? Also: Is the any real difference (except power rating) between a dimmer for old style (incandescent) bulbs and LED bulbs?
  4. You could try to contact Dr Torsak, he is both a "normal" MD pluss a functional medicine doctor: https://www.healingpassion-asia.com
  5. iHerb is based in the USA and ships from there to Thailand. Normal shipping time is between one and two weeks, sometimes less than a week. My experience is very good with iHerb, also their handling of complaints. Only twice in many years have I had reason to complain, and they refunded without question, and quickly too. No need to return the product, but perhaps a photo may be asked for. Choose Thailand and Thai baht (it may be automatic from your IP address, but if you use VPN it may be confused), then you see prices in local currency. Finally beware that Thai customs have a limit of B1,500 to avoid duty and VAT. I have routinely gone over this, often up to 1,650 and once or twice around 1,700. But safest to be close to 1,500. If you order for more that 1,400 you also get free freight! Good luck!
  6. I don't know what it cost in a local store, but try iHerb.com: https://th.iherb.com/search?sug=kelp&kw=kelp&rank=0&rawkw=kelp&refererLocation=suggestion Here are a few examples:
  7. So you do understand and have answered your own question.
  8. Did I say I needed it?
  9. As usual, you tend to get what you pay for, but I also know that private hospitals are money-making operations, and will charge whatever the market is willing to pay. I recently had a similar experience at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, and I got the full VIP treatment. Superb! My own dedicated nurse to take me around, a wheelchair for transport (I could have walked, but they insisted, so why not?), my own huge private suite on the top floor with great view, Nespresso machine, snacks and totally quiet. The doctor came up to the suite to go through the results, and she had as much time as I wanted to discuss (which was a lot). But of course, I paid for it. A bit like business class on an aircraft. You get to the same place on tourist class, but if you feel it is worth it, business class is nicer in every way.
  10. Thanks @Sheryl for very detailed and swift answer! And you are of course spot on in your assessment of me as well . Difficult patient for sure! 🙃 The herbals I have used (saw palmetto, stinging nettle root extract, pygeum, lycopene, beta-sistosterol, ++) I believe are (mostly?) of the 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor type, and I do feel (but cannot prove) that they did help to if nothing else slow the growth of the prostate, and keep the flow ok (but low), except if I wake up 2-3am with a full bladder, then flow is VERY slow indeed. Therefore I am worried that one day (or rather night) I may not be able to pee at all, and have to go to the emergency room. But I was not aware that one can actually shrink the prostate, I thought that once the tissue had grown, it would either continue to grow or stop. But not shrink? I have also heard (in a podcast with Dr Peter Attia and a famous urologist) that this type of drugs (herbal or otherwise) may suppress the PSA to give a too low reading, potentially masking a warning flag for e.g. prostate cancer. Is this your experience as well? My PSA has been in the 2.5 to 3 region for quite a few years, and I have no other indications of cancer so far. Touch wood. I will study the above mentioned drugs and therapies, and get an appointment with your recommended doctor for next time I am in BKK. So thanks again, you really are a valuable resource on this forum!
  11. Hello @Sheryl, Is your August 2016 thread about urologists still up-to-date, or do you have any new and bright additions or perhaps deletions? I have moderate BPH, and have used different herbal supplements to keep it in reasonable check until recently, where I became aware that one ingredient (beta-sistosterol) may have a negative effect on the optic nerve. I do in fact have a thinning of the optic nerve sheat as seen on OCT scans, but without any increased eye pressure. I don't know if beta-sistosterol really is bad and if it did cause the thinning or not, but I discontinued the supplement right away, just to be on the safe side. I would like to find an excellent urologist to discuss potential treatments, both medication (if I find it acceptably safe) or some kind of TURP procedure, steam, ...?
