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Everything posted by amexpat

  1. For future extension what about the combination method. Monthly income plus bank acct = 800k / yr.
  2. Does CM IMM allow the combination income/bank account method now? Some years gone by, they didn't. Search engine no help on this one.
  3. Looking for a good language school for intermediate speaker. Maybe those in Pantip Plaza? No visa mills, please. I have that covered - just need to brush up and advance my Thai. Thanks much.
  4. Please share the articles in scientific journals that support your claims. Also, where can I get Weed Weekly?
  5. Yes it leads to insanity, rape, and murder as covered in "Reefer Madness" in 1936. It's all been debunked since then, except for people of a certain mindset.
  6. OMG someone still thinks of cannabis as a narcotic? In the 21st century? You couldn't make it up.
  7. He keeps repeating this line. I think he wants to get out of the hole he dug but doesn't know how.
  8. What's available? Your experiences with ease of use, please. It seems it's time to get with the program. Thanks.
  9. Me too. Also in Vietnam.
  10. Dental4U Warut Muttaruk, DDS http://www.chiangmaidental4you.com/images/dentist_warut.jpg Education Doctor of Dental Surgery, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, (D.D.S.) 2003 1 Year Master Program in Implant Dentistry, 2007 University of California Los Angeles, School of Dentistry (USA)
  11. Thanks much Jack and Joe. Very helpful. And quick!
  12. Seeking Current info on applying for O visa based on retirement while in TH. Excuse me please if the answers are scattered over the site but I can't find them. Embassy info seems dated and I can't find the application form for this. When do I apply? And what is required? Arriving Chiang Mai visa exempt. US passport, over 50, 800K in Thai bank. Thanks all.
  13. I just now found the travel forum. Maybe better there.
  14. Arriving from Vietnam with visa etc all set. Easier, better to go thru BKK or DMK?
  15. Maybe the question pertains to the 'rise'. The length from the crotch to the waist. It's usually too short for falang wear. Like a cheap hotel - no ballroom.
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