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Posts posted by stumonster

  1. HTML 5 should address the issues involved with multi OS browser delivery of streaming video.

    apart from the annoyances - slow page rendering as the browser retrieves a bloated flash ad from some server in lower antarctica , cpu thrashing to decode the epileptic artistry of marketing droids - it is utilized attack vector for drive by malware.

  2. (with a very low page rank according to alexa)

    I don't know anyone who has installed the alexa malware toolbar on purpose and therefore do not extend them any real credibility

    do you rank bangkokpundit above the hongkong standard ?

    [*] Stumonster' quoted HvT:" it's amusing how his (Sri Johns) fan boys come for support."

    - Reply: always a pleasure, you are welcome.

    no logical sense
  3. would consider granting amnesty to banned politicians

    The right term to me should be "to give justice back to them". If I'm not wrong, no country has such a law that if my brother is guilty, he, my sisters and I will not be allowed to stay in our house for 5 years and the whole house is burnt down.

    In a civilized country, if my brother is guilty, he is the only one going to jail.

    I wish the law will say that if a party member does wrong or if the party has fault which can lead to party disolve, all party members are banned from politics forever.

    if the proceeds of criminal activity are used in the purchase and maintenance of your analogous house and relatives , why shouldn't they also face the consequences?

    I am still undecided as to if you are a construct - your photobucket album only containing shill material makes me wonder.

    Don't expect to see Bangkok Post and Nation as free sites for much longer. The media can't afford to give it away for free anymore.

    they could always design a better "buggy whip" :) - some interesting reading on the matter is in links below



  4. I have the same modem - though I don't use it to manage the ADSL connection.

    go to

    as your internet connection works you should not have to change your ATM settings , but it should look similar to this


    LAN config page - this is where the IP address of your modem is set


    DHCP mode page - this is setting the modem as a DHCP server , so any computer connected to the network with its network cofig set to auto will ask for an IP address and will be given one from the DHCP server between the numbers and - the DHCP server will also give it the gateway address which is the modem.


    connect a cable from the modem ethernet port to the 8 port switch and connect a cable from each computer network port to the 8 port switch.

    now we need to check that your computers are set to auto config of their network cards.

    go start-->settings---> network connections , right click and select open

    this will bring up a window with all your network connections

    highlight local areaa connection , right click and select properties

    go down until you see internet protocol TCP/IP

    highlight and select properties


    then set obtain an IP address automatically and DNS servers automatically


    then save etc

    see how that sorts you and let us know if you have any more questions

  5. Signal strength is only a part of the equation.

    because of the way the wifi protocol works , the more wifi devices on a channel ( including phones , baby minders , av extenders , leaky microwave ovens , bluetooth devices ) will effect your throughput.

    a recent study in Britain showed it was mainly non-wifi devices not playing nice in the spectrum that caused the most problems.

    there are a few things you can do with aftermarket firmwares on routers , like increasing your beacon rate ( decreasing interval ) to stop 2.4 GHz phone that freq hop from using your channel - short preamble - utilising frame burst

  6. it can be as simple as changing to channel 13

    FCC allows channels 1 to 11

    ETSI ( europe , singapore , australia ) allows channels 1-13

    japan channels 1-14

    most wifi units are on channel 6 by default , some will be ch 1 and some ch 11

    also you may have to change your laptops location so windows will aloow the extra channels - if it is location set to an FCC it will only allow ch 1-11

    look on your laptop wireless utility where it does an access point scan - note the channels other APs are on and change ours to a little used channel 2 numbers away from a much used channel.

    else start experimenting with the home made ones



    fun and learning :)

  7. does any one operate one of the machines at home for the neighborhood

    what do they cost to purchase ?

    what sort of running costs are involved ?

    how many litres need to go through them to recoup investment etc ?

    I go to a local one with a couple of 5 litre bottles for water for my coffee machine , but was wondering if it is worth it just to put one at the front of the house in the moobarn.

    my local one has been out of action for the last week , which has made me think of this question.

    I have also notice more and more Thais using the machine.

    anyone with experience on operating these types of machines - with correct filter replacement and servicing costs etc - I would appreciate any input

  8. has anyone found a place to purchase reasonably priced , quality 120mm fans ?

    I run 2 on every desktop in the house and a couple more on the rack that houses the switch, nas , modem etc and I seem to have to replace them regularly as they seize up through dust mainly.

    I would like some fans that will last with just a squirt of spray lube every 3 months.

  9. Please keep in mind that you'll need for each camera 2 ports to forward.

    not always - I have been configuring IPcams that stream video and run the webserver on port 80 ( or what ever you config it to )

    the one I have in my carport also has a java client so I can connect to it from the phone and pan/tilt.

    And most still have rather poor, often Chinese made, CCD chips in them.

    many are assembled in china from sony ccd's and video compression and SoC chips from Taiwan.

    for a PAN/TILT , 1/3" sony CCD , webserver running on an arm chip , mpeg4 class 2 video compression, PoE and wifi also available - they will cost 120-150 USD in China.

    getting it here without being stung by customs would be the tricky bit.

    Crushdepth - how did your setting up of your openVPN server go ? need any help just ask

  10. I pay for TRUE 1024/512

    for the last week or so I have noticed that the connection negotiated by my modem is 2048 down and the upload varies between 64 and 448 - it used to be 1024/512

    I tried with a different modem and got the same results which made me think it was a misconfigured or malfunctioning DSLAM.

    speedtest always indicates a 1024 downlink , but the uplink is all over the place.

    I throttle my torrents to 950 normally , but I might try tonight giving it unlimited and see what speed it gets

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