I know some will disagree, and that is OK. But I do believe in giving credit when credit is due. I was there at 12:50 yesterday to transfer stamps to my new passport. There were 20 people in the queue + a similar group that had tickets from the day before and possibly some retirement folks who get special treatment. The latter group(s) went in first, then my queue. Beware that in the shortish time I was in the queue, probably 30 more people arrived, so time your arrival well. Or go around 9-10 in the morning, after the early group of eager beavers is through the system. And of course, avoid days just before or after week-ends and holidays.
So I was in the door (which opened after lunch at 13:00) 13:10, did document check and my number for desk 8 was already up on the board when I got there. So instant service, 2 minutes and I was given a numbered card to return next day after 14:00 to pick up. Total time 25 minutes (plus 5 minutes pick-up today). I asked the nice and helpful lady please also transfer the reentry stamp, which before was done at the reentry desk, to avoid queueing one more time. She checked and confirmed that all the stamps will be transferred. OK, yes I have to come back again, but I prefer that to waiting in a small room (or outdoors) with many people. If you live far away and/or is frail, that may not be so good for you. And yeah, you have to walk through the door with a mask on (eeewww!), but can drop it down around your neck immediately inside, since most of the staff now don't use masks anymore. So keep one ready in your pocket, otherwise they send you out to the copy-shop to buy one.
I noticed that a big roof has been built over one side of the old parking lot, so something is obviously coming there soon (a better queueing/waiting area is my guess). The other side is covered with tarpaulins, and there are lots of chairs to sit on while waiting. A little coffee outlet is also new (to me), so you can grab a cup while waiting. This time I also used the parking lot just across the road. 40 bath (seems no time limit) is OK in my opinion, but I am sure someone will complain. Then you can park further away if you so wish, usually there is space up on Jomtien second road. Beach road and soi 5 are usually too crowded to find parking.
So overall some improvements, and more to come it seems. Of course, the facilities are too small for the job, but I give credit to the staff squeezing the max out of what they have to work with. And they are all very nice, polite, and helpful. I have no experience with the sections other than retirement, 90-day and reentry, but I have NEVER in my time at Jomtien (since they moved from central Pattaya) had ANY bad experience with the staff. So there! ????
The one thing I do think needs attention is adequate toilet facilities. I believe there are toilets inside, but possibly now reserved for staff only? Can anyone fact-check/confirm this? But as far as I know there is nothing outside. Now that would be a nice addition if you have to wait for a while and had too much coffee in the morning.
So please take this for what it is, a visit report and a tribute to the nice and hardworking staff at Jomtien Immigration. Way to go guys!