  12. Short answer: No. Long answer: My experience with Jomtien is as follows: I have a TM-30 from 2017 or thereabouts, and went abroad (with new passport, stamps transferred) last summer. On return did 90-day report in person, no need for new TM-30. I recently did my retirement ext. of stay, and still not asked for a new TM-30, and same again with the 2nd 90-day after returning. I have been on retirement extension for around 17 years, married for 11 years to same wife, live in her house all the time, with yellow book as proof of address. I never have any problems at Jomtien, and I now see reports that you can in fact use the reservation system, will see if it works with a re-entry permit I still have to do. I would go prepared to submit a TM-30, but try without first. Nothing ventured, nothing gained... (Also, I was NOT asked to come back in 3 months to show the 800K in the bank when collecting my retirement extension. I was just given my passport, and I asked is that all, the nice lady said yes!).
  13. OK, not CW but Jomtien: I have never been asked for a statement in 17 years, I use a fixed deposit account that rolls over annually and never touches it, not even the interest. Only for extension of stay. Yes dead money, but necessary for peace of mind. My wife will get it when I go. Bank letter and photocopies of FD book is always enough. They never ask about funds for living like a savings account, but I always have a 6-month statement and book copies of that in my bag just in case (OCD I know).
  14. I will do it myself until it becomes too much of a hassle, or I am too old to be able to. Then firstly my wife will help, then an agent of course. But for now, I like to do it myself. Yeah, I know, self-harming guy I am! 🙂
  15. Thanks for the tip, but when I travel long haul I do not want to run the risk of an upset in any way, even if my rational brain tells me it is very low. So I do it well in advance, and enjoy a quiet time awaiting departure.
  16. I went to Jomtien Immigration office yesterday just before 10:00, and had to wait a full 30 minutes for document check and queue number for desk 8, but now in an orderly queue and with A/C for comfort. Only a couple of people in front of me at desk 8, and I was out again in 15 minutes. Very smooth process, the officer was nice and efficient, and the big room has had a nice facelift since last year. It was not crowded, with plenty seating and a relaxed atmosphere. Neither the front desk nor the desk 8 officer wanted an updated TM30. I do have one from 2017, but they didn't even look for or at it at all. The same experience was had three months ago doing 90-day report, no need for new TM30. My situation is the same for 17 years now,: Retirement extension, same house and wife which might help...? And I'm a polite and handsome dude of course! 🙂 I will pick up the passport and do re-entry permit and 90-day on Friday morning. I could do it today after 14:00 if I wanted, but then "everybody" from the day before is there and want a re-entry permit at the same time, so better to avoid that time-slot. Then I will also see if I get the form to return in three months to show the 800K still in the bank. For me it varies; Some years I do get it and some years I don't. I never bother to go back anyway, I think it is meant more as a reminder to us than to them. I hope this can help someone not to dread this yearly ritual, it's actually cheap and quite painless for the benefit of living here. With 90-day and TM30 online (which I will do soon) then not much to complain about. Except perhaps we should be allowed to do all tasks at once, and not have to come back the next day and queue all over again, potentially four times if you need all the services. But I think soon we will do most things online anyway.
  17. FWIW: Many years ago I presented a few documents in colour at Jomtien office, and was told to go outside and redo them in B&W. I was allowed to go straight back to the officer afterwards. So why waste money on printer ink, just get cheap photocopies.
