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Posts posted by stumonster

  1. The QNAP also allows you to record streams from remote IP cameras out on the internet somewhere

    does not support all IPcams - major western brands mainly.

    when you bought up the subject of NAS' before I mentioned FreeNAS - http://www.freenas.org/

    FreeNAS is a free NAS (Network-Attached Storage) server, supporting: CIFS (samba), FTP, NFS, AFP, RSYNC, iSCSI protocols, S.M.A.R.T., local user authentication, Software RAID (0,1,5) with a Full WEB configuration interface.

    FreeNAS takes less than 32MB for version's up to 0.686.x and 32+ MB from version 0.69

    Can be installed on Compact Flash, USB key, USB key or just run as LiveCD saving the configuration file on floppy or USB key .

    The minimal FreeBSD distribution, Web interface, PHP scripts and documentation are based on M0n0wall.

    you only need monitor , KB and mouse for install - manage by GUI later

    get a mobo with 8 sata ports and onboard video, GigE - celeron processor and ram and stack it all with the hard drives you desire in a well ventilated case , boot the ISO cd.

    you will end up with a much more powerful NAS than you can buy off the shelf for 1/2 to a 1/3 of the price.


  2. Well excuse the heck out of me. There is no need to be so rude.

    if you turn your dell laptop over you should have listed on the base the unit the "wireless" modules in your machine - wifi , bluetooth and ???

    your unit could also be using a pcexpress card slotted into the side of your laptop which is an aftermarket add in.

    another hint might be to tell us what provider and plan you had used it with before - this will also tell us a little about the module you have and if the module is carrier locked.

    "wireless internet" is a phrase without much meaning on its own and if people are not prepared to put at least a little effort into solving their own problems , I am not going to put any effort into helping them

  3. Asus EEE Box a desktop netbook about as big as a paperback. It will even fit on the back of a LCD screen.

    a Nvidia Ion machine is close (april 10th )- designed to decode and playback 1080p


    Just as a comment, I recently upgraded to TOT Diamond Cyber service which offers a claimed 4,000 kbps download speed for 790 baht a month. I'm getting 2,900 down/400 up for Thainet sites and 1,000 down, 300 up for internet sites. (Which seems quite reasonable...)


    do you traffic shape - it will ensure all users get useful internet ?

  4. Time for the current government to resign and call elections. :o

    do you think the govt you desire would manage this time to achieve its main aim - to change the constitution and pardon all its convicted criminal brethren ? perfect economic climate for the primates to play in.

    Now let the people have their say. time to call elections.

    are you saying that the parliamentarians were not elected ?

  5. -that he has seen to many Hollywood movies in which secret bank accounts play a role.
    the young Oz-boy has still to discover that some Pattaya oldies have in the pinky finger of their left hand more accumulated knowledge about banking, banking regulations, offshore corporations and investment that he will ever possess in his whole life. that discovery is optional and of course (given the displayed stubbornes to acquire knowledge) very doubtful :o

    well , naam , call the young boy out ? gain some credibility

    Contact Details

    * Telephone (07) 373REMOVETHISTEXT REMOVETHISTEXT56756

    * Griffith Extension 56756

    * Facsimile (07) 373REMOVETHISTEXT REMOVETHISTEXT57737

    * Mobile -

    * Griffith Location Business 2 (N72) -1.04

    * Postal Address Centre for Governance and Public Policy, Nathan campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan, QLD 4111, Australia

    * Campus Address Nathan campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan, QLD, 4111

    * Email Address j.sharman[at]griffith.edu.au

  6. are boosters available ? would something like this improve reception with cloud ?

    my cable is about 20 metres and it does not take much rain cloud for the signal to drop out - though with clear sky the receiver says the signal strength is >90

    this one lists at 15USD

    Channel Master's 3042 is a versatile, high-quality signal amplifier designed for indoor use.

    It's ideal for boosting weak antenna or cable TV signals.

    The 3042 can improve reception whether the problem is weak signal strength at your antenna,

    loss of signal quality due to a long cable run, or the use of signal-splitters between your antenna and TV.

    Unlike garden-variety boosters, the 3042 provides a return signal path for use with a cable modem. AC power supply included.


    * compatible with antenna and cable TV signals

    * amplifier gain: 13 dB

    * frequency range: 50-900 MHz

    * return path: 5-42 MHz (for cable modem applications)

    * noise: 3.5 dB

    * 75-ohm inpedance

    * 6-3/4"W x 3-3/4"H x 4-1/4"D

    * warranty: 30 days

    * requires AC power

    * RG-6 cable is recommended



  7. ok - grab yourself a copy of openvpn client from openvpn.org

    you will need it on your laptop anyway - but with it will be a copy of easyrsa - you will use it to generate keys and certs and the dh params

    the readme in the easyrsa folder should have a step by step guide

    as this is your first go at generating all the bits just follow the generic - you can get more creative as you get the hang of it all

    I just had a quick look at the readme and it is pretty straight forward - just follow it using the command line to execute commands

    when you edit your vars.bat you can change the set dir name if you intend to do several servers - you don't want them all in one dir called keys

    1024 bit keys is good enough for a beginner :o - thwart the NSA later

    all the stuff in the set country , city , org and email can be filled out with humor

    when you build-key server <machine name> what you use for <machine name> cannot be what you use when you build-key <machine name>

    eg. I would do something like build-key-server hello_server and build-key hello_client1 etc

    I will continue with the rambling as I think of stuff later :D - but definately have a read of that linksysinfo thread , some VPN gurus there :D

  8. start here for the firmware image http://www.linksysinfo.org/forums/showthread.php?t=59416

    you are going to have a problem running the 54GL as a openVPN server as you don't have a internet resolvable address to use - it can be gotten around by running another 54GL as server somewhere you do have outside control and access and then your home unit would run as a client and you would set client to client access. - the server 54GL could sit behind anything also , just forward port 1194 to the 54GL WAN - understandinng that anything connected to the wifi or LAN would have access to your VPN and if you connected in from the outside world you would have the latency ( and maybe bandwidth ) from the redirection.

    I thought your http://www.universalnetwork.com.au/su400.htm was a modem - does it connect via RJ45 or RJ11 . setting your WAN port on the 54GL to static might cause you problems if the DHCP server is run at their proxy - how was your PC getting an address when you direct connected ?

  9. something seems a bit weird

    maybe the apartment block is running its own DSLAM and then proxying the cable internet connection. Can you access the modem admin page at all - see what it says its external IP is and then put http://checkip.dyndns.org into a browser to see what the outside world thinks your external IP is.

    are you going to be upgrading the firmware on the 54gl ?

    I would still plug the modem to the WAN and set the WAN to DHCP and let it get a 192.168.1.x address

    then put the LAN in the 10.x.x.x range.

    I know you will be interested in running your own VPN server on the 54gl :o so it is a good idea to get your LAN range into the 10.x.x.x area so you will not have issues later when you are sitting at a wifi hotspot that is handing out 192.168.1.x addresses and your VPN server is also handing out 192.168.1.x - your routing table will be going &lt;deleted&gt; ?

    any 54gl questions , happy to help.

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