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Everything posted by MeaMaximaCulpa

  1. Yes correct, it should be pink or rainbow coloured 😁. Joke aside, that's exactly how I feel. I tend to think: How do everyone else deal with this situation, but most probably they have similar experiences as I do. One way to deal with it is extreme patience, lower my standards and have a more mai pen rai attitude. Now how to do that...?
  2. Of course, and it is not always easy to know until afterwards. Sometimes we are just lucky, and sometimes not.
  3. I had this happen some 4-5 months ago, but a software update fixed it. YMMV.
  4. That sounds a bit depressive and wrong to boot. One has to be careful, but never to trust seems like a sad situation. I am still 100% good after 20 years, and so are many others. But if one insist on picking up a life partner in a bar, then buyer beware.
  5. I use a dual SIM option for Norway and Thailand, now with both being eSIM (embedded SIM). When I used eSIM for AIS and a physical SIM for Norway I had both active, and because I was new to this I wasn't careful about what SIM was used when calling, I kind of assumed that making a local call would use the local SIM. So while thinking I was using the Norwegian SIM I actually used the AIS SIM in Norway. BIG mistake, since I quiickly run up a bill for more than THB 5,000 and AIS just shut down my SIM without contacting or informing me. I did pay as soon as I found out, but even AIS in Bangkok couldn't manage to turn it back on and restore service, so I couldn't receive OTPs for bills paying. Very awkward indeed. Now when I use both as eSIM it will only allow me to have one active at the time, which is a better solution.
  6. Thanks, but I was looking for more repair-like stuff, also to diagnose a potential leak inside the house (not pool related). It seems the Pattaya area including the dark side suffers a constant lack of qualified people. The really good ones are super busy and never have time for you, and the rest is usually useless. Sigh...
  7. I posted this in the swimming pool forum, but got no answers, so I try in the Pattaya forum: I am looking for a good and reliable contractor to service our pool and house water supply system (cleaning, pumps, valves, filters, chlorinator, ++). Reasonable (hey, even basic!) English capabilities and solid knowledge of pools and water systems is a must. I tried to talk to a guy called Marcus (forgot the shop name, it is on Siam Country Club soi) to no awail, and the Wichaiyong shop isn't really cutting it either... Does anyone know someone out here east of Pattaya (can be in Pattaya city as well)?
  8. I am looking for a good and reliable contractor to service our pool and house water supply system (cleaning, pumps, valves, filters, chlorinator, ++). Reasonable (hey, even basic!) English capabilities and solid knowledge of pools and water systems is a must. I tried to talk to a guy called Marcus (forgot the shop name, it is on Siam Country Club soi) to no awail, and the Wichaiyong shop isn't really cutting it either... Does anyone know someone out here east of Pattaya (can be in Pattaya city as well)?
  9. I agree with your last sentence, although I would probably give in just a bit before the catheter...
  10. Wow, 80-90% chance of those side effects, is it really that bad? That's in Russian roulette territory...
  11. Well that's nice to hear 😀
  12. It seems like this issue is like with most in Thailand, different people have different experiences with the same thing. You agree with me about the demand for a work permit to get a postpaid sim card (which was very clear and absolute back then), while at least two others say they didn't need a work permit to get one. I have no reason to think they are wrong, so it is a conundrum. I have AIS, and admittedly it is a long time since I checked the rules, so it is possible they have been relaxed since then. I will check this when back in Thailand.
  13. I also have a sim in my wife's name, since I was not allowed to have one in my name, unless I had a work permit. Has that changed now? If not, I cannot register for mobile banking, which I was considering doing.
  14. I met my wife (to be) there 21 years ago, so I have fond memories of ICQ. It was a real revelation at first and almost addictive for a while, I chatted with over 250 Thai ladies, met up with around 10 in 3D, and finally ended up marrying the last one after her 9 year long probation period 😎. And still going strong today!
  15. Well then you are obviously doing something I am not. Good on you!
  16. FWIT, I am not part of any "brigade", just reporting my experiences. And for me, the pink card/yellow book has never been accepted at the land transport department for car or driving licence stuff (Pattaya). Yellow book is OK for immigration, but not banks or other institutions I have tried using it. So for me still useful, but no, not life changing. YMMW.
  17. Yeah, I have kept it "for a rainy day", and also anticipating the need for health insurance on a retirement extension. It will come, sooner or later. But if the price gets silly as I age, I might go to self insure fairly soon.
  18. We got the same advice both from a Thai and foreign lawyer. Much cleaner and more easy to execute
  19. FWIW: My Pacific Cross policy increased by 40% as I turned 67
  20. I am not disputing that, but perhaps sometimes the same thing can be both cause and effect? This is from Cleveland clinic, see the last sentence:
  21. Stomach acid protects against this and other bacteria, so keep the carbs low and try to avoid antacids for reflux, which seems to more often than not be caused by low acid, not too high.
  22. Thanks to all for contributing, and I conclude that size does matter after all! 🙂
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