  18. WARNING: This may be "TLDR" for some, so feel free to skip it, but please don't bother with the confused or laughing emoticons. Some of you may find it interesting and I will come back later to report if something substantial happens. As someone else said there are several reasons for tinnitus, and there are numerous "cures" and remedies on YouTube, but mostly they don't work much (I will read the OP's and other poster's articles after this post). But I think you're on to something re diet in some cases. I have had low to moderate tinnitus for a few years, and never addressed it until recently, where I experienced a rapid (a few months) hearing loss on both ears. Mostly in terms of muffled sounds especially from tv, but in general too. My thinking is that in my case tinnitus was an early warning of hearing loss I ignored back then, since it wasn't bothering me much. In some cases the tinnitus is caused by the brain filling in the missing information in the audible spectrum, even before we really notice the reduced hearing since it is slow and gradual. So I got in to do a hearing test at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, which showed exactly what I was expecting. But the doctor just said: "old age (66), go get hearing aid. Next!". Any further discussion about root cause and possible remedy was useless. So for a second opinion I went to see one of the experts in the field at Bumrungrad Hospital, Prof. Dr. Saowaros (thanks @Sheryl). She did dig deeper and said my hearing nerve seems ok, but there was a problem in the seashell-like thing in my ears (cochlea). But she had no idea of the cause. On my question she confirmed that it could eventually lead to total deafness. My guess is that it is from auto-immunity (I have some other issues with that already), and this in turn is usually caused by a leaky gut, probably in itself caused by a very bad lifestyle over many years. So I am doing a massive medical check-up in 2 days time, and will be back with the doc early February to discuss the test results and any possible treatment, if nothing else but to slow down the deterioration. In the mean time I am trying what I can to help the situation myself. Firstly I am transitioning away from all sugars, fruits, gluten, dairy and omega six oils. Thats done already, and is easy since I am used to keto diets in periods. I have also started removing all "offensive" veggies (i.e. almost all for me), and will in the next 2 weeks go all the way to a 100% carnivore diet (meat/fish/egg yolks/butter/salt/water), even cutting out herbs, coffee, etc. I will also cut most nutritional supplements (I have been taking way too many), but will add in GABA and Taurine, which may help my situation. Then re-test and evaluate after 3-4 months. In addition I work on keeping the stress down with meditation and gratefulness, plus of course exercise and plenty of good sleep. So even if all this (and more) doesn't help with hearing loss, there are so many other benefits for health that it will be well worth it. And when I feel totally stable I can experiment with adding back one veggie at a time and see what happens. A long process (at least one month per item), but well worth it. Wish me luck!
  19. Bombastic statements like that are usually not true for everyone. I have a TM-30 from 2017, and came back from abroad in August (on a new passport I got in BKK before the trip, and incidentally not asked for boarding pass either). When I went to Jomtien in November to do my 90-day in person, I saw on the forum beforehand that I HAD TO have an updated TM-30 before I got my 90-day (and also for an extension). Well I wanted to test that, and got my 90-day without new TM-30 or even a question about it. Now I will do the same again with my extension in February. If they insist on a new TM-30 I will go get one, even pay the fine if needed. No sweat. After my next trip this summer I will register for both 90-day and TM-30 online, since it seems the TM-30 online mostly works well now, and there is a new 90-day online solution being launched as we speak. Hopefully in November this will work well after fixing the start-up problems that will inevitably occur. My theory is: In each of our immigration "profiles" there is a flag saying "Good guy, treat nicely" or "Bad guy, not so fast". Why this flag would be there will vary with each office, officer and the subject (i.e. us). It could be how we come across to the officer, attitude, dress, solidness of our case, documentation, stable situation, history, etc. Now this is just a guess on my part, but it would explain most, if not all of the variations in process we see every day on the forum. Some other reasons are the individual office chief's policy, and individual officers having a bad hair day, PMS or whatever. I am not mentioning the elefant in the room, that goes without saying.
  20. In cold weather Norway, Sweden and the UK I never changed batteries in cars I had for several years. In Thailand I've been told by "everybody" to change every year. I heard subpar quality and poor roads shaking the battery as reasons. Dubious. Some time back I didn't change, and of course, after ±16 months, battery gone. So now I just suck it up and know my car will start when I need it to. Not worth the cost for the potential hazzle.
  21. I paid 2-300 bath more, also with return of old battery. But why we have to change battery each yer is still a mystery to me.
  22. Thanks, I do appreciate your taking the time to respond, although if you read my last post, I have already found what I was looking for. What I didn't appreciate was your condescending lecture about my preferences, as if you have any idea why I hold those preferences. I may not agree with your preferences but I respect your right to have them. So please respect mine. No need to respond as I am not interested in discussing this further. @CharlieHModerator, please close this thread as it has served its purpose.
  23. FWIW: Let's call it a happy ending! I searched on my map for car battery shops, and B-Quik south Pattaya came up. I was there recently to fix a puncture, and was impressed with the place, staff and general professional attitude, cleanliness, etc. They didn't even charge for the repair! Smart, since I will soon be back with more tyre related business. I didn't at that time realise they also did batteries and other stuff (I have lived a sheltered life with Honda, although also that not without problems, some may even say mindless life), so I went there today and was fixed up in 10 minutes. So now I have a home for all "non-Honda" stuff
  24. Thanks, I'll give that a go. And thanks to the others for suggesting!
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