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Everything posted by amexpat

  1. Four of my friends in Chiang Mai have/had covid as of last week.
  2. I'm seeing people, mostly women, with the white scarring that remains after tattoo removal. Look for many more as their judgement matures.
  3. Same day implants - can be done right after the extraction. I was skeptical but new studies say they reliable as any. google
  4. Vietnam has good dentists doing implants for 29-32,000 baht. Keep in mind you have to have the post installed, then go back in a week to remove stitches then go back in about 3 months to finish.
  5. http://www.chiangmaidental4you.com/dentist.html I've had several with Doc Warut. All excellent.
  6. hatred, bigotry and poison are best addressed and countered by more free speech. Contrast with "freedom of religion" which is often taken to mean freedom to impose one's religious code on others.
  7. I gained two stone in three fortnights. Can barely run a furlong now so I'll just have another pint.
  8. Long before this came about it irked me when people say "we're pregnant". Sure we are but only one of us could walk away at any time while the other goes through various levels of hell.
  9. I've smoked regularly for 50 years. Back in the day the creative and best programmers - I was one ???? - enjoyed weed.
  10. Not exactly. I haven't been to Phil but many other countries. I've only been pickpocketed by kids in Mexico. Here in Songkran out on the streets packed like sardines but no problem.
  11. I'm sure you are 5'10" tall, have green eyes, enjoy snooker and cabbage. I just know. Don't ask me how.
  12. Since you need six it could be worth a few visits to Vietnam. Good quality dentists charge USD 800-900. I've had a few in Thailand for $1400 up. Both cases are all-in including the crown.
  13. For future extension what about the combination method. Monthly income plus bank acct = 800k / yr.
  14. Does CM IMM allow the combination income/bank account method now? Some years gone by, they didn't. Search engine no help on this one.
  15. Looking for a good language school for intermediate speaker. Maybe those in Pantip Plaza? No visa mills, please. I have that covered - just need to brush up and advance my Thai. Thanks much.
  16. Please share the articles in scientific journals that support your claims. Also, where can I get Weed Weekly?
  17. Yes it leads to insanity, rape, and murder as covered in "Reefer Madness" in 1936. It's all been debunked since then, except for people of a certain mindset.
  18. OMG someone still thinks of cannabis as a narcotic? In the 21st century? You couldn't make it up.
  19. What's available? Your experiences with ease of use, please. It seems it's time to get with the program. Thanks.
  20. Me too. Also in Vietnam.
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