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Posts posted by stumonster

  1. I run WRT54GLs with tomato and openwrt and they are great

    but , if you get a GL , it does not have a ADSL modem built in , you need to use your existing modem and connect its ethernet ( RJ45 ) port to the WAN port of the WRT54GL.

    I use the 54GL to control the ADSL PPPoE connection and run the modem in half bridge mode, but you could just leave the WAN port on DHCP and just use it as a wifi access point and router.

  2. Urge all to report any type of immigration or refugee fraud. Although it may not be too fashionable to talk about civic duty, it is important to realize that immigration fraud affects everyone in Thailand. It is the responsibility of all to report people who are in Thailand illegally, who are taking a job that legal Thais might need, who are violating other immigration laws, etc.

    is a work permit required before you become a grass ?

  3. been waiting 10+ years for some one to come out with a car stereo with built in wifi and storage.

    Dont most the high end brands have bluetooth and real IPOD handling (meaning not an ipod and a cable but an IPOD you can put elsewhere and browse through the head unit) ??

    I thought stuff like this was common on alpine and quality brands. I know I got in my mates BMW and the car handshook with his phone and displayed the media and caller ID of callers on the screen and took the calls through the car soundsystem and mic.

    bluetooth is good for the personal area network capability - but I would like to park the car in the carport and have it associate with the home wifi network allowing me to just add or subtract music from the car storage.

  4. just to clarify - the TOT techs modem worked with your computers network port ?

    and even with onboard ethernet I would expect their to be the 2 LEDS ( orange for power and green for activity ) - on the mainboard I looked at just then there was.

    can you do a start --> run --> cmd

    then at the prompt ping

    this is a loopback test and you should get a reply for all 4 packets.

  5. start with having a look on the port on your PC where you plug in the ethernet cable - should be an orange LED to indicate power and a green LED to indicate activity - it lights and flashes on connectivity and activity.

    if you have power ( orange ) but no green then we should look at your config

  6. Goldman Sachs attempts to shut down a website that is extremely critical of the company - and the streisand effect takes over :o

    these b^wanke_rs think they are spethial


    It looks like Goldman Sachs is not happy with this website I created to post information about Goldman Sachs. I received the letter below from their attorney today, and my Intellectual will publish the truth. Feel free to visit the blog and leave your comments. You may also submit posts through the blog or our blog email address

    Property attorney will be responding accordingly. It's only been up about a week, and there is not much on there yet, but I invite everyone to submit articles and posts to the website relevant to Goldman Sachs. All posts will be reviewed, but unless they are clearly false or malicious, we

    Needless to say, we will most likely fight this one in court with Goldman Sachs and now we will expedite adding relevant content to this website. We have followed all of the legal requirements to own and maintain the website under the address we have selected. If you have any media contact you want to forward this to, be my guest. It's just another example of how a bully like Goldman Sachs tries to throw their weight around and this is a clear violation of our Constitutional Rights.

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