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Posts posted by stumonster

  1. just looking for a good slimline powersupply now

    this lot is less than 5k baht

    ASUS "M3N-H/HDMI" nVidia GeForce 8300 Chipset Mainboard for AMD Socket AM3/AM2+/AM2 Retail 2680 Baht


    AMD Athlon 64 LE-1620 2.4GHz 2000MHz HT 1MB L2 Cache Socket AM2 CPU Retail 1395 Baht


    Kingmax TinyBGA Series 2GB DDR2-800 PC2-6400 240 Pin RAM Retail 650 Baht


    bah - motherboard " SOLD OUT " - next :o

  2. snap the centre pins out and then use the appropriate sized flat head screwdriver to remove the screws.

    thought I might add - a pair of mini side cutters can be used to "crack" the screws if they are not countersunk - just grip the outside of them vertically and twist

  3. E5200, a cheap mATX ASRock 945GCM-S mobo, 160GB Harddrive and 1GB RAM can be had for under 6,000 and will all run quite nicely. Just don't get an el cheapo power supply.

    ok - the size of them is the biggest drawcard

    I want something to load geexbox onto and use as a media player to the television. I know Asus had some cheap mobos with HDMI output and I was thinking a sata to CF adapter to run geexbox on and keep all the media on the NAS - no CD/DVD player required either.

    when will we sight a Nvidia Ion machine :o

  4. instead of a new topic I thought I would just post in this thread as those who are interested in alternative firmwares are likely to read it

    a worm has been found that infects open firmware routers - estimated 80K routers around the world were compromised

    We have come across a botnet worm spreading around called "psyb0t". It is notable because, according to my knowledge, it:

    * is the first botnet worm to target routers and DSL modems

    * contains shellcode for many mipsel devices

    * is not targeting PCs or servers

    * uses multiple strategies for exploitation, including bruteforce username and password combinations

    * harvests usernames and passwords through deep packet inspection

    * can scan for exploitable phpMyAdmin and MySQL servers


    it has infected by bruteforcing ssh , telnet and webadmin on routers that have ports for these open to the outside world.

    a good way to learn about setting up a VPN is with Tomato_openVPN_ GUI and openVPN client on your computer - easyrsa comes with the open VPN install and configuration of your server and clients is not very complicated.

  5. was unaware that Apple's EULA

    I didn't think EULA's counted if you torrented the software :o

    you can also try many of these other operating systems by booting and running from a liveCD or USB stick - very easy to do - download the image , burn to cd and boot from cd

    check out pendrivelinux.com.

    another option available because of the powerful desktop hardware most people have is to emulate another set of computer hardware with your current operating system and install the operating system you want to trial/use - a GUI manager for the qmeu emulator here http://www.davereyn.co.uk/

    you can become familiar with the power of many different operating systems without leaving the comfort of your windows desktop :D - it will just be another window , except it will have a computer in it.

  6. if you are saying to use google, than by my OP it should be pretty clear that i have exhausted that option.

    I was actually saying to just ping a site and to see if it maybe program related - though it might be best just to ping your gateway to start with.

    so other things to try

    turn off encryption at both ends.

    uninstall card - remove card - boot - shutdown - fit card - install drivers

    try a LAN cable ( you might have a corrupted tcp/ip stack )

  7. How about if Isaan voters were given by parties representing the urban intelligensia various pretty things for their vote - not cash- but beads, shiny metal buttons, hand mirrors, inexpensive necklaces, silk ribbons, strong liquor, ...and for village headmen, guns with the secret of 'man's red fire'

    Would that consititute buying their vote - as its not cash.

    with discount cards for Siam Paragon and Posiden and some special whitening cream they might well be able to maintain a majority.

  8. ??

    so now they have 2 mobile phone sim cards - probably Thai - so how hard is it for them to have the phone companies monitor calls to these numbers , use cell phone tower triangulation to get a pretty close approximation of the caller and then find the fcuker.

    even in cases where the bomb actually exploded - it should be a simple task to see what phone stopped working in the bomb area, see what number was used to call it etc.

    this seems to be basic ineptitude on the part of the security forces - their job is to put pressure on these people exploding bombs until they make mistakes or decide it is all too hard.

  9. I use the Linksys wireless router with a fixed IP address and the enter ( ADSL modem) as gateway in the Linksys setup. So you don't need to change settings on the ADSL modem.

    the 54 GL will just become a wireless AP - plug the Zyxel to the 54GL LAN and turn off the DHCP server on the 54GL if you are running a DHCP server on the Zyxel and are using dynamic IPs.

    the beauty of the 54GLs and other routers that accept aftermarket firmwares is their ability to become very powerful devices that you can then use/control your network with.

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