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Everything posted by MeaMaximaCulpa

  1. I have usually changed my car battery at Honda, but they don't keep stock anymore, now even Bangkok store was out of stock. My impression of the battery shops I see scattered around Pattaya is: Small, dirty, poor parking, "hole-in-the-wall feeling. I could be biased, but I would like to find a nice, big shop with plenty of choice and easy parking. Anyone?
  2. I think you have a double negative there... ("absence" and "no")
  3. Be careful of what you wish for... Wasn't groundhog day something that turned into a real bother as the days went by?
  4. You don't have to believe me
  5. I have never ever been asked for boarding pass coming back into Thailand. Exiting, yes.
  6. Thanks, I will add this to my list of questions
  7. I have twice tried the appointment system at Jomtien, but even with a confirmed appointment, the staff just brushed it off. Is it in actual use now?
  8. That is very possible, but they now have the full capabilities to see everything. If they will in fact use it to get us "small fry" or not only time will tell.
  9. I am sure BNH is a good hospital, but I am only in BKK about one week every month, and BNH is quite out of the way. So I will start with Sheryl's doctor recommendation at BRR hospital. So I hope we both find what we're looking for!
  10. Yeah in that case even I would make the same choice. I am really glad it works for you, and even after so long.
  11. Thanks to all of you, I will study and check out your recommendations. I did actually try a chiro in Pattaya many years ago, he was Canadian I think, and worked out of the Old Nipa/Napa Lodge Hotel on the right side of Central Road, after 2nd raod, going towards the beach. Not sure if he is still there, but i wasn't convinced he was much good.
  12. Yes, first thing I asked her to do. Did the suction, but she said not much there. Would have been first price!
  13. I am actually Norwegian, so that was interesting! Another thing to add to my list! My wife also works with a Dane that used to work for a Danish hearing aid company, I will meet him later as well.
  14. Thanks, sorry to hear that, but you're coping at least. Thankfully I don't have any problems sleeping, and the tinnitus, even if quite load at times, does not bother me too much. And in normal conversation and life in general the hearing loss is manageable without any aids. I totally hear you on anti biotics, I avoid as much as I can. But I also would be very careful with sleeping pills, and luckily (so far) I don't need them.
  15. Yes, you're unfortunately and probably right. My biggest problem isn't today, it is the fear of continued rapid hearing loss. But I will do all I possibly can to at least slow it down or stop it, if not outright reverse it. Perhaps a stem cell injection?
  16. Thanks, well I think eventually a hearing aid will be required, but so far I am living OK with the problem. Even the tinnitus isn't "on" all the time, and it doesn't stop me from sleeping well. My biggest concern is not now, but the possible continued loss of hearing going forward.
  17. I think (and hope) that is yet far away, but as you say, perhaps a last resort. Don't really want to think about that now...
  18. Ear wax xas my first hope, but doctor said there was hardly any. Would have been first price...
  19. Thanks, she is added to my list op options!
  20. As both Sheryl and I mentioned, fixing the hearing problem might downstream fix the tinnitus as well. Other than that, I haven't so far seen any cure for tinnitus except some anecdotes with very limited success and lasting effects. But I will report back if I do get some good results.
  21. Thanks Sheryl, I will get in line for the good doctor, it will be a good starting point!
  22. Thanks, I will look into those as part of my search!
  23. Well thank you, hope you're coping OK with it! And btw, I have the same situation in both ears, so that will rule out some possibilities I guess.
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